Peter Castell's photos
The Last Few
Autumnal Carpet
Turn Left
Two kind comments on my previous photo mentioned the sea so I have removed a few elements of it to enhance the illusion, there is no computer manipulation.
I used the tittle 'Mirage' because I live almost as far from the sea as you can get in England, it is generally accepted that Church Flatts Farm, Coton-in -Elms is the furthest 70 miles 113km
Good Morning
Autumn Fire
A colourful Corner
A Fine Specimen
Gold Top
At the third stroke
At the third Stroke
The oldest parts of the clock (the wooden frame and the parts painted black) were built about 1450 it didn't have a face but chimed every half-hour so that the monks at Peterborough Abbey knew when it was time to pray. It was in use in the bell tower until 1950 when and electronic device replaced it, after restoration it was moved to it present position in 1984 it's in working order
Anticipation or Bordom
Time, devourer of all things
Time, devourer of all things
The Title is the translation of the Latin inscription
All Saints Church it closed in 1986 in 1950 it was designated as a world heritage site
The mechanism for the clock is inside where there is also another dial
Fan Dance
Hot Legs
Climate Change
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness John Keats 1795-1821
Welcome to Autumn or Spring depending where home is