Keith Burton's photos
Awaiting Surgery
On a whim I bought a pineapple this morning whilst doing our weekly shop. It seemed only fair to take a photo of it before hacking it up..!!
Slipper Mill Pond, Emsworth
The Slipper Mill and Pond was opened in the 1870s and ceased working in 1936. The mill store has been converted into houses (which you can see in the PiP) and the mill pond is now surrounded by houses and a busy main road.
The pond is a haven for all sort of birds other wild life.
This was taken this morning and as you can see it was fairly sunny, but still cold. After the photos, hot chocolate and chocolate fudge cake was consumed :-)))
This was captured in 16:9 format and so is probably best viewed large!
A Wet and Muddy Horse
Captured this morning in a field adjacent to the Mill Pond at Langstone Harbour, Hampshire. Best viewed large!
My first outing with a camera for about a week. It was very windy and freezing cold, but good to get out in the fresh air..!!
If you have time, please check out the image in the PiP. Thanks.
Bosham Bird Life
I think the gull is waiting for a tow!
Taken in the harbour at Bosham, West Sussex.
Thank you to everyone who asked after my health........I'm feeling much better today but I've failed to convince my wife that "man flu" is much more serious than normal flu :-)))
Ceramic Beads
I've been stuck indoors with a bad case of "man-flu" and so I haven't taken any photos for a while. Almost better now though!
Today I decided to have a play with my macro lens and photograph these lovely ceramic beads my wife found for me. Photographed in natural light on top of a sheet of dark coloured vinyl. I think this shows them at about 3 x life size.
Southsea Street Art
Some more Southsea Street Art..........this one plus 2 x PiPs, all by the same artist (Claudia La Bianca) who is a Sicilian-American artist and filmmaker known for her vibrant large-scale murals in Miami.
These were painted during a street art festival back in September last year.
Low Tide at Bosham Harbour
Still Life with Kiwi Fruit
Winter Light & Dappled Shadows
Forest Finds
Taken during a walk in Stansted Forest just over a week ago. A leaf and two empty shells from a Sweet Chestnut tree hanging from a branch.
Maritime Themed Ring
I bought this sterling silver ring in a street market in Chichester, West Sussex, because it reminds me of my time in the Royal Navy. It's quite intricate and heavy and so I thought it make a good macro subject.
Some more views in the PiPs if you have time. Thanks for looking!
All Aboard..!!
Spotted in Bosham Harbour, West Sussex.
I think the gull at the front is saying "does anyone know how to start this thing?"
Better viewed large.........thanks for looking and have a good week everyone!
Southsea Street Art
I haven't posted any street art photos for a while so I dragged these off my hard drive.
The top image was taken in June 2024 when the outline of the work was being roughed out. The bottom image, which is the finished product was taken next time I was down that way, in August 2024.
The artist is Midge (@ this is midge).
I have family visiting at the moment so I won't be able to do any commenting until tomorrow. I'll catch up then!
The View Over the Fence
Taken over the back garden fence from my bedroom window, shortly after sunrise. Taking the shot from upstairs means I can avoid getting the car park in the shot!
It's quite unusual to get a shot like this anywhere near sunrise because the sun rises in the front of the house.
Still Life in (mostly) Pink!
I got rumbled this week. I bought some roses for my wife and gave them to her saying "I love you" and the first thing she said was "you're doing another still-life photo aren't you? She knows me too well :-))) was an LED panel, the background was a piece of card with a texture added in post production. The tiny pink beads are cake decorations and finally I found the already textured bottle in a charity shop.
Branching Out
Forest Walk
The sun came out for a few hours this afternoon for the first time in many days, so I was able to get out about.
This is Stansted Forest which is about a 20 drive from my house. I managed to get an hours walk before the sun disappeared behind the thick clouds again. I was lovely while it lasted though and I managed a few photos.