Heidiho's favorite articles

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  • Erinnerung an den "größten Thread aller Zeiten" in Panoramio

    Werner Aachen 1000
    Ende November/Anfang Dezember 2009 hatte sich bei Panoramio ohne Ankündigung bzw. Erklärung nichts mehr bewegt. Man konnte weder Fotos hochladen, noch waren die Kommentare sichtbar. Am 2. Dezember 2009 eröffnete „Badewanne“ im deutschen Forum von Panoramio den Thread „Noch einer da?“ mit den Worten: „Ich hoffe, es geht Euch noch allen gut!“ Dieter Hockertz ( https://www.test.ipernity.com/home/2250230 ) antwortete: „Einen Einsamen gibt es noch!!!“ Viele Panoramigos klagten über Entzugserscheinunge…

  • Don't get lost ... and don't run away

    ... many Ipers - more than 200 already - have set up a prliminary camp at Flickr, just in case the worst will happen here. (yes, I know, nobody here is really fond of flickr, but what are the options? :-/). You will find us here: www.flickr.com/groups/ipernity_survivors cu, Lutz Update Dec. 23rd: Today 351 group members Merry Christmas to everyone, enjoy the holidays

  • If The Worst Happens ...

    Okay, I think the majority of us, certainly those who are Club members, are hoping and maybe even praying that Team Ipernity are able to secure new investment for the site or find a buyer for it. However, what happens if they fail and we all need to look for an alternative. Some might disagree, but I think ipernity is unique and not only much easier to use than the competition, but offers a better product. And yet, despite all of that, if it closes then we will need to find a new home, whi…

  • Gute Fotos? - Laudatio

    In Zeiten von Instagram, iPhone, Selfies und Selfiesticks gerät ernsthafte Fotografie immer mehr ins Abseits. Hier und auch auf anderen Plattformen lese ich immer wieder Beiträge, die sich kritisch mit der dieser Entwicklung auseinander setzen. Daher möchte ich hier die Laudatio anlässlich der Vernissage der 40. Jahresausstellung des Fotoclubs Sinsheim vom 12.9.2016 einstellen, die sich ebenfalls mit diesem Problem auseinender setzt.

  • Mon avis sur Ipernity

    C'est un site convivial que je ne souhaite pas quitter et je vous livre le fond de ma pensée comme je l'ai fait sur la page ouverte par AUDREY DU TEAM D'IPERNITY car j'espère que cette belle aventure continuera. Il y aura des mises au point à faire ! - le nombre maximum de groupes qu'une personne peut administrer et modérer. Est-ce raisonnable d'administrer et modérer plus d'une centaine de groupes ? Pourquoi les groupes que l'on modère ne sont pas signalés pour tous les ipenitiens et se…


    Paul... (autofantasia https://www.test.ipernity.com/home/autofantasia ) has done a large amount of work getting this together www.ipernity.com/doc/autofantasia/43992640 Please read and comment..,and fav.... we NEED to get this to No1 Explore so people SEE it and read. Pass it along to your contacts as well please..... Many thanks

  • Wo werden wir mittelfristig Bilder im Internet zeigen? Where are we going to present our fotos on the net mid term?

    For an English version scroll down please! Zumindest die Panoramigos unter uns haben allmählich ja Erfahrung mit abschaltenden photo sharing sites im web. Auch jetzt stellt sich für viele user die Frage: Wohin mit meinen Bildern? Wie kann ich meine photo-affinen Onlinekontakte aufrechterhalten und pflegen? Für die meisten von uns scheint Flickr zumindest ein Überwinterungsdomizil zu sein, bis ein neuer Frühling eine neue Photoseite unter dem Eis der wirtschaftlichen Zwänge freilegt ;-) Ein gebranntes Kind scheut natürlich das Feuer und deshalb habe ich einmal versucht, abzuschätzen, wann Flickr denn (wie das mit Foto-Seiten so üblich ist) abgeschaltet wird.......

