Roger Bennion's photos
"Universal Soldier"
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I've been wanting to use "Universal Soldier" by Buffy Sainte-Marie and then I remembered that a while ago I took a shot that I could use.
They say the best camera is the one you have with you :-) Back in June I was shopping with Helen in a local town and I grabbed a few shots of this monument with my iPod :-)
Job done methinks:-)
And, two live performances that choke me up.
♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Universal Soldier ~ Buffy Sainte-Marie
♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ And, here ~ Universal Soldier ~ Buffy Sainte-Marie
"Break On Through (To The Other Side)"
10 & 11 September 2016 was "Open Doors" weekend in Oxford when you could visit places not normally open to the public.
Whenever I visited Oxford, Brasenose College was always closed to visitors and the only photos I managed to take were looking thru' the entrance. However, on 11 September the College was open as part of "Open Doors". I knew no-one would stop me 'breaking on through to the other side' of the entrance to take this photo of the Quadrangle with the Radcliffe Camera in the background :-)
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Break On Through (To The Other Side) ~ The Doors
"Red Shoes"
I wasn't immediately sure why.....but, the song that came into my head is "Red Shoes" by Elvis Costello :-))
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Red Shoes ~ Elvis Costello
"Theme From Jaws"
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10 & 11 September 2016 was "Open Doors" weekend in Oxford when you could visit places not normally open to the public.
On Sunday I took some 598 photos. So, I figure there ought to be one or two I can post to ip :-))
This is a shot taken inside the Blavatnik School of Government Building. Construction started in September 2013 and completed in November 2015. It has the capacity to host up to 550 students, faculty staff and guests. The building is expected to consume 49% less energy in comparison to existing UK buildings of the same size and use.
I haven't been drinking but my photo does make me think of the film "Jaws" :-)))
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Theme From Jaws
Maybe view on black :-)
Remembering 9/11
I was at work on 9/11 when one of my colleagues said "I've just heard that a small plane has crashed into one of the Twin Towers". It was a while before what was actually happening became clear. No-one could take in the true horror of the unbelievable and dreadful events that were unfolding.
Remembering those lost and those still suffering.
A tune about roses that immediately comes to mind is Neil Young's "Love Is A Rose".
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Love Is A Rose ~ Neil Young
These Boots are Made For Walkin'
Clearly the ladies' boots are made for walking so These Boots Are Made For Walkin' is my 'Sight and Sound' link for today :-)
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ These Boots are Made For Walkin' ~ The Racoons
Andrew Wiles Building, Oxford
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I hope this is 'abstracty' enough for Mick to allow me posting to AbsOrbed .......please, Mick :-))
"The Two Of Us"
As there are two peoples in my shot of Exeter College in Oxford I'm thinking I could link this to "The Two Of Us" by Jackie Trent & Tony Hatch :-)
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ The Two Of Us ~ Jackie Trent & Tony Hatch
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I like the clouds in my shot of the Radcliffe Camera in Oxford. So, a link to "Clouds" by Newton Faulkner seems like a good idea to moi :-)
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Clouds ~ Newton Faulkner
Maybe view on black :-)
"Remember When The Music"
A shot from the Archives and my 'Sight and Sound' link is simply 'MUSIC' .
I cannot believe I have only just found, on YouTube, "Remember When The Music" by Harry Chapin. Had it not been for 'Sight and Sound' I would have, undoubtedly, missed this gem.
Harry died on 16 July 1981 aged 38 years. His car burst into flames after being hit by a tractor-trailer truck. The driver of the truck and passers-by got Harry out of his car. He was flown to hospital but, tragically, died later that day.
I listened to the song and then watched the documentary "Harry Chapin: Behind the Music VH1" (available on YouTube). I then had to go out and buy another box of tissues.
