Heidiho's favorite articles

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  • Was weiß ChatGPT über ipernity?

    Angeregt durch Heidiho habe ich heute morgen die Frage "Was ist ipernity" an Chat GPT gestellt. Das Ergebnis finde ich so erhellend, dass ich es gerne mit euch teile: Was ist "ipernity"? Ipernity ist eine Foto- und Medien-Sharing-Plattform, die als Alternative zu Diensten wie Flickr entwickelt wurde. Sie wurde 2007 von einem französischen Team gegründet und ermöglicht es Nutzern, Fotos, Videos, Audiodateien und Blogeinträge hochzuladen, zu organisieren und zu teilen. Ein besond…

  • Tagestour Spiekeroog

    Hier ein paar Eindrücke von einer Tagestour nach Spiekeroog. Ursprünglich gebucht war: 10.10 Uhr ab Neuharlingersiel (mit „normaler“ Fähre) 19.15 Uhr ab Spiekeroog (mit tideunabhängiger Schnellfähre) „Aufgrund von Problemen mit der Wassertiefe im Hafen Neuharlingersiel am Liegeplatz der WattnExpress“ wurde die Abfahrt um 19.15 Uhr drei Tage vorher auf 17.15 Uhr vorverlegt. Um zumindest etwas mehr Aufenthaltszeit zu generieren, habe ich die Hinfahrt von der Fähre um 10.10 Uhr auf die…

  • Oslo Travel Guide

    Since I am in Oslo several times a year, I would like to create a small travel guide for this city. It will take a while, but I will try to keep adding to the article. Pictures from Oslo: www.ipernity.com/doc/2220246/album/980900 (my album) www.ipernity.com/group/oslo (Oslo group) Arrival at Oslo Gardermoen Airport (OSL) OSL offers duty free on arrival, even if you travel from within the EU. Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes are significantly cheaper than in local stores. If…

  • 1 November 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Additional viewing size option. When viewing group contributions, the 'Small' option displayed the 100px images. Everywhere else, the display used the cropped 75px squares. Beside the existing icon for this option, now labeled 'Square', there is a new icon for the 100px option, labeled 'Small'. The view of group contributions gains the 'Square' option, which provides a larger overview of the content. The Explore->Gallery and Explore->Noteworthy d…

  • Mårbacka

    Selma Lagerlöf
    Es gibt Menschen, die werden "unsterblich" - aus eigener Kraft aber auch weil sie wahrscheinlich zur richtigen Zeit genau das Richtige getan haben, vielleicht ganz unbewusst oder weil sie die Notwendigkeit sahen und handelten. Nicht selten werden solche Menschen auch nicht für eine Einzeltat geehrt, sondern für ihr Lebenswerk. Und es gibt Menschen, die sich mit allen Mitteln auf das "aus eigener Kraft" stürzen und hoffen, sich so einen Platz in den Geschichtsbüchern zu sichern. Dann kann allerdings dabei herauskommen, dass kaum jemand mehr seinen Kindern den gleichen Vornamen geben möchte.

  • Nach Mårbacka

    Meine 70er Jahre waren natürlich dominiert von Schule und - das gehört dazu - Ferien. Das hatte bereits Pippi Langstrumpf verstanden: Wer nicht in die Schule geht, der bekommt auch keine Ferien. Allerdings habe ich das so nie gesehen. Die "kleinen" Ferien waren nette Abwechslungen, die "Großen" allerdings im Sommer mehr oder weniger Einschnitte und Etappensiege (oder -niederlagen, je nach Sichtweise). Nein, wiederholen musste ich ein Schuljahr nie, erfolgreich hinter mich gebracht - im konventionellen Sinne - habe ich sie allerdings auch nicht (immer). Garantiert jedenfalls war: Am ersten Ferientag war sicher, dass ich das "Klassenziel erreicht hatte", wie es immer im Zeugnis stand und nach den Ferien in eine "höhere" Klasse kam. Aber bis dahin war noch eine "lange" Zeit - ganze sechs Wochen nämlich, die es zu gestalten galt.

  • Site wide SSL is finally here!

