Chrissy's photos
The last day in the snow. Tomorrow twelve hours bus ride home.
Bye bye my lovely snow crystals!
Today was the first fracture. A small finger. Gypsum plaster, no more skiing for the boy.
Yesterday there was no snow. Today it is snowing the whole day, but so beautiful snow crystals are the exception. I was lucky.
We arrived at the ski resort, the kids are on the slopes. Since two kids are sick, I stay in the house and dance around my beloved snow crystals. We have internet but I can not say if I can post every day. Maybe yes, maybe no.
For the Sunday Challenge:
"Pick 3 of something, whatever subject you want
3 buttons
3 glasses
3 banana's
3 people
3 snowmen etc.
they can be matching or not... it doesn't matter, as long as the item is the same.
Now the challenge bit is to have your picture focused on only 1 of your items and do some magic you have learned here, b&w, s/c, manual focus, that sort of thing.
So it's like a twofer this week ~ twofer: two for the price of 1"
I took 3 volumetric flasks and filled them with colored water.
I used the manual focus and (of course) the selective coloring.
I know, it is friday, but I will be without internet for one week, because I go skiing with 130 twelve year olds so I´m able to upload my picture today.
For my 365 day project I will take pictures every day and post them, when I´m back.
Let´s go into the snow ...
A poem that my grandfather taught me:
Gefroren hat es heuer
Noch gar kein festes Eis.
Das Büblein steht am Weiher
Und spricht so zu sich leis:
Ich will es einmal wagen,
Das Eis, es muß doch tragen,
Wer weiß?
Friedrich Wilhelm Güll
Can anyone translate it into good English?
I tried the google translator as Borfel proposed:
This year it has frozen
Still no solid ice.
The little boy stands on the pond
And speaking softly to himself:
I will venture once,
The ice, it must sustain,
Who knows?
Friedrich Wilhelm Güll
The resolution of yesterday's macro quiz: It is melting snow on the front shield of my car illuminated by a street lamp (It was still dark when I left the house).
Today: A bud of a hazel.
Macro quiz number two. Did any of you have any idea what that might be? (Resolution tomorrow)
Do you know that? Today was one of those days when you knew already early in the morning, that it will be stressful. All the day caring about the other peoples problems and ... yourself somehow fallen by the wayside.
The theme of the tree project is "tree without leaves". That suits well, because here is no tree with leaves, because it is winter. So I could stop on the way home and photograph any tree on the roadside. However, the picture was so boring that I have a bit of messing around with effects.
Sunday Challenge No6
A subject that I wanted to photograph a long time. (Article) A toadstool. When I found this beautiful specimen, I had only the mobile phone camera with me and when I came back with the SLR, the fungus was no more so nice.
Normally I edit the photos for selective color with Photoshop, but since I had the photo already on the phone, I am using the app "Color Effects".
Original is in the Box.
As I have just created the album , I noticed how often I've worked with selective color. I would not have thought of that!
In the palm house of the botanical garden lives a family of water dragons. They are very patient when photographers come.
1/12. This is a small project in the project. I have decided to photograph each month once the view from my balcony. This is January, the way it is here in the Rhineland. Gray and dreary. I am curious if a series of interest will come out in the end.