Dear members and friends of ipernity,
For those of you still having problems:
Also see this comment by raingirl.
The implementation of secure (SSL) connection on all of our pages is planned for Saturday 11 May 2024. Starting around 08:00 UTC and lasting maybe a total of 8 hours.
But as we have several servers, there should be no down time, as we can check that all is well on one, before committing to the change. But if you experience a slow-down in response, then please just be patient, and know that this is the likely cause.
If you do subsequently come across anything that is not working as expected, please comment below. Although you might first try using the
You will not need to make any change to how you connect to ipernity, with the only thing to notice is the 'secure / safe' indicator beside the address in your browser.
Your ima team.
Very pleased that all the hard work for this will soon achieve the security status for which we have been aiming.
Many Thanks [some in advance !]
Hope all goes well on the 11th May 2024.
Thank you very much.
Leon_Vienna club has replied to Bergfex clubEric Desjours club has replied to Bergfex clubYes, I think so!
Heidiho club has replied to Bergfex clubMalik Raoulda club has replied to Bergfex clubMARCEL club has replied to Bergfex clubmerci d'avance .. en espérant que tout se passera bien
Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,liebe Grüße Güni :))
Congratulations to the team.
JOKING !!!!!
Eric Desjours club has replied to Pam J clubCongratulations and thanks to the IT team for its dedication and great achievement.
Bravo et merci !
Schön wäre es, wenn ich in Zukunft auch von meinem Android-Smartphone Bilder hochladen könnte.
Guido Werner club has replied to Mecklenburg-Foto (Re… clubBergfex club has replied to Guido Werner clubIch habe sie immer noch auf meinem Smartphone installiert. Aber weil bei mir kein Bild online geht, ohne dass ich es zuvor auf dem großen EIZO Bildschirm begutachtet habe, ist die App für mich nutzlos.
Ruesterstaude club has replied to Bergfex clubGuido Werner club has replied to Bergfex clubAlso: Um einmal schnell ein Bild vom Smartphone hochzuladen, ist es dann vielleicht am besten, auf zu gehen und das Bild darüber hochzuladen.
Ich habe dieses Bedürfnis zwar auch nur selten, weil ich meine Fotos praktisch immer vor dem Hochladen in irgendeiner Weise am PC bzw. Laptop bearbeiten möchte. Aber die Bedürfnisse sind unterschiedlich. Und der Erfolg von sozialen Medien wie Instagram zeigt ja, dass viele das Bedürfnis haben, ihre mit dem Smartphone gemachten Fotos schnell und ohne Umweg über andere Geräte mit anderen Personen zu teilen. Ich denke daher, dass das Bedürfnis bei vielen da ist und eine bessere Smartphonetauglichkeit auch helfen könnte, neue Nutzer - insbesondere auch in jüngeren Altersgruppen - zu gewinnen. Mir ist bewusst, dass da mit unseren bescheidenen Möglichkeiten in der näheren Zukunft wahrscheinlich nichts zu machen ist. Aber vielleicht findet sich ja doch einmal ein App-Programmierer in unseren Reihen, der da etwas machen kann?
Team club has replied to Mecklenburg-Foto (Re… clubBut there is a way you can upload photos to your ipernity account from any phone using email.
While logged into your ipernity account go to:
There you will find what email address (specific for your account) to send the photos to that you wish to upload.
Eric Desjours club has replied to Team clubStrangely I can't find this setting in the "Your account settings" pages. Any information on this?
In any case, I think this information should be added to section "3.1 How do I upload photos and other content?" of the FAQ and in "How to use ipernity". Don't you agree?
Bergfex club has replied to Eric Desjours clubHeidiho club has replied to Mecklenburg-Foto (Re… clubhab über die Desktopseite auf meinSamsung Smartphone hochgeladen
(Browser: Chrome). Kann alle Handy-Fotos ganz normal, wie immer, über die "Hochladen-Funktion" in IP bringen.
Mecklenburg-Foto (Re… club has replied to Heidiho clubuwschu club has replied to DannyB93 clubMal abends nochmal gucken, soll ja etwa 8h dauern
Getestet in Chrome, FireFox, Safari (aktuelle Versionen) – überall hab ich die Site mit https aufgerufen und mich neu angemeldet. (Per E-Mail bin ich auch erfolglos.)
Bekomme die Meldung:
„Fertig! Möchten Sie eine Beschreibung hinzufügen?
