Keith Burton's photos
That feeling of being watched............
I'm beginning to regret eating a few of these Maltesers, I think they suspect me of something.................
Well, we seem to have missed the worst of Storm Bert. Where I live we've had high winds and rain, but no snow and it is also quite mild. I think tomorrow will be the same. Other places were not so lucky!
Wherever you are and whatever the weather, I hope you manage to enjoy the rest of your weekend.
A View Across the Lake
In Sir George Staunton Country Park, Havant, Hampshire. Taken a month ago when only a few trees were showing any autumn colours.
Best viewed large if you have time. Thanks for looking.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. We're on standby for Storm Bert which is due to arrive soon :-(
Emsworth Harbour (+PiP)
A couple of images taken in Emsworth Harbour yesterday afternoon (which was a rare sunny day). This spot is a short walk along the coast from the town centre.
The other image is in the PiP. Thanks for looking.
Autumn Colours
Just an Apple
From the tree in my garden...........photographed indoors.
Sometimes, less is more.
Changing before Falling
Honey Fungus (+PiP)
I found this huge batch on Honey Fungus on an old tree stump in Sir George Staunton Country Park, Hampshire.
I'm pretty sure I have the ID right..........but please let me know if you think otherwise.
The view of the other side of the stump is in the PiP.
The Starting Hut
Taken at Emsworth in Hampshire, on a rather gloomy day last month. In the foreground is the fresh water of the sailing club and on the other side of the wall is the salt water of the harbour. The hut is used by the local sailing club to start races etc.
Given the weather, black and white seemed the way to go. Better viewed large if you have time. Thanks for looking.
A Trio of Apples
I bought some apples in our local supermarket, but they weren't very tasty.......but I liked the colours and so before I put them out for the birds, I took a quick photo.
Taken indoors using an LED light and a piece of card as a background.
Have a lovely weekend everyone :-))
In the depths of the cellar...........
I was going to post this around about Halloween time, but I forgot. Better late than never.
This was taken through a dirty window of a cellar under a house in Chichester, West Sussex. Such a lovely looking couple :-))
Speckled Wood Butterfly (+PiP)
Taken in my garden last of the very few butterflies I've seen this year.
Another view of the same one in the PiP.
A cupful of Smarties!
My wife bought these Smarties a couple of weeks ago, thinking I might like to photograph them. They've been sitting in my props box just staring at me ever since, I eventually decided to make a simple still life image, just so that I could get on with eating them............and yes, I did share them :-))
Emsworth Harbour
Taken on a very cloudy, but warm day at the end of last month. Although it looks like this could be dusk, the photo was actually taken around midday!
The wall and promenade is the divide between the harbour and the mill pond, and is a popular walking route.
Better viewed large if you have time. Thanks for looking.
Dried Out (+PiP)
Some of the dried out grasses on a sand dune on the sea front in Exmouth, Devon.
There's a slightly different view in the PiP, if you have time to look.
War Memorial
Samudra, the Sea Serpent
Samudra the plastic-eating sea serpent is easily spotted on the seafront at Exmouth, Devon, and is feeling hungry!
Samudra particularly enjoys empty plastic bottles and single-use cups.
Her last few meals had recently been taken away by the council (which is why she is hungry again)!
Better viewed large I think. Thank you.
A similar means of recycling can be seen around Portsmouth:
Exmouth Beach
Despite the grey skies, the beach was still quite busy and this couple with the child and dog caught my eye...........and luckily the boat entered the frame with perfect timing.
Cropped to 16:9 format, so probably best viewed large. Thank you!
Dew Soaked Grass in Morning Light
I defocused this scene to bring out the bokeh. I really like it, but I suspect it may not be to everyone's taste.