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  • Newsflash 2020-07-24

    Newsflash 2020-07-24 Pic1 [EN]
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) As part of the quality offensive, which our President Eric Desjours encouraged in his annual report, we continue to work on improving the linguistic and visual consistency of ipernity. We have therefore adapted the translation of the different dates. In the future we will use the following terms consistently: 2) The upload…

  • Newsflash 2020-07-10

    Comparison of "What's hot!" versions
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Updating the operating software of our servers with the support of innovations ON went without major difficulties. 2) The interruption in the automated PayPal payment process has thus been resolved. PayPal payments are now handled promptly again. 3) Next, innovations ON will take care of the credit card payment options that have been idle for over two years. If everything goes as expected, those options will be available again shortl…

  • ⚠️ Server Maintenance ⚠️ Monday, July 6, 2020

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! The problem with the PayPal module will be solved on Monday. It is an example of the problems that can occur when the operating software is not updated for 5 years. In this case security and encryption algorithms were out of date. It was our new IT service partner innovations ON who identified this as the cause of the error. So it was not any fault or bug in the ipernity software. Today, 1 July, we went through all the steps required to upda…

  • Navigation - Navegação

    Algarve,  Quarteira, sea sidewalk
    The navigation begins at the end of the day and slows down by night full of loneliness the global nothing inside empty eye sockets even from blue eyes the sky also without colour that the optical illusion sees blue everywhere or maybe green upon my word it is certainly the colour of the sea navigation's abyss and from the salvage we can only hear the whisper of surf. A…

  • 2020-05-08 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The image editing via PicMonkey works again. The manufacturer of this program has repaired its interface. 2) But there is free access only to the old version of PicMonkey. This is based on the Adobe Flash Player, whose days are numbered because the technology is outdated: why-is-adobe-flash-player-shutting-down 3) It is therefore to be expected that this old version of PicMonkey will not be online for much longer. We recommend you to…

  • 2020-04-24 Newsflash / COVID-19

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Our COVID-19 Help Offer has triggered a great movement of solidarity. To this point we received 48 donations*) with a total volume of 1,692 EUR. After deducting money transaction fees of 58 EUR, a net amount of 1,634 EUR is available for financial help. ▶️ Help can be granted for subscription renewals that are becoming due, up to no more than 30 days in advance. ▶️ The prerequisite is a financial emergency as a result of th…

  • 2020-04-03 Newsflash / COVID-19 Relief

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Last Sunday the Ipernity General Meeting IGA2020 took place. The attendance ( list of 43 participants ) was significantly better than last year (31 participants). 2) All major activities of the ima team and the progress made were presented in the report of the CEO . Particularly noteworthy is the successful differentiation of the previous unified club membership into needs-based subscription packages with different features. The number of…

  • IGA2020 - Report of the CEO

    IGA2020 - Report of the CEO IGA2020 - Rapport du CEO IGA2020 - Bericht des CEO

  • 2020-03-13 Official invitation to the Ipernity General Assembly 2020 (IGA2020)

    [EN] Dear club members of ipernity! 1) We hereby officially invite you to attend the IGA2020 in accordance with article VI,3 of the Statutes of the Ipernity Members Association as amended on March 5, 2019. 2) The IGA2020 will take place on Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 5pm CEST (15:00 UTC). It will take place as an online meeting via the ipernity platform . According to article V,1 of the Statutes, all club members with a paid account who are older than 16 years and have verified th…

  • A la recherche de la poudre d'or

    Madagascar - Ces orpailleurs qui cherchent de la poudre d’or dans les entrailles des terres aurifères, à proximité de la bourgade d’Ivato ; les voyageurs de passage les assimilent à des cultivateurs. Pourtant, lors de la saison touristique, ils sont nombreux à les apercevoir patauger dans les eaux boueuses. Mais ils sont pressés de se rendre en voiture à Antoetra, le hameau qui est le point de départ d’un trek de plusieurs jours pour visiter les villages et populations montagnardes zafimaniry. Alors, si on ne sait pas que ces familles qui creusent sont à la recherche d’or, on ne leur prête pas attention. Ils se fondent dans ce décor tourmenté.

