Annalia S.

Annalia S. club

Posted: 30 Jan 2021

Taken: 18 Dec 2020

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1/250 f/5.3 15.5 mm ISO 80

Panasonic DMC-FX01

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mental health

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217 visits

the virus and mental health

the virus and mental health
I took this shot outside a side entrance to the assisted living facility for people with mental health issues inside San Salvi Park. With the chair oriented towards the sun, it is clearly a favorite lounging spot, now decorated with a painting on a square of white sheet. The colorful circles in the painting I thought represented the virus and the horse reminded me of "Marco Cavallo". Marco Cavallo was a papier mâché horse, a collective work representing the Basaglia movement, which back in the '70s strove for reform of mental health facilities in Italy. The movement eventually led to the permanent shut down of insane asylums and Marco Cavallo has remained, for people with mental health issues, a symbol of their rights to dignity and appropriate care. I wonder if the constraints of the pandemic inspired the painter or painters here to once again reflect on these issues.

Leo W, Ulrich John, cammino, Mavì and 29 other people have particularly liked this photo

38 comments - The latest ones
autofantasia club
An intriguing image Annalia and interesting to read about Marco Cavallo.

There's no doubt that many people who perhaps never had any previous difficulties with their mental health are now struggling somewhat in this pandemic. Thankfully, there is better help available than all those years ago, but in my own experience much more needs to be done as access to help is still very much a postcode lottery!
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to autofantasia club
Thank you, Autofantasia.
Unfortunately you are right on both counts, I believe. The virus takes advantage of our social nature to spread, so - until we can get around to vaccinate everybody - the only way to hinder it is to curtail social contact and everyone of us, but vulnerable people even more, is bound to suffer from the enforced, and prolonged, lack of interaction. An increase in mental health issues even in those who had not been suffering before is, I am afraid, an inevitable consequence. And I agree that much more needs to be done to improve access to help for those who do suffer from mental health problems, as well as to combat a resistant social stigma.
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Thank you for the interesting story Annalia.
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Thank you, Jaap. I can't help but think about the impact this situation must be having on the most vulnerable and this scene "spoke" to me.
4 years ago.
 José Manuel Polo
José Manuel Polo club
La silla y su sombra, impecables.
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to José Manuel Polo club
Muchas gracias, José. A mi también me gustó ese detalle de la escena. A pesar de qué no hay ninguna figura humana en la imagen, es fácil de imaginar a alguien sentado allí gozando de las ultimas rayas del sol.
4 years ago.
J.Garcia club
Wonderful texte and an intriguing image
Perfect to give visibility to this serious problem, an area still very careless, Annalia
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to J.Garcia club
Thank you, Judite. I had a discussion early on with Isabel concerning the "other victims" of the pandemic (she had a neighbour who committed suicide) that stayed with me. I think it's important we do not forget them. The price we are paying to this catastrophe is not just those who succumb to the virus or the economic impact, it's the damage to the fabric of our societies, to people's mental health, to children's right to learn and play, to neighbourliness and solidarity.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
The virus is having an impact on us all Annalia, even I struggle at times but somehow bring a sense of perspective to it.
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to HappySnapper
I ran out of reading material and decided to reread The Lord of the Rings, which I had read a long time ago. I found this dialogue between Gandalf, the wise wizard, and young Frodo, when the latter discovers that he suddenly finds himself right in the middle of a terrifying epochal struggle:

"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf,"and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

I could not help but find it applicable to these scary, unthinkable times we are living in. I think as photographers one thing we can do is try and help each other give voice through our images to the things we believe are important, even if it is just that the beauty of a flower can still move us or that we can share our adventures around the world through our photo archives or whatever else our images can do to help us sustain each other through this nightmare.

You, HappySnapper, were kind enough to visit my gallery and leave kind comments during the two months that Italians were in deep lockdown when the first wave hit us ahead of everyone else. Others did too and I credit Ipernity with helping me keep my sanity back then.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Un symbole de leur droit à la dignité ,comme vous dites et à des soins appropriés car toutes personnes malades mentales ont besoin d'une assistance et un suivi rigoureux.
Superbe ce dessin révélateur..!
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Malik Raoulda club
Merci, Malik. Mental health can be fragile, especially in the current situation. Anyone can find oneself in need of that help someday and you are right, as a society we must find a way to provide it.
4 years ago.
 Peter G
Peter G
So uplifting!
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Peter G
Thank you, Peter. I agree. Even though the topic is serious, this little corner with the chair turned towards the sun and the painting that tries to make sense of our common situation with this pandemic communicated a hopeful, uplifting feeling to me too.
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
davvero una bellissima luce

ed una domanda: cosè della nostra salute mentale? io sono francamente stanca......
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Annemarie club
Grazie, Annemarie. Penso che siamo tutti esausti, anche se personalmente mi sento tra i fortunati: nessuna delle persone a cui voglio bene si è ammalata, posso lavorare da casa, non ho perso il lavoro, ho spazi vitali adeguati alle mie necessità e ... svariati amici qui su Ipernity che sono dei bravi fotografi e mi fanno sognare, viaggiare, riflettere con le loro immagini. :)
Detto questo, spero che si sbrighino con questi vaccini perchè abbiamo tutti bisogno di ritrovare un pò di normalità. Coraggio, amica mia!
4 years ago.
Heide club
I am glad that many people and scientists see people as holistic beings.
Unfortunately, that wasn't always the case.
Cohesion is very important for all of us right now.

