Keith Burton's photos
Exmouth Weather
Taken on our first full day in Devon........and the weather stayed pretty much the same for the whole time we were there.........only one day of rain and it remained mild, but the sun didn't really appear much at all. Nevertheless it was a lovely few days away with my family and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
I'll catch up with you all over the next few days. I doubt I'll have time to comment on all the photos I've missed, but I'll at least leave a yellow star.
Happy Hallowe'en..!!
I wasn't going to post anything today, but as it's Hallowe'en I thought I put this image up before I leave for my break in Exmouth.
I took this through the window of a jewellery workshop in Chichester, West Sussex, where it seemed that this skeleton was taking over one of the work stations.
Ivy (+PiPS)
A trio of Ivy images (see the PiPs for the other two). All captured in the Sir George Staunton Country Park.
I won't be around for about a week. I have lots of stuff to do tomorrow (Wed) and then we're off to Exmouth for a family get together.
I may post and/or comment if I have time, otherwise I'll catch up with you all on my return. Enjoy the rest of your week and take care :-)
A Fallen Leaf
Fungi (+PiP)
I found these lovely fungi at the base of a tree in Sir George Staunton Country Park during a walk last week.
They are called Shaggy Scalycap (Pholiota squarrosa).
Check out the PiP for another batch from the other side of the tree.
This is the chain and heavy duty padlock on the main gates of St Faith's Cemetery in Havant, my home town. The cemetery is locked up at dusk.
I'm never sure whether the security is to stop people going into the cemetery after dark, or whether is it to stop the "residents" of the cemetery from getting out..!!
Family Outing
A family of Swans on the lake in Sir George Staunton Country Park.
Best viewed large if you have time. Thanks for looking!
Autumn Impressions 2
All of these were taken yesterday morning during a walk in Sir George Staunton Country Park except the one in the top right hand corner, which was taken this afternoon in Emsworth Town Centre.
Staunton Country Park (+PiP)
Wonderful sunshine and some lovely autumn colours in my local country park today...............but the sunshine turned to rain just after lunchtime and stayed wet the rest of the day. I did get some nice photos though, so it wasn't a complete wash-out.
This is part of the footpath that circles the park and in the PiP is a shot of some more of the trees.
Golden Samphire
Spotted on the mudflats in Hayling Island.
The young shoots, leaves and flower buds of the Golden Samphire are edible and are often used in salads. Throughout Europe, it used to be pickled or cooked, most often used as a relish.
Dying Lillies (+Pip)
Yesterday afternoon found me out hunting for dying flowers to take photos of. I found these in a neighbour's garden and she kindly allowed me to pick them (although I suspect she thought I might be a bit crazy)!
I wanted to enhance the look of decay and so I used a dark green piece of of card as a background and added a grungy texture.
There is another image in the PiP if you have time to look.
I wish you all a good week ahead........thanks for looking!
Lady of Letters
I found this delightful little pottery figurine in a charity shop yesterday and liked it so much I bought it to photograph. It's only about 10cm high and embossed with hundreds of random letters. I've added a black background and white cardboard frame.
I'm going to give it to my granddaughter who is an avid reader of books (real ones, not digital).
I hope you all have a lovely Sunday.
Autumn Impressions
It's early days yet..........but the signs of autumn are becoming more and more obvious each day. Here are a few I've noticed.
Garden Spider (+PiP)
After moaning about not finding any spiders in the garden this year, I eventually found one yesterday. It was a bit windy for macro photography, but after a few tries I eventually got a couple of shots I was happy with.
The other shot is in the PiP.
I think this is best viewed large, but I understand that some of might not think so :-))
Dead Heads
Sunflower (+PiPs)
As Autumn keeps on coming, I thought I'd post a reminder of the summer that has now passed.
Two more images in the PiP if you have the time to look :-))
Little Egrets in Flight
Taken over the course of a morning walk near the Mill Pond, Langstone Harbour, Hampshire.
I only had my 40-150mm zoom lens with me, so these are all cropped, but they turned out better than I expected.