  • Australian Fires

    I must begin this article by offering my very sincere thanks for the kind messages of support and concern we have received from so many ipernity members. It really has brought home to me that this is a very caring community group, not merely a photo sharing site. The essential point you need to know is that Pauline and I, and our furry friends, are safe and well and apart from being covered in soot and losing power and communications, our property has not been affected by the fires. As at wri…


    Cold tears persistent diamonds or opala that runs on veins masses and nodules glide on the windowpane and get lost in the oblivion ditch I look and see flowers girls at window whiskey books and I think reality that temps and moves us isn't always the one that's within our reach Lágrimas frias persistentes diamantes ou opala que corre em veios massas e nódulos deslizam na vidraça e perdem-se na valeta do esquecimento Olho e vejo flores meninas à janela u…

  • 2019-11-15 Newsflash

    2019-11-15 Chart for the Newsflash [EN]
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, Exactly one year ago in a Newsflash, the ima team proposed a new subscription structure . With your help, it has been continuously improved and designed to be practical. Today the implementation has taken a big step forward. The "Basic" button on the subscription page is now active : Please note: Downgrading is only possible at the end of a subscription period. Th…

  • 2019-11-08 Newsflash

    Newsflash 2019-11-10 Pic1 [EN]
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! For the final realization of the Basic subscription and the Trial subscription (see: summary of subscription options ), it was necessary to adjust the existing booking and payment processes accordingly. All these options are now fully implemented, tested and active . The following applies: 1) A new subscription can only be booked by holders of a Guest account. 2) First of all, only the 3-month free Trial Standard subscription can…

  • 2019-10-18 Breaking News

    [EN] Yahoo tolls the end of its free service "Yahoo-Groups". Yahoo will delete all uploaded content from its public newsgroups on December 14, 2019. Six months after Google+, the next "social network" is on the ropes. Users don't have much time to look around for alternatives. Uploading will already be blocked on 28 October 2019. Please promote ipernity to Yahoo users . We at ipernity still have 10 days to point out ipernity as an alternative in the Yahoo groups. If you are…

  • 2019-10-11 Newsflash

    Multi-Year Subscriptions
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The maintenance of the servers at Amazon Web Service (AWS) last Wednesday did not interfere with ongoing operations. 2) The cleanup of invisible content as well as oversized audio and video files from old Guest Accounts is completed. Approximately 1.25 million files were deleted. As a result, 3.5 Terabytes of S3 memory was released at AWS. The expected annual budget relief is 1,750 EUR . 3) The ima team has decided to pass some of…

  • 2019-09-14 Newsflash

    Alexa Ranking ipernity
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In addition to the language options in the main menu, we have enabled Esperanto for group management again . This allows our Esperanto speaking members to continue editing the descriptions and rules of existing groups. 2) The seed capital for the reprogramming of ipernity has grown gross to 19,740 EUR meanwhile. Of this, 3,389 EUR are donations and 16,351 EUR are bonds from the community. After deducting 700 EUR bank fees, this brings the…

  • 2019-08-30 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The number of new club accounts created in the first 8 months of 2019, now +74, already exceeds the total number of new club accounts created in 2018 (+62). The number of active club accounts even increased by +82 from 1,298 to 1,380 since the beginning of the year. This makes us very optimistic. 2) In addition, members of the VIEW Fotocommunity are currently interested in finding a new home for their photo hobby due to the closure of…

  • 2019-04-19 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In order to make the payment procedure simpler, Rob has further revised and simplified the subscription page . 2) The new FAQ is now also available online in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. The Dutch version is still under development. Use the Help & Contact link in the footer. 3) With the help of our IT service provider Qwellcode, we have succeeded in removing the dormant contents of long deleted accounts fr…

  • 2019-02-28 Help with ipernity reprogramming

    [FR] Aide à renouveler ipernity ! ./. [DE] Helft ipernity zu erneuern! ./. Dear free user of ipernity, The ipernity website you are currently using was developed between 2009 and 2013. Meanwhile it is ten years old in terms of concept and technology. After 2013, it has grown organically and now consists of more than 21,000 networked html files. Operational reliability is declining steadily. The necessary adaptations to the state of the art are becoming increasingly difficult and…

123 articles in total