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Publication date / 2014 - 30 articles
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[FR] Quelques nouvelles de début d'année :)
- 24 Jan 2014 - 3 commentsBonjour à toutes et à tous Toute l'équipe ipernity vous présente ses meilleurs voeux pour la nouvelle année. Nous espérons que vous avez démarré 2014 en fanfare ! Voici quelques nouvelles rapides pour vous informer des projets sur lesquels nous
[EN] Some news for the New Year :)
- 24 Jan 2014 - 17 commentsHello all, The entire ipernity Team whishes you all the best for this new year. We hope you have started 2014 very cheerfully! Here is some quick news to let you know what is going on and the different types of projects that we are currently
[FR] A propos de la promotion des groupes
- 14 Feb 2014 - 4 commentsBonjour à toutes et à tous Un débat animé s'est installé depuis quelques semaines à propos de la promotion des groupes dans les commentaires postés sous les photos. Nous avons entendu les arguments des personnes pour et contre et nous avons décidé
[EN] About group promotions
- 14 Feb 2014 - 62 commentsHello all, A lively debate has been going on for a few weeks now concerning the group promotions in the comments under the photos. We have taken into account the arguments and suggestions of users that are for and against this and therefore we have
[FR] Suggestions de groupes : nouveautés
- 14 Mar 2014 - 7 commentsComme annoncé plus tôt, nous venons d'apporter quelques améliorations concernant les suggestions d'ajout de photos et de docs dans des groupes. L'objectif est d'apporter une meilleure visibilité aux suggestions de groupes, tout en donnant un meilleur
[EN] Group suggestions: what's new
- 14 Mar 2014 - 33 commentsAs announced earlier, we have just made some improvements concerning the suggestions to add photos and docs to groups. The point is to bring better visibility to group suggestions and at the same time give better control to (the owners of the content,
Feedback on the group news page / Votre retour sur la page actualité des groupes
- 20 Mar 2014 - 8 comments[EN] Hello all, A few months ago we made available a new group news page. You will find more information here We would like to get a second opinion so please feel free to tell us what you think. Looking forward to your feedback. Have a great
[FR] Nouveauté : les thèmes couleurs !
- 17 Apr 2014 - 21 commentsLes membres du Club ont désormais accès à une nouvelle possibilité : la personnalisation couleur de leurs pages, visibles par eux-mêmes et par leurs visiteurs. Passez la souris sur la bannière de votre page d'accueil, vous verrez apparaître un nouveau
[EN] New: Color schemes!
- 17 Apr 2014 - 58 commentsOur Club members have now access to this new great possibility: customizing the color scheme of their pages, for themselves and for their visitors. Drag your mouse onto your home page banner, you'll see a new "Color scheme" button ;)
[FR] Amélioration de la navigation : qu'en pensez-vous ?
- 23 Apr 2014 - 13 commentsNous venons d'apporter deux petites améliorations sur la page photo pour améliorer la navigation : affichage à la volée de flèches précédente / suivante sur les bords gauche et droit de la page ;lancement du diaporama sur fond noir lors d'un clic
[EN] Improving navigation: what do you think?
- 23 Apr 2014 - 53 commentsWe have just made a couple improvements on the photo page to ease navigation: display of arrows previous / next on the right and left edge of the page;starting up the light box view when clicking on the photo. Please note that we have added more
The iPad app is out! / L'application iPad est disponible !
- 28 Apr 2014 - 21 comments[EN] The iPad app is now available! Send up to 200 photos at a timeYour iPad stays available during the uploadYou can resize your photos and videos for a faster uploadAnd many more great options… Of course, there are also apps for iPhone and
Lightbox: bigger is better! // Vue sur fond noir : plus grand, c'est mieux !
- 30 Apr 2014 - 52 commentsPhoto credit: Landschaft im August - Landscape (cc) Marcel [EN] Try out our brand new lightbox with WIDER photos! You can launch the lightbox from individual photo pages by clicking on the photo, or from any page where this button appears: Of
[FR] Un oubli enfin réparé : le partage par email
- 13 May 2014 - 9 commentsTrès curieusement, il n'était jusque là pas possible de partager de contenu par email sur ipernity ^^ Voilà chose réparée ! Vous trouverez désormais sur les pages photos, albums, articles et docs un bouton de partage par email. Nous utilisons pour cela
[EN] Something we had forgotten which is finally fixed: sharing by email
- 13 May 2014 - 22 commentsCuriously enough it was previously not possible to share content by email on ipernity ^^ This is now fixed! You will now find on the photo, album, article and doc pages a button that will enable you to share by email. For this we use your own email
Enhancements: homepages, favorites...
