Chrissy's photos

2 - Two - Zwei

14 Mar 2014 56 15 1314
taken with the tiny sony cybershot

1 - One - Eins

07 Jul 2014 60 24 1618
I am pleased with the start of our new project. A small yellow snail is first. If you want to join, sign up at Janet . We would be pleased.

Z is for Zombie Zone

07 Jul 2014 83 25 1919
My cousin found this charming villa during our stay in Belgium. He told me about it and I wanted to see it, to shoot a few photos. It was a deserted place, but you had the feeling that still lurked around any souls. I've posted some photos more because it was just too impressive. So I close the alphabet project.

Villa "La vigie" I

Villa "La vigie" II

Villa "La vigie" III

Villa "La vigie" IV

theme of the week 14.-20. July: airships and ballo…

10 Feb 2008 48 14 1231
One day this beauty was flying past my window.

Y is for youngsters

11 Jun 2014 42 8 1255
No story. Only a picture.

X is for X Doritaenopsis

12 Jul 2014 42 17 1299
I got this orchid from my colleagues for my birthday some years ago. Now it blooms for the umpteenth time. When I was looking for an image for x, I saw on the internet a close-up of this orchid. Be seen was the little bird and I wondered if one of my orchids also such a little bird had to guess. And so it was. I was happy like a little kid and made photos myself. Then I researched the name of this orchid. It was a hybrid between Phalaenopsis "Golden Amboin" and Doritis "Taisuco Candystripe". In summary, these hybrids also called x Doritaenopsis. They belong to the Moth Orchids because their flowers look like the wings of moths. I wait to the bloom of my other orchids for checking for more surprises.

W is for Wüstung Wollseifen

29 Jun 2014 91 28 3609
Wollseifen is a deserted village (in German: Wüstung) in the Eifel region. After the Second World War, the British forces had cleared the village to build a military training area, which in 1950 was handed over to the Belgians. From the former village only the church and the school building has been preserved. The buildings on the right in the picture were built for military exercises. Today Wollseifen is situated in the Eifel National Park and is once again open to visitors. some thoughts about this: -The processing in HDR shows hopefully how surreal it was to be there on a sunny saturday afternoon. - I´m sorry to Paradise who wanted to visit Wollseifen with me, but stays in the USA now (It HAS to be my picture for W...) - I like the nesting box in the upper window on the first building

V ist for Volkswagen

18 Feb 2012 64 18 2505
This is a scanned photo from my Brazil vacation in 2004. In the triangle (Brazil-Argentina-Paraguay) near the Iquazu waterfalls we made a one day trip to Paraguay. It was so shockingly unlike the tidy Brazil. Today, I sure would make the screen layout differently. Nevertheless, I like the photo. Have a great week, friends!


05 Jun 2014 91 24 1737
a short sign of life from the desk full of work

U is for underwater

06 Oct 2005 46 18 1300
For a long time I could not find a suitable image for U. Then Janet gave the idea: Underwater. I remembered a field trip from the University to the South of France. The topic was marine biology and we should snorkel for sea animals. I had a Canon IXUS at that time and my friend Michael (Paradise) had an underwater housing for it, which he lent me. This photo shows a fellow student. Friends, you feel so free in the water. When I see this picture, I would like to have an underwater housing for my camera and go to the sea soon...

T is for toxic

14 Feb 2005 40 14 1051
This photo was taken in one of my last lab courses in university. The aim was to identify unknown white powder. This was of course the most part harmless substances such as sugar, soda or similar. Since these substances, however, were unknown, they had to get all hazardous material stickers. They were then lined up in front of us students for to go to work. I have selected the image for T because I had a lot of fun in my studies and because it fits to the topic of the group "theme of the week": "Alignment". With Picasa I have reversed the tones, because in my opinion the jars so look even more toxic.

with bike

01 Apr 2014 51 15 1424
for the theme of the week taken in the botanical garden

That's Irish :-D

23 Jul 2007 32 18 1264
One more in the Box! Wish You A Happy Weekend!

S is for sssssssnake

16 May 2014 65 18 1503
One weekend I was so lazy that I had to persuade myself to go out. A stroke of luck because I found this grass snake directly in a small bush by the wayside, which passes on a lake. I looked at her, she looked back. I crept up and the snake was watching me on. I could take some pictures before she decided to dive into the water. I've never seen such a large grass snake in the wild. This one was certainly one meter long. I was so pleased and thought about how old it may be already and that you would have to protect these animals a lot better.

2021 items in total