Oder möchten Sie auf Ihre Fotos zugreifen.“
Die Bilddatei ist aber noch oben in der Liste zu sehen. War dass immer so?
Der Upload geht zu schnell und die Verarbeitung ist sofort fertig, findet nicht statt.
email uploads still blocked when I tried a few minutes ago
DOMCHO club has replied to Ingo Krehl clubDanke für die gute Arbeit!
Does anyone know what's going on with the mobile App (android). It stopped working this afternoon and so I uninstalled it from my phone.
I've just tried to re-install it, but it has completely disappeared from the Play Store. The Apple one is there but the Android one is not..!!
raingirl club has replied to Keith Burton clubIn the meantime, please modify your phone's browser to NOT go to the mobile version of a website. Once you do that you will be able to be on the ipernity website on your phone.
As to finding the app for re-installation - I am sending you an ipermail in a few mintues.
William Sutherland club has replied to Keith Burton clubTry typing the website --
When you get the "Oops! Fatal Error" message click on "Settings." Then under "Version" uncheck "mobile". It may take several attempts but eventually the website will come up. Click on the three dots on the top right hand corner. Then click on "Add to Home screen" and you'll have a new, working icon. The site, though will look different but at least you can access all features.
I figured it out while experimenting on my Android.
p.s. Once this is done, you could also manually type the website and it will be available without a problem.
Keith Burton club has replied to William Sutherland club@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to William Sutherland club@pour le PC ça fonctionne pour l'instant mais pas pour mon smartphone !
bon dimanche à tous !
William Sutherland club has replied to @ngélique ❤️ clubnatur' ELLE club has replied to William Sutherland clubAt the same time, I have the same problem as Keith. I can no longer access Ipernity on my android phone.
raingirl club has replied to William Sutherland clubAs long as you keep the app, I'm fairly sure that as soon as Rob and Ralph figure out the issue with the mobile version ( ), that the app should work again.
In the meantime, you can modify your phone's browser to NOT go to the mobile version of a website. Once you do that you will be able to be on the ipernity website on your phone.
William Sutherland club has replied to raingirl clubAlso, please know that the phone app is not supported by ipernity. It was created before us members took over the website and we don't have any volunteers to update it or manage it. [Do you know how? Contact the team please!!] This means that it doesn't have any of our updated features.
In the last hours I clicked on the button that allows to add or to remove photos for groups - I just got an empty window, instead of all the groups I'm member. I closed the window and opened it again - I got the first group of my list; I closed the window and reopened it once again - I got the two first groups on my list; each time I repeated this procedure, I got one more group of my list.
Something is not functioning well. It also occurred to me that the recent intense solar explosions may have something to do with this. I learnt this intense solar activity could interfere with electronic devices, satellite communications, GPS signals, and so.
Has anybody else experienced the same as I did?
raingirl club has replied to Dimas Sequeira clubI recommend re-loading your ipernity pages (you can close the browser completely and re-open or Ctrl+F5 each tab (on a windows computer). This should clear any old settings etc and make sure you are on the full current program. Then see if you continue to have the same issue.
I imagine it could also be solar flares. It's apparently very dramatic.
William Sutherland club has replied to Dimas Sequeira clubDimas Sequeira club has replied to raingirl clubDimas Sequeira club has replied to William Sutherland clubraingirl club has replied to DOMCHO clubDie Polarlichter sind bei mir allerdings leider defekt, ich kann hier keine sehen. ;-(
In addition, with this solution, I can also upload photos from my phone. To do so, sign in and click on upload. Click on "Browse Computer." When you get three options -- a camera, a camcorder, and Media Picker -- select media picker. You can then find the image in one of your folders on the phone. Click on it and then upload and the image will be uploaded. :)
1. Go to Settings
2. Go to Safari
3. Go to Request Desktop Website
4. Turn on All Websites
To ensure that the change in settings takes hold, turn off the iPhone and then turn it back on.
Then, when one accesses, one should be able to access the site.
Später nach STRG+F5 erschienen sie wieder
Guido Werner club has replied to uwschu clubuwschu club has replied to Guido Werner clubEben ein 2. hochgeladen und konnte die entsprechende Gruppe zuordnen !
Guido Werner club has replied to Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* clubEdit: I see that according to your last comment your problem was solved by Ctrl + F5
Ich bedanke mich auch für eure tolle Arbeit wieder :))
Wünsche noch einen schönen Sonntag,liebe Grüße Güni :))
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