- 11 Jun 2014 - 21 comments[EN] We have just finished bringing some improvements which you should like... Your home page - NEW GROUPS BLOC: this bloc is now displayed by default in the right hand side column of your home page. It shows your visitors the main
Folder albums: new bloc for your homepage
- 20 Jun 2014 - 18 comments[EN] A new bloc "Latest folder albums" is at your disposal to enhance your home page. This bloc displays the first folder displayed on your album page. By default it is the latest folder which you have created. Also this bloc does not
Refer your Flickr friends easily and earn gifts!
- 30 Jun 2014 - 22 comments[EN] A new module is at your disposal to easily invite your Flickr friends to discover and join ipernity. And as from now, by inviting your friends you will automatically become their referral and you will earn gifts! >> Try out the Flickr
Roadmap for the coming weeks...
- 03 Jul 2014 - 34 comments[EN] We'd like to share with you our roadmap for the coming weeks. This will enable you to have a better idea about what you can expect from ipernity soon. sharing private content outside ipernity (guestpasses) This project is
Searching for photos inside a group is finally possible!
- 08 Jul 2014 - 12 comments[EN] Hello all, Searching for photos inside a group is now finally possible. Don't ask us why it was not possible before because we have no reasons to give apart that we simply plain forgot! Actually you could previously search
New backup facility for your albums
- 24 Jul 2014 - 8 comments[EN] Good news: the well awaited feature that enables you to download to your computer the entire content of your albums is now finally available. >>Everything is explained in details in our help section<< There is no simple way to
New features for mobile apps: articles, translation facilities, home pages
- 05 Aug 2014 - 8 comments[EN] Some new features have been made for the mobile version of ipernity as well as the iPhone, iPad and Android apps. 1. Articles are now viewable! A new "Articles" section has been added on the home pages and on the side menu of the apps.
Favorites: new lightbox view and browsing facilities
- 12 Aug 2014 - 35 comments[EN] You can now browse favorite photos using the lightbox view or the previous / next buttons. Same facilities will be proposed soon for your news pages. [FR] Vous pouvez désormais parcourir les photos préférées sur fond noir ou en utilisant
[FR] Du nouveau pour vos pages d'actualités
- 11 Sep 2014 - 24 commentsBonjour à tous ! Voici quelques changements sur vos pages d'actualités qui devraient vous plaire... [1] Le bloc concernant les dernières photos ajoutées par vos contacts a été remanié: - images plus grandes, - plus de précision dans les
[EN] Your news pages: enhancements and browsing facilities...
- 11 Sep 2014 - 91 commentsHello all! Here are some changes on your news page you should appreciate... [1] The block concerning your contacts latest photos has been revamped: - bigger thumbnails - more accurate information - only 1 thumbnail by contact and by day is
Some adjustments in your news pages...
- 24 Sep 2014 - 22 comments[EN] Following your comments on our previous article, we have made some adjustments in your news pages: - no more square thumbnails, back to original ratios - on photo pages the "lightbox view" button is back and shows the current contact's photos
Any friends on Panoramio? It's time to invite them to join ipernity ;)
- 01 Oct 2014 - 25 commentsThe end is near for Panoramio, a Google photo site. If you know friends there, it's time to invite them to join ipernity! By inviting your friends through our invitation process or by giving them your referral code, you will automatically become their
Maintenance operations in progress: some temporary problems may occur
- 08 Oct 2014 - 50 comments[EN] Hello all! Some maintenance operations are in progress and may cause temporary problems such as blank/broken images or unavailability of our downloading service. Everything should be OK again within the next hours. We apologize in advance for this
We are moving to a new cloud
- 01 Dec 2014 - 45 comments[EN] Dear friends Just to let you know that we are currently moving our technical platform to a new and powerful cloud. This is an important step to make ipernity faster and more scalable. We could not wait anymore, so this project started on
The cloud migration has successfully completed
- 16 Dec 2014 - 102 commentsPhoto credit : CC Roger Feugas [EN] Good news! The migration of the ipernity platform has successfully completed. You are now browsing ipernity from a new powerful cloud which makes ipernity faster - as you may have noticed. We apologize again for
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