Peter Castell's photos

Reach for the Sky

10 Feb 2022 16 12 237
Reach for the Sky

The Owl and the Pussy Cat

05 Feb 2022 12 10 185
The Owl and the Pussy Cat The owl and the Pussy Cat is a children's nonsense poem written be Edward Lear in 1871

Light and Darkness

05 Feb 2022 14 11 200
Light and Darkness

Winter Fire

02 Feb 2022 17 11 202
Winter Fire It had been thick cloud all day but there was a small break at the right time even the clouds in the east were pink

Open Wide

I'm not expecting it to crop

13 Jan 2022 20 18 242
I'm not expecting it to crop It may be worth trying large


Don't cry

The Winter garden Cambridge Botanic Garden

12 Feb 2008 15 12 237
The Winter Garden Cambridge Botanic Garden I don't usually post old photos, as you can see this 14 years old taken on the first digital camera I got it's an Olympus Camedia C310 zoom for a small basic camera 3.2 megapixels the image quality is good, they sell for about £10 on eBay if street photography is your thing it would be quite good

Better late than never

29 Dec 2021 20 15 201
Better late than never ( they should have flowered October/November)


Blowing in the wind

29 Dec 2021 21 17 239
Blowing in the wind. It's Chimonanthus Winter Sweet for 11 months it's a uninteresting shrub then at Christmas time these flowers appear but what is special is it's scent, hence blowing in the wind. Many years ago I was given three seeds one eventually germinated it was ten years before it flowered

Floral Frost

I wonder if I could walk on water

20 Nov 2021 21 19 233
I wonder if I could walk on water

The Lookout

Quince japonica

28 Nov 2021 19 17 232
Best served cool

Practicing for Winter

28 Nov 2021 20 13 217
Practicing for Winter


1443 items in total