Keith Burton's photos
Natural Absracts
Taken amongst the rocks in Prinsted Bay, West Sussex.
A PiP in each box of the collage will get you a close up shot, if you're interested.
Taken using an Olympus E-M10 MkIII with a 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 lens (set in macro mode).
Prinsted Bay, West Sussex
Langstone Harbour.......the Wade Way
Just to the right of where I'm standing (and out of shot) is the Hayling Island road bridge. The post in the shingle you can see here, marks the start of what used to be the only way of crossing (without a boat) between Langstone Harbour and Hayling island. It was called the wade way and it is now impassible. It is thought to be around 3000 years old.
More in the link if you're interested:
The Last Gazenia
The last surviving flower on the Gazenia plant in our front garden has finally given up the fight to survive in the cold winds and frost. I'm amazed it lasted as long as it did.
However, I took it indoors to photograph it.........and now it lives on, not for eternity.........but on Ipernity..!!
Catkins in the Winter Sunshine
Taken on a piece of waste ground near to where I live. These are the catkins of a Common Hazel tree.
The catkins are the male flowers........if you view large you will see a couple of tiny red flowers, which are the females.
The male flowers carry the pollen, which is used to fertilise the female flowers, which then produce the seeds.
Screwdriver Heads and Hex Keys
Taken indoors. The lighting is from an LED panel. These are from my tool drawer and are very lightly used as I'm rubbish at DIY :-))
The Anchor Bleu
A pub in Bosham, West Sussex, which overlooks the harbour. Not many people around when we visited, but it does most of its business when it's warm and sunny. Taken at the beginning of December last year.
Better viewed large if you have time!
A shot in the PiP taken over the wall.
Still Life with Garlic cloves.
Taken indoors in natural light.
Please check out an alternative image in the PiP.
Thanks for looking and have a good week ahead..!!
Sweet Factory
On South Parade Pier, Southsea, Hampshire.
Luckily for my waistline it was closed for the winter :-)))
Signpost Wisdom
I spotted this sign leaning against this wall, in Bosham, West Sussex. I have no idea who put it there, but I think it has an important message!
Trails in the Sky (+PiP)
Taken from the road outside my house. We're not far from Southampton airport, which is where I assume the 'planes come from.
I found some rather tatty looking swan feathers yesterday and decided to take them home to make a photograph. The backlighting was an LED panel and I changed the colour in post-processing.
Best viewed large for detail. Thanks for looking.
South Parade Pier, Southsea, Hampshire
Taken just before midday today. The pier is pretty much closed down for the season, with only the amusement arcade still open as far as I could see. It does look lovely in the sunshine though.......but with the wind chill, temperatures were below zero. least it wasn't raining or snowing (yet).......and it was nice to get out for some fresh air. I could have done with wearing another layer under the three I already had on :-))
Taken in 16:9 format, so probably best viewed large!
Vibernum Flowerhead
I spotted this in a neighbours garden and it was close enough to the garden wall for me to get a macro shot of it.
Better viewed large, I think. Thanks for looking :-)
Objet Trouvé
I spotted this whilst I was walking around Bosham in West Sussex and I thought it would make a nice photo.
I couldn't think of a title for the photo originally, but in a reply to one of my comments on a photo he posted, John Fitzgerald described the subject as an objet trouvé, and when I looked up what he meant, I had my title.
Thanks John :-))
The Royal Oak Pub (+PiP)
Langstone Mill Pond
It was wonderful in the sunshine at Langstone Harbour this morning, when my wife and I went to feed the birds and get some fresh air............although it was absolutely freezing and most of the birds were hiding in the reed beds. The bit of the pond that wasn't in the sun, was frozen over!
After a brisk walk, we treated ourselves to some hot chocolate to warm up, before driving home!
A Window into the Woods. (+PiPs)
Taken in my local country park about a week before Xmas. I think this sculpture was made mainly with a chainsaw!
This is only a small part of it. Please check out the PiPs for more views.
Thanks for looking!