With a future post I will be using Bruce Springsteen's version of this song from a tribute concert. At this concert Bruce said ~
“Harry instinctively knew that it was going to take a lot more than just love to survive. That is was going to take a strong sense of purpose, of duty and a good clear eye on the dirty ways of the world. So in keeping his promise to himself he reminds us of our promise to ourselves and that tonight alongside Harry is that promise that his spirit would have us remember and honour and recommit to. So, do something and may his song be sung.”
Remember when the music
Was a glow on the horizon of every newborn day
And as we sang, the sun came up to chase the dark away,
And life was good, for we knew we could.
Remember when the music
Brought the night across the valley as the day went down
And as we'd hum the melody, we'd be safe inside the sound,
And so we'd sleep, we had dreams to keep.
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Remember When The Music ~ Harry Chapin
"Whenever You Come Around"
Explored! ~ Thank you very much :-)))
'Tis tenuous link time again :-)
Nearest the camera is the Inorganic Chemistry Building in Oxford. Clearly there is 'Chemistry' between Vince Gill & Alison Krauss hence my pretty tenuous link.
One of fave Vince Gill songs. The guitar break @ 2:40 takes my breath away :-)
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Whenever You Come Around ~ Alison Krauss & Vince Gill
"Cathedral Song"
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This is St. Albans Cathedral.
As I previously used a link to "Cathedral Song" by Tanita Tikaram I searched YouTube for another 'Cathedral' song. I could be wrong but I think I have found a cover version of Tanita's song performed by Tsubasa Imamura.
YouTube says "Zélia Duncan - Catedral (Versão Tsubasa Imamura)". I think that Zélia Duncan made Tanita's song famous in Brasil and the singer here is Tsubasa Imamura.
I'll be quiet now :-))
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Cathedral Song ~ Tsubasa Imamura
"You've Got A Friend"
Looks like I've got a friend :-)
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ You've Got A Friend ~ Carole King
'Tis the season of tenuous 'Sight and Sound' links.....methinks :-))
This is the 'Earth Sciences' Building in Oxford.
There is a John Stewart compilation album called ~
"Earth Rider - The Essential John Stewart 1964-1979".
From this album I have chosen one of my fave tracks and that is "Willard". This track features on John's album of the same name from 1970.
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Willard ~ John Stewart
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There's tenuous and tenuous. My link here is probably tenuous times three!!!
The lady could be having a 'break away' from the office which could very well link to "Breakaway" by Gallagher & Lyle methinks :-)
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Breakaway ~ Gallagher & Lyle
♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Or here ~ Breakaway ~ Gallagher & Lyle
"I Come In Peace"
The Milton Keynes Peace Pagoda was built by the monks and nuns of the Nipponzan Myohoji. It was the first Peace Pagoda to be built in the western hemisphere.
So, my 'Sight and Sound' link is "I Come In Peace" by the wonderful Joe Cocker.
Gone way too soon.
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ I Come In Peace ~ Joe Cocker
Unfortunately, my link isn't working for everyone.
So, here is one Karen has found :-)
I Come In Peace ~ Joe Cocker
And, another I have found :-)
I Come In Peace ~ Joe Cocker
"Goin' Gone"
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ip says this shot was taken on 12 Aug 2016. Nope, it is actually from way, way back in the Archives :-)
The first verse of "Goin' Gone" is ~
There's a Lighthouse in the Harbour
Giving guidance with its light
But I had no-one to return to
As I wandered through the night
This song written by Patrick Alger, Bill Dale & Fred Koller features on Kathy Mattea's album "Untasted Honey" from 1987. One of my all-time fave albums. I still have the cassette version, a vinyl copy and, of course, the cd :-)
This is St Peter Port Harbour, Guernsey and if you look very cosely the blob in the distance is a Lighthouse at the entrance to the Harbour. So, my link is complete methinks :-))
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Goin' Gone ~ Kathy Mattea
♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Or here for a live version ~ Goin' Gone ~ Kathy Mattea ~ Live
"Colour My World"
Back to the Biochemistry Building in Oxford :-)
"Colour My World" by Chicago seems a logical link to moi :-)
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♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Colour My World ~ Chicago. Lead vocal by Terry Kath