Chrissy's photos

☘☘Happy St. Patricks Day!☘☘

17 Jul 2007 14 4 1066
Seen in the Guinness Store House in Dublin.

C is for conspicuous Chrissy

15 Jul 2009 41 21 1709
In the South Korean subway.

B is for Birds

03 Feb 2008 81 33 2500
I found this Pigeons on an electric line up above the Champs-Élysées in Paris.

A is for acid

05 Feb 2011 69 19 1524
The incredible Janet is back. She invited me to do the new A-Z-Project with her and here I am with a big A for acid.

Hmmm ...

12 Sep 2006 15 14 1375
Cliffs of Moher

longing to Ireland

10 Sep 2005 42 19 1368
This is one of these days I wish to sit in my irish friends kitchen having a mug of hot tea and feeling only peace. What you can see in the picture is my friends kitchen-window and the cat called Mulle. The capture is not high-quality, but I love the atmosphere and it helps me to calm down :-) Wish you all a good start into the new week! L♥ve Chrissy


13 Nov 2013 112 33 2493
Reflections on a flooded area on my way to work.


18 Feb 2014 59 22 1535
My first try with the focus stacking. They look a bit crazy, don´t they? Like funny little creatures.

cross polarization 2

16 Feb 2014 20 6 1031
How to do that? Look here:

Just Bee.

20 Mar 2011 38 13 1162
Waiting for springtime ... ... still waiting.

sit down and relax !

15 Feb 2014 39 14 1378
If you wonder how the big tree is grown in such an unusual way you have to know that it is a very old one. Since the Middle Ages the forest was used to give firewood to the people. In march they cut the branches of the trees two meters above the ground and let them grow again. (The two meters were important because of the cattles and sheep who would eat the fresh green twigs if they can get them.) The german word for this trees is "Kopfbuche" and means Headed Beech because of the thick bark. I love to walk through this forest with its fairytale like trees. In the place you can see here one minute after I took this picture a grandma and a grandpa with their grandchildren came along. Grandma and grandpa hide out behind the big tree and played with the kids. That made me smile. One thing that I saw only on the computer was the little heart in the bark of the other tree. I´m not sure you can see it in small ipernity version. Have a good week my friends and find some space to relax!


14 Feb 2014 34 11 985
Ist das nicht einer der schönsten Baumpilze, die ihr je gesehen habt? Ich konnte mich von dem Motiv gar nicht losreißen. Allerdings waren die Fotos nicht so schön, wie ich sie mir erhofft hatte, daher habe ich ein wenig herumgebastelt und den Hintergrund weichgezeichnet. Als das immer noch zu unruhig wirkte, habe ich außerdem die Farbe herausgenommen. Zum Pilz: Wikipedia sagt: Der Schmetteringsporling oder auch die Schmetterlings-Tramete ist kein Speisepilz und gilt als ungenießbar. Sie kann durch Befall von gelagertem oder verbautem Holz, wie Stützbalken in Bergwerken oder Holzbalken von Eisenbahnschienen, schädlich werden. Sie gilt als Heilpilz in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin und wird manchmal in der Floristik für Schmuckzwecke genutzt. Früher wurde die Tramete auch als Schmuck in Form von Broschen oder Schnallen verwendet. Beispielsweise in Paris wurde er für einige Zeit gern an Hüte gesteckt.


14 Feb 2014 30 10 963
I went through the woods today and found this beautiful leaf on a tree trunk. When I went on, I found more. (picture in connection)

Isn´t nature a big artist?

Do not give up!

13 Mar 2013 83 26 1529
I am in a exceptionally good mood today. Although today is not a special day. Therefore, two "do not give up pictures". Everything will be fine. Look at the other Chrissy´s picture here: :o)

cold-blooded buddies

06 Feb 2014 20 7 1016
these two guys live in a pond in the amazonas-house in the botanical garden

first Club picture

02 Feb 2014 32 10 1122
I´m a member now. Let´s check out what´s going on.

2020 items in total