Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) Revised Landing Page.
The selection of images for the Landing Page has been made, and the software update implemented, see Explore. You will note that the image changes each time the page is refreshed. This is on a random basis, so you might get the same image twice, but most of the time it will be different.
We hope that this refresh, suggested by our membership, helps new members engage with the text and our website, and that our current members appreciate the variation of images.
The team is thrilled that so many people made suggestions to update our Landing Page. Thank you all very much! Additional images may be suggested to the group Landing Page Suggestions for consideration at a later date. Please refer to the guidelines for details of the requirements, including the extra-wide 21:9 Cinemascope format.
2) Club Activity: What's your favorite page to explore on ipernity, or your favorite group?
Let’s share here where we go most on ipernity, our favorite places to explore and/or favorite groups. (It is helpful to copy the url of any pages or groups we refer to).
Do you go to your contacts’ pages to see their photos first? Are you drawn to Explore/New, or Explore/Gallery? Do you engage in discussions in groups? Do you search out new groups? Do you check your groups by going to the individual group pages, or just check Group Activity from your News page? Do you engage in conversations, discuss the technique behind the creation of a photograph or artwork, or simply enjoy awarding yellow stars to your favorites?
There are so many ways to use our website – what’s your way?
Your ima team.
Bonne fin de semaine à toute l'équipe.
raingirl club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubIch schätze unsere happy-Gruppen…wir haben nun ja schon eine hFF, hBM und eine hWW-Gruppe, die gut und gerne besucht und frequentiert werden und ein Treffpunkt sind…macht Spaß!
raingirl club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubWhen you say you go to Explore, do you mean you go to Explore/Gallery:
or Explore/Noteworthy:
I agree that the 'happy' groups are wonderful. It is fun to see what people come up with and they are active.
Tanja - Loughcrew club has replied to raingirl clubIch wünsch Dir einen schönen Sonntag:)
Team club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew club-laura
Et surtout j'apprécie le travail soigné que vous nous présentez....!
Merci pour vos efforts et recherches
I know it only shows the latest from each person, but it works as a great starting off point for me.
I also quite enjoy going to Explore/Noteworthy.
I find new people's photos to enjoy and to engage with on that page. Being able to use that page in lightbox view makes it special for me.
- Jouw contacten; wat is nieuw ?
- Ontdekken > Nieuw
- Groepen
- Maandelijkse nieuwe leden
Team club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubIt is noticed that you are always welcoming to new members. That is very much appreciated.
vos photos de choc sans discrimination merci de vos efforts ...
Team club has replied to Annaig56 clubYou mention here the "home page". The Club News here is referring to the Explore page (otherwise known as the Landing page). One finds it here: and it is not the same as the 'Home page'. The ipernity 'Home page' is what you see before you are logged into the website.
Annaig56 club has replied to Team clubAußerdem schau ich gern in sog. "Ländergruppen" ... am liebsten Regionen, wo ich schon selber war, oder davon träume einmal hinzufahren.
Bergfex club has replied to Heidiho clubTeam club has replied to Heidiho clubAnd good to hear that the 'country groups' work for you as well.
Team club has replied to Bergfex club-laura
As this group is linked to from the main menu of our website [Explore / Noteworthy], it is part of the public relations work for our club. Thanks to all contributors.
Please note: The pictures shown in [Explore / Noteworthy] are presented in a random order. You can find the chronological order in the group "Ambassador Pictures".
Team club has replied to Isisbridge clubVery glad you are happy with the new feature!
1. Herziene bestemmingspagina.
De selectie van afbeeldingen voor de bestemmingspagina is gemaakt en de software -update geïmplementeerd, zie Explore. U merkt op dat de afbeelding verandert telkens wanneer de pagina wordt vernieuwd. Dit is willekeurig, dus je krijgt misschien twee keer hetzelfde beeld, maar meestal zal het anders zijn.
We hopen dat deze vernieuwing, voorgesteld door ons lidmaatschap, nieuwe leden helpt om met de tekst en onze website om te gaan, en dat onze huidige leden de variatie van afbeeldingen waarderen.
Het team is heel blij dat zoveel mensen suggesties hebben gedaan om onze bestemmingspagina bij te werken. Dank u allen zeer! Aanvullende afbeeldingen kunnen op een later tijdstip worden voorgesteld aan de suggesties voor de landingspagina's voor de landingspagina's. Raadpleeg de richtlijnen voor meer informatie over de vereisten, inclusief het extra-brede 21: 9 Cinemascope-formaat.
2. Clubactiviteit: wat is je favoriete pagina om te verkennen op IPERNITY of je favoriete groep?
Vragende geesten
Vragende geesten willen het weten!
Laten we hier delen waar we naartoe gaan op IPERNITY, onze favoriete plekken om te verkennen en/of favoriete groepen. (Het is handig om de URL van alle pagina's of groepen waarnaar we verwijzen te kopiëren).
Ga je naar de pagina's van je contacten om eerst hun foto's te zien? Ben je aangetrokken om te verkennen/nieuw of verkennen/galerij te verkennen? Voert u discussies in groepen? Zoek je nieuwe groepen uit? Controleer je je groepen door naar de afzonderlijke groepspagina's te gaan, of controleer je de groepsactiviteiten op je nieuwspagina? Neem je gesprekken, bespreek je de techniek achter het maken van een foto of kunstwerken, of geniet je gewoon van het toekennen van gele sterren aan je favorieten?
Er zijn zoveel manieren om onze website te gebruiken - wat is je manier?
Uw IMA -team.
Team club has replied to Gerrit Luggenhorst clubClub members can translate an article into any of the supported languages using the link at the bottom of the article. Guests and visitors can use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits their browser.
2. I've linked ipernity permanently to Explore New. I always browse all the 56 pages and mark my favorites if any, regardless of who posted them. That way the new users, again if any, may get some exposure.
Anyone looking for good (and perhaps forgotten) ipernity photos is welcome to take a look at my favs. The database may have dropped off the tail, though.
Bergfex club has replied to SpoTeam club has replied to SpoIn regards to the RR image, as Bergfex mentions, we would be happy to look at alternate suggestions.
2. That is great that you use Explore/New as your main browsing page. Indeed it is probably the only way to easily expand who one sees here on ipernity so one can fave and comment. I know new members appreciate that, as well as current members.
Spo has replied to Bergfex clubTeam club has replied to SpoYour idea of a swimmer is something that could be considered, though it may not cover all the qualities the photo is trying to represent.
We don't have time to search for the specific image you refer to (and I think you are speaking to Bernhard as the one who ranked it as 'best photo', and he is an advisor now, not a member of the team board, so the team doesn't know which image you speak of), so if you want us to consider that specific image, could you either post the url here, or send it via a help ticket?
Spo has replied to Team clubBergfex club has replied to SpoIch werde es dem ima-team vorschlagen.
Team club has replied to Bergfex clubraingirl club has replied to Sarah O' clubIo curioso un po ovunque, naturalmente seguo le novità e i miei preferiti e soprattutto
mi piace guardare gli scatti altrui quando sono super per imparare
Come gruppi trovo simpatici il vari "Heppy...." comunque a giro guardo e partecipo a tutti.
Vorrei evidenziare anche il CWP che mensilmente ci diverte con un contest amichevole, unico premio la scelta dell'argomento del contest del mese successivo....Purtroppo è poco frequentato e sarebbe bello essere in tanti per poterci divertire di più e poterci confrontare. Mi auguro che questa sede possa fare da vetrina e invogli qualcuno a provare, inizia ogni primo del mese..
Un cordiale saluto a tutti
The team will message you about promoting CWP in an upcoming Club News.
to write a comment.