sps1955's photos
Fulbourn garden 2013-01-22
Fulbourn garden 2013-01-22
Fulbourn garden 2013-01-21
Fulbourn: Stonebridge Lane 2013-01-21
Fulbourn: Stonebridge Lane 2013-01-21
Fulbourn garden 2013-01-21
Fulbourn garden 2013-01-21
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
In the Winter Walk: dogwood, hazel, variegated euonymus and viburnum blossom (I think!)
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
Looking along the Riverside Walk beside Quy Water, with thawing frost dripping from the trees. Compare www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/8390880898/in/set-7215... , taken about an hour earlier.
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
Bridge over Quy Water, north of the house. I am rather frustrated to see the out-of-focus twig in the foreground, which didn't register when I was taking the photograph.
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17
The house seen from the rose garden (from W). The late Tudor house is on the right, with most of the remainder being C20 accretions for the 1st Baron Fairhaven. See set page for history.