Chrissy's photos
Today I´m in the mood for colorful pictures.
Therefore, I have picked out some flowers for you.
This one is taken in Dublin/Ireland. I walked alone around Dublin Castle and found this beauty. A woman spoke to me, that she likes as I improve my pictures. (I have picked away some weed in front of the flower). I just smiled and was glad of the attention. I'm usually rather invisible (...) but that day I found it nice to be addressed.
In connection are three more pictures:
One for Pink Kat :o), a white and a yellow flower
I dedicate this picture to you, Pink Kat, because I thought of you when I saw it.
Happy New Year 。◕‿◕。
old apple
Maybe you remember my "frosty apple" picture
( Yesterday I visited the tree again and it is still there. It was much warmer and the sun was shining.
I have two more pictures for you today: Three colorful blackberry leafs and some mushrooms.
Have a good start into 2014, my dear friends!
Blackberry leafs
Life on old wood
Poppelsdorfer Schloss
A day of rest.
A walk through my beloved Botanic Garden.
Three images:
1 The Castle Poppelsdorf
2 A small mushroom in the Rainforest House
3 The attempt of a drop photo
ein Männlein steht im Walde ...
*Merry Christmas everyone*
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas day without stress and hassle. Here is a little story that I like very much:
Kalte Füße sind lästig, besonders die eigenen. Wi…
Cold feet are annoying, especially your own. Wilhelm Busch
Where is the frost this year? It is much to warm.
The mulled wine at the Christmas market does not taste at these temperatures.
Finally holidays **** Yippieh
I hope very much that I finally have more time to take pictures now.
A wonderful weekend to all of you ♥
"Amüsiert euch lieber statt die Menschheit zu erlösen; das Leben muss noch vor dem Tode erledigt werden!" Erich Kästner
"Enjoy yourself rather than trying to save souls, Life must be lived before death." Erich Kästner
translated by Mrs. A. and philanker - thank you so much :o)
Playing around
Pearls II
Inspired by Janet ( here a few drops in a plastic bottle.