Peter Castell's photos
I'm not listening
Just the remains of an old tree in a field
But look closer
Mechanical Masterpiece
Tillandsia argentea
Old and New
Dew Point
National Trust
National Trust
There is Ash Dieback so Health and Safety has gone into overdrive although dead or alive they would probably stand for years quite safely. the NT seem to have developed a passion for felling trees they also like clearing either side of a narrow path and calling it a ride
Here comes the sun
Don't be Shy
In the hollow
In the hollow
The tree is fenced to stop the soil getting compacted and damaging it's roots hopefully extending it's life for a few hundred years
Born to be Free
Walk on the wild side
Warplanes ?
Warplanes ?
They are RAF Eurofighter Typhoons returning to their base at Coningsby in Lincolnshire having taken part in routine joint exercises at the US Air Force training base in Nevada.
With the recent events they of course created a lot of interest
English eccentricity
English eccentricity
This is in Ticknall South Derbyshire, this type of postbox decoration has been around for some time but this is the first one I have seen, a variation on leaving painted rocks in odd places