Chrissy's photos
first Club picture
4 pictures today from a walk through the woods.
Hope you like them.
Have a nice weekend!
wooden star
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Whats going on? What brings the day? I´m sure this guy on the front wall of Cologne Cathedral sees much every day.
(Sorry for the bad pov and image construction. It was a snap shot and I was young and ignorant ... I just like the picture and it is the right one for today - my friend waits for her baby :D )
Irish traffic
Window Wasp
Do not be sad when you're different. You are just…
Das futuristisch anmutende Gebäude im Hintergrund ist - nein, keine Fabrik und auch kein riesiges Raumschiff - das Uniklinikum Aachen.
This is not a factory or a big spaceship. It is the hospital of Aachen. One of the biggest hospital buildings in Europe.
"Die Mosel im Feuerzauber"
Fireworks on the last day of the ten-day-long wine-festival in Winningen. Cheers.
Warum ist es am Rhein so schön?
Vielleicht weil er manchmal pink ist?
Sonnenaufgang über dem Siebengebirge. Ganz rechts ist der Drachenfels zu sehen.
Why it is so beautiful on the river Rhine?
Perhaps because it is pink sometimes?
This picture was taken in the new built lightbox.
How to do that? Look here:
Heisterbach Abbey
Heisterbach Abbey
The famous basilica of Heisterbach was (...) being built during the period of transition from the Romanesque round arch to the Gothic pointed arch, its style of architecture was a combination of the Romanesque and the Gothic.
Abbey ruins Heisterbach, which had large possessions and drew revenues from many neighbouring towns, remained one of the most flourishing Cistercian monasteries until its suppression in 1803. The library and the archives were given to the city of Düsseldorf; the monastery and the church were sold and torn down in 1809, and only the apse with the ruins of the choir remains.
Heisterbach Abbey
Wird einer früh vom Tod betroffen,
heißt´s gleich, der hat sich tot gesoffen.
Ist´s einer von den guten Alten,heißt´s gleich:
Den hat der Wein erhalten.
(Verf. unbekannt)
Schloss Falkenlust
"Falkenlust, a small summer residence and huntinglodge, was built (...) in a relatively short time (1729–37). It is one of the most intimate and exquisite creations of the German rococo era."
I want to sit and read in the room with the chandelier :-)