Chrissy's photos


11 Jan 2015 50 30 1132
For my Sunday-Challenge No5 "Tools of the Trade" ... absolutely no camera, camera bits and accessories... Show us what you do, did, used or wanted to do in the way of a 'job'! This is the tool I use constantly. Despite all the technological progress a piece of chalk and a blackboard is still best suited to explain something. When I see your great photos of your tools now, I think my picture is pretty boring ... :-D


10 Jan 2015 20 8 833
What the flood left behind. One more rainy stormy day.


09 Jan 2015 44 20 877
I have no idea what it is, but I drive past it every day.


08 Jan 2015 22 16 879
Star Sand Again rain. Therefore, I have laid fossil foraminifera under the binocular today. Here is more Information (source: ) Iriomote Island is a small island in Okinawa , Japan where beach-goers are normally seen crouched over, examining the sand rather than swimming in the waters. This is because most beaches on Iriomote Island–as well as some neighboring islands in southern Japan–contain “hoshizuna” or star-shaped sand. The local legends states that star sand was made of the tiny skeletons of the offspring of the Southern Cross and the North Star, who were killed by a giant serpent right after being born in the ocean. But according to science, these beautiful particles are the exoskeletons of millions of foraminifera–marine protozoans–that are believed to be fossil evidence dating back 550 million years ago, one of the oldest fossils known to man. The best time to find some is just after a typhoon, when the sand stars are stirred up beneath the ocean floor and washed up on the shore in enormous numbers. If you look closely enough, you might even find some that are still alive!


07 Jan 2015 65 20 1487
Back to work. I have already noticed today how difficult it is to work all day and still make a photo of the day. I had an appointment in the city and had shot an uninteresting photo from the parking garage roof. At home I have edited the depths and here is the picture of the day: Towers of Bonn. (I'm sure goblins and elves live there.)


06 Jan 2015 46 18 986
This is a tree that I wanted to photograph a long time ago. Unfortunately, you can´t get close and you have that look only from a heavy traffic road. So I had to stop, take pictures out of the car and then drive away quickly. It is also the image for the theme week "lonely tree" of the 10-week photography project "Trees". Tomorrow, the holidays are over, so I probably will not have as much time to comment on your pictures, but I try and distribute at least stars.


05 Jan 2015 43 12 828
Today I visited the Harry Potter exhibition with my godson. Here you can see one shelf of Snapes lab. This is all you need for potions (My favorite subject ... I´d love to teach it :-D )


04 Jan 2015 75 25 988
Today the sun finally appears and you can go out for the photo of the day. I can not help it, I love the macro world...


03 Jan 2015 37 19 725
A lot of work today ... That's what you get if you ignore the correction stack. Solution of the yesterdays quiz: Bubble-wrap Congratulations, you've guessed it!


02 Jan 2015 20 14 1112
The outside world today is drab, gray, rainy and dull. So here is the first macro quiz. What's this? I'm sure you've already recognized it.


01 Jan 2015 69 23 1033
I found my first picture of the day early in the morning in front of my friends house. Hope you had a good start into 2015! Happy new year!

One more day ...

24 Dec 2014 39 12 818
On Christmas Eve I always do a little tour with my mum while my father cooks the food. This time we visited the largest loop of the Rhine river in Boppard, which is only a few miles away from my hometown. From this place you can paraglide, if you want to. I'm not sure if I would do it. On the left side you can see the famous "Bopparder Hamm" a large vineyard, in which there is a big wine festival in the summer. Only one more day until my big 365-day- photo project begins. I'm already pretty excited and wondering if I'll stick it out well ...

Sunday Challenge No3

26 Dec 2014 39 24 800
Christmas is for me ... ... coming home an playing Scrabble with Mum (P.S.: Its a mobile phone picture. I am always amazed at how good they are...)

Château Miranda

07 Dec 2014 55 16 1329
Built in 1866. Abandoned since 1991.

Sunday-Challenge No2

20 Dec 2014 32 21 988
My second Sunday Challenge. The task was to show one's Christmas. I worked up a second ago and had no opportunity for preparations. But yesterday I was in town at the Christmas market. It was so full that I ran a little through the emptier streets. On the way to my brother, I came upon this beautiful mansion, whose inhabitants had already put up a Christmas tree. I wanted to capture the beautiful cool facade with warm flat inside. I especially like the window images someone (a child?) has tinkered. Unfortunately, I never get it out to photograph architecture, it is always wrong somehow. I will continue to practice next year ... I wish you a Merry Christmas! Meine zweite Sunday-Challenge. Die Aufgabe war, das eigene Weihnachten zu zeigen. Ich habe bis vor einer Sekunde gearbeitet und keinerlei Gelegenheit für Vorbereitungen gehabt. Gestern aber war ich in der Stadt auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt. Der war so voll und unweihnachtlich, dass ich ein wenig durch die leereren Straßen gelaufen bin. Auf dem Weg zu meinem Bruder kam ich an diesem hübschen Haus vorbei, deren Bewohner schon einen Christbaum aufgestellt hatten. Ich wollte die schöne kühle Fassade mit der warmen Wohnung innen festhalten. Besonders mag ich die Fensterbilder, die jemand (ein Kind?) liebevoll gebastelt hat. Leider bekomme ich es nie hin, Architektur gerade zu fotografieren und auch mit Bearbeitung wird es immer irgendwie schief. Das werde ich nächstes Jahr weiter üben ... Ich wünsche euch frohe Festtage!

Sunday-Challenge No1

14 Dec 2014 41 28 1140
Wow, that was really a challenge. My first Sunday Challenge and then such a task. At first I had no idea and I have not found the cable from my Wacom. I have added to the image that we should edit ( some of my snow crystal photographs from the last few years. More creativity was not present for today, because I still have to work and get visitors. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Color Wheel Project Week 10: # White

15 Jul 2011 56 23 1124
This was taken for putting pictures of our lab stuff on the lockers ;-)

Color Wheel Project Week 9: # Black

23 Feb 2009 33 14 1049
another old analogue picture. it is fun to find them again

2022 items in total