Keith Burton's photos
A Riot of Colour
The first day of 2025 has been wet and miserable, so I thought I'd dig out my macro lens and a ball of wool I've been saving, and produce something bright and colourful.
I hope I've been successful. Thanks for looking..!!
Pub Signs
I thought I'd make my last post of the year a bit on the funny side!
I spotted these signs in Emsworth, Hampshire this afternoon. The one on the left was in front of the pub and the one on the right was in the alleyway at the side of the same pub :-)))
Have a lovely evening everyone, whatever you're doing to see the old year out and the new one in!
I wish you and your loved one a very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful 2025..!!
The Old Mill, Langstone Harbour
Yet another shot of one of my favourite places to walk and take photos, so some of you may well recognise this beautiful old mill. Taken back at the end of August, during a lovely mid-morning walk which coincided with low tide, enabling me to get this wider view.
Best viewed large, I think. Thanks for looking.
It's always good to keep your bottom clean ;-)
Boat cleaning at the boatyard in Bosham, West Sussex.
See the PiP for another view!
Thanks for looking and have a good week!
Bare Trees and Fallen Leaves
A view along one of the walking paths in our local country park. Taken on a gloomy day before Christmas.
Common Gorse
Picked (very carefully) from my daughter's garden and taken home to photograph indoors.
I love how nature makes symmetry even in a prickly plant like this one!
I hope everyone had a lovely holiday (even if you don't celebrate Christmas).
I think I've caught up with everyone after my short break.......if not, I will do soon........I hope :-)
Merry Xmas
I shall be taking a break from Ipernity...........until after Boxing Day.
I would like to send all of you my heartfelt wishes for a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy yourselves and stay safe.
Back in a few days..!!
The Last Grape
These grapes are well past their "eat by" date, but I thought I'd make a quick photo of them before they went into the compost bin. I nearly missed one and it had to jump to catch up with it's friends :-)))
A Silhouetted Menagerie
Taken indoors, using an LED light panel as a background. The "menagerie" is made from wooden figures I found in a craft shop.
Oak Tree (+PiP)
Yesterday afternoon I was surprised with a little bit of unexpected sunshine, so I took the opportunity to dash to my local country park, camera in hand.
By the time I had got there, the sun had gone, but the light wasn't too bad. I managed an hours walk before the rain started and I had to retreat to the car!
Please check out the PiP if you have time. Thanks for looking and have a nice day. I wish you all a good weekend.
A quick collage of a blackbird I spotted in Havant town cemetery this morning!
Dewdrops on Spider's Webs
Feeding Frenzy..!!
She of you may know that we feed the birds in our garden daily. The pigeons are always particularly hungry.......................
It's not a very good quality video.........but you get the idea :-)))
Red Berries
Not sure what kind of red berries these are, I picked them from a tree on a patch of council-owned land in our road and took them home to make a photo.
I used a green card as background and the lighting is from an LED panel. I added a texture to the background in post processing.
I wish you all a good week ahead..!!
Edit 16/12/24.........thanks to Mireille and some follow up research, I now know that these are berries from a Sacred Bamboo tree (nandina domestica).
Patterns in Nature
A tree fern, growing against a brick wall in the Bishop's Palace Gardens, Chichester, West Sussex.
Bosham Harbour (+PiP)
Another couple of views looking across Bosham Harbour towards the houses.
This was captured in 16:9 format, so better viewed large if you have time. The second image is in the PiP.
Thanks for looking :-)