    Secure Encryption (2)
    Dear members and friends of ipernity, ============================ For those of you still having problems: If trying to add a new photo to a group, and there is no drop-down list, the first thing to try is the Ctrl+F5 to Refresh. See paragraph below for more about refreshing. If that does not solve the problem, you can try closing and restarting your browser . We do not expect to be able to allow the apps (iPhone or Android) to upload photos. But this is possible with either the…

  • 3 May 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Summary of the General Assembly of Members. We thank all of you who attended the online meeting. Please refer to the separate article: 2024 IGA Report . We have a plan to simplify the voting process, without the need for emails with links to each PollUnit, while still having a secure voting system. 2) Meeting in the real world. Last weekend, numerous ipernity members went to Hamburg to meet face to face. See Hamburg 2024 group . With…

  • Evaluation of the Ambassador Group 2024

    Screenshot 2024-04-16 11.00.58
    The Ambassador Images group has now been in existence for three years. The original idea was " ... to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a 'best-of' group. " It is now time to evaluate whether the group has achieved this goal or whether adjustments may be necessary. The current inventory shows that of the total of 1264 contributions, 533 (42%) come from 81 group member…

  • 3 November 2023 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Bulletin from our club president. On 7 October 2023 we were presented with a claim for monetary damages from a well-established and reputable German-headquartered company that specializes in obtaining compensation from intellectual property theft (e.g. copyright infringements) because of the actions of an ipernity member. He is now a past member because his account was promptly deleted along with the image that had been uploaded without the photog…

  • What is a noteworthy photo?

    New Article: 'What Is A Noteworthy Photo?'
    Deutsche Version : Was ist ein sehenswertes Foto? Version française : : Qu'est-ce qu'une photo remarquable ? © German Federal Archive / B145 Picture-F088809-0038 / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE / Photographer Joachim F. Thurn / Painting: Dmitri Wladimirowitsch Wrubel / East Side Gallery, 1990 / Original Photo: Régis Bossus , Oct 5, 1979 The answer is simple The answer is actually simple, as we all know such photos. They arouse our curiosity by showing s…

  • 6 October 2023 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Revised Landing Page. The selection of images for the Landing Page has been made, and the software update implemented, see Explore . You will note that the image changes each time the page is refreshed. This is on a random basis, so you might get the same image twice, but most of the time it will be different. We hope that this refresh, suggested by our membership, helps new members engage with the text and our website, and that our current me…

  • 4 August 2023 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day - August 19th, 2023. Will your photo be out of this world? Get your cameras ready! Our annual World Photography Day celebration is happening soon. Remember that contributions will need to be taken on August 19th. More details will be posted in a news article about a week before the event. 2) Online kindness. iperni…

  • 2023-04-07 Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Outreach support needed (advisory position). For our club to have a good future, it needs to be better known. Therefore, we need to promote ipernity. There are many ways to do this. Some of them have already been put in place. But we need someone who has a little time to keep these activities alive. New ways of promoting ipernity could also be found. Advisors would coordinate with the team, but have autonomy to run their own projects. There is…

  • 2023 Candidatures for the Board

    ima team
    We look forward to the members confirming these appointments at the IGA. In reply to our various calls for candidatures for the mandates of President, Vice President, Webmaster and Moderator the following persons have come forward: William Sutherland - as President. Current incumbent, standing for re-election No one has come forward for Vice-President. Rob Stamp - as Webmaster. In the role previously, standing again Laura…

  • What is a good photo?

    What is a good photo?
    © Bernhard Westrup ( Bergfex ) (collage with only own pictures) Three months ago, the administration of the ambassador pictures fell to me. This group is one of the flagships of ipernity, because the pictures in this group are shown to curious visitors from the web when they discover our website and click onto the button: Explore ➽Noteworthy . At this occasion, the co-admin raingirl , who also is a jury member, asked the important question: " What is a good photo? What mak…

  • 2022-11-04 Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Help us select the best homepage pictures for the winter season! Due to the great interest in the trial voting for the homepage pictures in July, voting is now offered again for the upcoming winter pictures. If you would like to take part, follow this link: Vote on the ipernity homepage pictures for this winter . 2) Improve the visibility of your pictures. When browsing the gallery pictures using the Lightbox view, you may have noticed t…

  • 2022-05-06 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Hamburg meetup. Last week, between Thursday and Sunday, about 30 ipernity members from Germany, Austria and Switzerland (and maybe other cou…

  • 2022-04-08 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Last Sunday, March 27, 2022, the Ipernity General Assembly 2022 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities i…

  • 2022-03-24 Club News

    Sign up now!
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) We would like to remind you that the sign up deadline for this year's Ipernity General Assembly will end tomorrow, Friday, March 25, 2022 at midnight (Paris time). The same deadline appl…

181 articles in total