Ruesterstaude's favorite articles
What is a good photo?
© Bernhard Westrup ( Bergfex ) (collage with only own pictures) Three months ago, the administration of the ambassador pictures fell to me. This group is one of the flagships of ipernity, because the pictures in this group are shown to curious visitors from the web when they discover our website and click onto the button: Explore ➽Noteworthy . At this occasion, the co-admin raingirl , who also is a jury member, asked the important question: " What is a good photo? What mak…
Merry Christmas 2022
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, As the year is ending we are grateful for all the time, energy and kindness you give to our photographic community. Your loyalty and dedication warms our hearts. Thank you so much for being part of ipernity. This year we would like to inv…
2022-12-02 Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Winter is here. Yesterday was the meteorological beginning of winter. We have updated the homepage pictures accordingly. We thank all those who contributed with pictures, as well as those who helped with the selection. You can browse the picture collection, which also contains many new photos, in this album , but also as a slide show on YouTube . 2) Take your camera to snap fresh winter pictures. If you feel the desire to show winter…
Gute Fotos? - Laudatio
In Zeiten von Instagram, iPhone, Selfies und Selfiesticks gerät ernsthafte Fotografie immer mehr ins Abseits. Hier und auch auf anderen Plattformen lese ich immer wieder Beiträge, die sich kritisch mit der dieser Entwicklung auseinander setzen. Daher möchte ich hier die Laudatio anlässlich der Vernissage der 40. Jahresausstellung des Fotoclubs Sinsheim vom 12.9.2016 einstellen, die sich ebenfalls mit diesem Problem auseinender setzt.
2021-12-31 Happy New Year
The power of Misused Words
Yesterday there was a deflagration of ether vapour at the chemical institute in Innsbruck (Austria). Such a deflagration is a fast combustion at the boundary surface between the heavy ether vapour and the lighter air above it after ignition. If the ether vapour had been swirled with the air beforehand, there would have been a huge explosion after ignition. But not a detonation . This is because in a detonation, the initial ignition creates a pressure wave that spreads through the expl…
2021-02-26 Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2021
Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 (IGA2021) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2021 (IGA2021) Tagesordnung der I pernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2021 (IGA2021)
Sign-Up Procedure for IGA
[EN] Dear Member of Ipernity Members Association, This article describes the procedure to follow to participate in the annual General Assembly of the Association. Since the Ipernity General Assembly (IGA), is held under French law, some legal requirements must be met, which have been specified by our legal adviser. It is mainly a question of proof of identity to guarantee the principle of "one person, one vote". In order to attend and vote in the meeting we require a short ipermail regis…
2021-03-05 Club News - important ⚠️
Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) As of today, we welcome visitors from the web to our homepage with Easter pictures from the community. We thank all the photographers for their contributions. 2) In order to take into account all the changes that have taken place since the IMA was founded four years ago, we have undertaken a general revision of ou…
de - 1997 - Eine moderne Schöpfungsgeschichte für Jan und Janina - de es eo fr it hu cn en cz rus jap kur nl grc bg
Vier Geschichten über Jan und Janina - [de - es - eo - fr - it - hu - cz - en - cn - nl - kur]
Vier Geschichten über Jan und Janina kvar rakontoj pri Jan kaj Janina quatre histoires de Jan et Janina four storys of Jan and Janina 1 Woher ich komme - eine Geschichte - De kie mi venas - rakonto - D'où je viens - un récit - Where I come from - a story - de - es - eo - fr - it - hu - cz - en - cn - kur…
Bohnen gegen Frust
Während der Mittagspause bei der Arbeit letzte Woche habe ich 3 Teller Bohnen gegessen. Im Nachhinein war das vielleicht keine gute Idee. Als ich nach der Arbeit nach Hause gekommen bin, begrüßte mich meine Frau schon freudig und sagte: „Liebling, ich habe eine Überraschung für dich!“ Dann hat sie mir die Augen verbunden und mich zum Esstisch geführt. Ich habe mich hingesetzt und gerade, als sie mir die Augenbinde abnehmen wollte, klingelte das Telefon. Da es ein wichtiger Anruf sein könnte, nah…
Magnificat - J.S.Bach - [lat] [de] [eo] - 'Magnificat' Musik von J.S.Bach Lukas 1,46 - 1,55 Vorspiel 1. Chor Magnificat anima mea Dominum, 2. Arie Sopran II et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo. 3. Arie Sopran I Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae. Ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent 4. Chor omnes generationes. 5. Arie - Bass Quia fecit mihi magna, qui potens est, et sanctum nomen eius. 6. Duett - Alt - Tenor Et misericordias eius…
How To Create A YouTube Picture Show Easily
Favoritensammlung - Test
Dies ist ein schneller Test, wie man eine Sammlung persönlicher Favoriten anlegen könnte. Man kann den Blog privat stellen, damit ihn niemand sieht. Fallen euch andere, elegantere Lösungen ein?
Useful online services found
I decided to start a new article, which I will update every now and then. I collect here useful online services discovered on Web. ➽ Coblis — Color Blindness Simulator Useful tool for testing your images and graphs, to see how they look for someone who has some color vision handicap. ➽ Linguee A very useful service to find out how different words and phrases translate into other languages. Linguee gives examples of various contexts. Here's an example how English expression "o…
IGA2020 - Report of the CFO
IGA2020 - Report of the CFO Related Annual Financial Statements 2019 IGA2020 - Rapport du CFO États financiers annuels correspondants 2019 IGA2020 - Bericht des CFO zugehöriger Jahresabschluss 2019
2020-04-03 Newsflash / COVID-19 Relief
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Last Sunday the Ipernity General Meeting IGA2020 took place. The attendance ( list of 43 participants ) was significantly better than last year (31 participants). 2) All major activities of the ima team and the progress made were presented in the report of the CEO . Particularly noteworthy is the successful differentiation of the previous unified club membership into needs-based subscription packages with different features. The number of…
Putting RSS feeds into use
I am an administrator only on very few groups, but I still sometimes wish to have a tool that gives me a clear notice when a new comment becomes posted on some of the group discussions. The News > Your groups is not good in my opinion, because I still have to remember visit that page in order to stay up to date. So, I figured out I give a try to RSS feeds provided here at ipernity. Here's a short introduction and an example on how to use them. Install RSS feed reader extension…
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