Very nicely shown with informative words about it, Annalia
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Heide club
Thank you, Heide, for your strong words. I agree that cohesion is the key. Together we can beat this thing and help those who are more fragile.
4 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
tiabunna club
An interesting image with excellent explanatory notes, Annalia. Apart from more immediate issues on mental health, I find it concerning to read increasingly of studies showing various long-term effects from the virus. Stay safe.
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to tiabunna club
Thank you, George. You are right. This is another aspect that seems to be emerging more and more: the virus itself seems to leave long term neurological consequences in some patients. As if it weren't wreaking enough havoc on our lives as it is ...
Tiny and invisible, but it is truly a terrifying enemy.
4 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Beautiful light and interesting reading Annalia, Lock downs and working from home appear to be causing an increase in mental health issues.
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Roger (Grisly) club
Thank you, Roger. Community is important for all of us and the forced distance will inevitably impact those who are more vulnerable. I hope the vaccines can be distributed quickly and restore some measure of normalcy.
4 years ago.
photosofghosts club
La sedia vuota ci parla di una assenza, di un vuoto esistenziale che il disegno in alto cerca di riempire. E' una emergenza sanitaria ed anche economica, ma indubbiamente anche sociale e ci colpisce perfino negli affetti familiari e relazionali in genere.
Un caro saluto
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to photosofghosts club
Grazie, Fabio, del tuo bellissimo commento. Ho letto altre volte i tuoi commenti sulle pagine di altri "Ipernauti" e li ho sempre trovati molto interessanti. Fanno capire che chi li ha scritti è uno che si prende il tempo di guardarla davvero un'immagine, non solo di studiarla, ma anche di "sentirla". La tensione dinamica che vedi tra la sedia vuota e il dipinto spiega bene quello che ho istintivamente voluto cogliere in questa scena ma che non avrei saputo descrivere così bene.
Davvero grazie della tua visita.
4 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Fred Fouarge club
Thank you, Fred. Very kind.
4 years ago.
 Rainer Blankermann
Rainer Blankermann
Tolle Aufnahme zum Thema Corona!
In dieser schwierigen Zeit haben sehr viele - meist einsame - Menschen Probleme mit ihrer Psyche.
Bleiben Sie gesund, Annalia!
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Rainer Blankermann
Thank you, Rainer. Have a nice evening!
4 years ago.
 Anton Cruz Carro
Anton Cruz Carro club
Todos tenemos tantas dudas con respecto a esta pandemia Annalia. La orientación de la silla hacia el sol podría aclararnos muchas cosas . Un saludo cordial, Anton.
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Anton Cruz Carro club
Gracias, Anton. A mi también me llamó la atención que la silla orientada hacia el sol nos habla de esperanza y de intentar gozar de lo que podemos gozar en lugar de lamentar lo que no podemos tener o hacer.
Buena tardes!
4 years ago.
©UdoSm club
A very impressive presentation...
4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to ©UdoSm club
Thank you, Udo. This scene made me think a lot.
4 years ago.
 Gabriella Siglinde
Gabriella Siglinde club
Carissima Annalia, quante belle cose ho trovato in questa tua intensa composizione! Il giallo pallido del muro ravvivato dalla luce del sole è accarezzato dall'ombra delicata dei rami di un albero assente, la striscia d'erba che verdeggia incurante della stagione, la pianticella abusiva che fa capolino dietro la sedia, sua compagna di solitudine; e poi la finestra, cieca, a cui il pittore ha affidato un prezioso ricordo. Ho provato una forte emozione, perché ho letto di speranza, e non c'è niente che possa emozionare più della speranza!
Grazie Annalia,grazie per tutte le belle parole che lasci nei commenti alle mie immagini, trovo in essi, sempre, una sintonia di pensiero che mi rende molto, molto felice.
Perdona, ti prego, i miei ritardi, fanno parte di me...purtroppo!
Un caro saluto e buon fine settimana

4 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Gabriella Siglinde club
Un super grazie della tua visita e dei bellissimi commenti che mi hai lasciato, Gabriella! Anche a me questa scena mi ha emozionato e, come a te, mi ha parlato anche di speranza, di semplicità, di saper godere di una sedia al sole e di cercare di dar voce alle proprie inquietudini attraverso l'arte. Ho visto una grande saggezza in questo angolo abitato da persone che spesso gli altri non comprendono o addirittura temono e che invece, magari proprio perchè hanno dovuto e devono fare i conti con i fantasmi della mente, hanno imparato a semplificare, a tirar fuori quel che ha bisogno di uscire e a godere della quiete come di un dono.
Assolutamente non preoccuparti dei ritardi. Anch'io sono alquanto discontinua nella frequentazione. Ma soprattutto anch'io percepisco una sensibilità nelle tue immagini a cui mi sento molto vicina. Mi fa molto piacere che il sentimento sia comune!
Buona serata e buon fine settimana.
4 years ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
un ottimo contributo a questa situazione cosi`difficile da gestire anche da parte di chi non ha problemi di salute mentale! siamo un po' tutti stanchi di stare in gabbia e dover rinunciare in gran parte alle abituali relazioni sociali .... ma finche' stiamo in salute non dobbiamo lamentarci......
4 years ago.
 Christel Ehretsmann
Christel Ehretsmann club
quite artistic though !
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
FarbFormFreude club
a great photographic pic, and also ideas worthwhile to remind
4 years ago.
cammino club
Interesting find and interesting informations!
4 years ago.

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