[EN] A new module is at your disposal to easily invite your Flickr friends to discover and join ipernity.
And as from now, by inviting your friends you will automatically become their referral and you will earn gifts!
>> Try out the Flickr invitation module right now!
>> Discover the referral program
[FR] Un nouveau module est à votre disposition pour inviter facilement vos amis Flickr à découvrir et rejoindre ipernity.
Et à partir de maintenant, en invitant vos amis, vous deviendrez automatiquement leur parrain et gagnerez des cadeaux !
>> Essayez le module d'invitation Flickr maintenant !
>> Découvrez notre programme de parrainage
Well, the video was above, not below. ;-)
Ahm, and another point - see Ticket #31033
*cheers* :o)
Team club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubNow, so many of the people I know have decided it's better a case of "the devil you know". Also, as the chap above has said, a great many of the people that did migrate last year have moved back taking with them a sense of dissatisfaction with ipernity that will be very, very hard to challenge.
However, the biggest problem/concern I have with this proposal is that I currently find it extremely difficult to keep up to date with the contacts I currently have due to the poor functionality on offer.
If I were able to persuade more people to move across, I fear it would only be to lose touch with them all over again because ipernity doesn't currently make it easy for people to keep up to date with what's happening with regards their contacts and their groups.
Don't get me wrong, I think ipernity has great potential and I love being here else I wouldn't have just let my Pro membership at flickr lapse, but it does have problems and whilst I wouldn't go back to flickr I may eventually look for another solution.
Have a look at the article I posted recently for a more detailed explanation of what I mean:
Sorry to ramble on, but I really feel there are issues here that need to be addressed and I can't help but feel a couple of them would be very, very easy to rectify.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to autofantasia clubIsisbridge club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubWe know that our notification system must be revamped. We know that plenty of parts of ipernity must be improved: searching, tags, groups, statistics and so on... We are only 3 engineers managing everything (web, mobile, apps, servers, storage...).
If we had more means, we could hire more developers to carry out our projects faster. It's a big honor for us to be compared to services led by big industries with thousands of employees, but keep in mind we are not Yoogle nor Gahoo! We are a small but human company which tries to do its very best to propose quality and independent services with a long-term view.
We have chosen not to be financed by advertising. You will surely appreciate that advertising is not displayed next to your photos. This choice is risky because we needs a large number of paying users to live.
Recommending to your friends is the best help you could give us if you appreciate to use a human and independent service like ipernity.
Isisbridge club has replied to Team clubI am placing ipernity links on my remaining flickr stuff.
Team club has replied to Isisbridge clubFizgig has replied to Team clubA nice feature to drum up business for the site, but I think you guys really need to concentrate on getting some of these broken or inadequate features working before you can expect to see a mass influx of Flickr users. The main feature that is broken which really irks me -- and has done so since I came to the site -- is the fact that new uploads by contacts aren't showing up properly. This makes it very difficult to keep connected with those contacts you'd like us to bring here.... So, please, for the love of all that's holy.... FIX this darn feature.... Yes, the little bells and whistles are nice, but some of these more important features should really start to garner more of your attention -- especially since there are so few of you doing the work. The site has to be functional for folks before being pretty....
We also need a bit less rigid dealings regarding groups from you guys. Flickr users are used to the community aspect of the site... They can't hope to have that here because of the rigid control you guys hold over group management.
So, to sum up, while a nice feature..... The site still needs a lot of work behind the scenes before you can hope to attract Flickr users in any significant numbers --- especially after that fiasco about groups, spam, images in comments, and seen in comments which you allowed to get way out of hand to where Flickr refugees actually ended up going back to the site (and posting some comments about this site which painted it in a rather negative light).
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Team clubAnother point which I´m thinking about from time to time: Have you ever think about community-working - not about to build up a community, more like working at the code? Yes, of course, there´s an API and in this case you have to release the code to the public, and have to review the submitted if it should be inserted to the live - version, but what´s about if everyone can submit snipplets of possible improvements at the existent code of ipernity? Often I´m thinking about how great it would be if there was this and that, which would be possible to code in a few minutes (as I said, just small snipplets), but I won´t write for every piece a ticket and ask if you could implment this and that - because mostly it wouldn´t be this high priority in your eyes (and yes, there are some more important tasks which have to be done with priority)- but if it would be possible to code these small improvements by yourself, as possible suggestions to you (which you may include in your version if you like it). Of course if this will be done ipernity hae toset acode-license, so nobody can just host his own ipernity at his own server (but can view the whole code so own suggestions fit to it), and I´m not a license-guy, but there should be a fitting one for such tasks...?
Just my thought about these "We are just a small company"... your thought, too? You are, of course, but with many members who might love this site - and some of them may be able to do some small part by helping if they have some boringness between their own codings, like me (now, just yet). I don´t want to see my own code today anymore, I´m done with it. ;o) How refreshment it could be to do something other... for another project.
Team club has replied to Stormlizard clubStormlizard club has replied to Team clubI came her from Multiply com that became a trading site. Many friend followed me, some are still here, some left and returned later.
A lot has happened since then. I will remain.
also when you are not an admin it is extremely hard to tell the new topics, conversations and pictures in groups.. Paul also mentions that in his blog.
and one last thing, I am grateful NOT to have my stream opened to Google search and such! That makes it less easy to re-use MY stuff, without my permission.
Otherwise I am very happy here sine we stormed over last May. Thanks ipernity for 3 people you do a wonderful job.
doing their very best to solve issues promptly and efficiently as they do in just about
all situations. The issue brought up above about past issues is really not an issue
as it was resolved and quite clearly explained but everyone puts their own interpretation
on things. Groups are still up and running and are active .. so thank you ipernity.
Extra views and hits and whatever you wish to call them ... this depends upon the
individual and what they want out of a photographic site ... flickr had become a place
that seemed to be dead set on "hits" and "popularity following rather than what I
thought it was all about ... photography ... sharing and enjoying each others images
and if anyone wishes to join a group ... ok ... but first and foremost I think ipernity
has it right .. its for photo sharing and enjoyment ... again, thank you impernity for
keeping it like this ... and free from adverts ... ! thank YOU.
The new feature I will most certainly look at ... have already referred many contacts
to here and they have come and joined ... active ...? some are some are not .. it
takes time to shift the mindset of what we had a flickr to what you have on offer
here ... always personal choice ... personally ... I love ipernity ;-) oOo
Shuttering Yukon has replied to Lightmancer clubSign-in to write a comment.