  • For the Sake of Islam and the Great Prophet Mohammed

    Comic Frame 002
    Reckless calls for the death of those who engage in free expression must STOP! If one doesn't like a cartoon or some other statement, they can avoid it. For instance, I do not like pornography. Therefore I avoid it. However, at the same time, I do NOT call for the death of those who support this industry or participate in it nor reject their God-given right to do so. As for the cover of Charlie Hebdo No. 1178 -- it is anything but blasphemous or insulting. It humanizes Mohammed (after all in…

  • Dear Team Ipernity ...

    Dear Team Ipernity ...
    I was one of the many that came flooding across from flickr back in 2013 having found its revamp too messy, not at all intuitive and way too slow for my internet connection to handle. I knew that in time I would have got used to all those new buttons and learnt how to do what used to come naturally, but it would still have looked a mess and still have been far too slow. So I left flickr behind and began to set up my new home here on ipernity having decided that it was by far the best alt…

  • Ipernity Closing Down ...

    Dear Team Ipernity ...
    Sad news indeed, but the article posted by Christophe earlier today makes it quite clear that barring a miracle this site will indeed close ... perhaps as soon as the end of January 2017. For many of us this isn't a shock and those that were around in 2015 will no doubt remember my open letter to the team, which sought to shine a light on the fears that many were harbouring: the so-called Elephant In The Room . However, following on from that there was so much goodwill directed to the sta…

  • what's going on

    Dear friendly people of ipernity, What's going on right now ? the head of the team is negotiating with several potential buyers. One seems to be really serious. But nothing is done. What am I doing ? I'm actually reading all your comments (hundreds...) on the latest articles and collecting informations/data on your feelings, ideas, support etc.. thus, to use it to make a "at the moment" state of ipernity. (We may share a survey poll soon) Which means I have fewer time to reply to the su…

  • NEW - EDITED >> "There'll be problems ahead ..." or not ?

    The IMA have launched CROWDFUNDING ... www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity With a target of $25,000 in "two weeks" - this is to secure the platform whilst the takeover project is planned and achieved. March 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Things have moved on ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDED - new article from Team Ipernity - 10th January 2017 www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4646844 "New Perspectives" quote snipped…

  • ipernity is shutting down... :( Alternatives?

    Sharing sites popularity
    Bad things come together. Not only Panoramio is closing down. But also the future of ipernity is bad. In fact, there is only very short near future left.

  • Reality check

    We are "social media nomads", not like those who are travelling around the world and keeping their personal blog or vlog about it, but folks who try to survive in the jungle of social media services. We try to find best and cheapest place to share our creativity and hunger for inspiration. And what makes us as nomads is the fact that nothing seems to continue forever, especially not the social media services. Who remembers such communities as Multiply and My Opera? Who will soon remember Pan…

  • A complementary information [EN]

    La version française est disponible ici .

  • Unofficial User Poll - Make Your Vote Count!

    All of the uncertainty over the future of ipernity and the ongoing discussions about how to secure its finances got me thinking about what this great site has to offer and more importantly just how much we’d be willing, or need, to pay to keep it afloat. In the past I’ve said I’d happily pay twice the current subscription fees and I’ve seen lots of other members make similar statements, but recent developments seem to indicate that based on current membership numbers even that level of undert…

  • Pour vous répondre [FR]

    The English version is now available here .


    Dear friends, please stay! I do not believe it is helpful to panic, escape from Ipernity, and build refugee communities on other platforms. In order to stay in contact with each other you do not need to escape; you should better stay here where we already have this great community and these contacts. To escape at this point is not rational: It is weakening Ipernity. And it weakens our own community. You are already about to split onto different platforms. I am not saying above on the…

  • Terremoto - Die Erde bebt ...

    www.facebook.com/Cartabiancarai3/videos/vb.1803725716538821/1850115141899878/?type=2&theater Die Erde bebt ... und ich bin mittendrin ... Jetzt bin ich in Norcia, Umbrien, mitten in Italien... drei große Erdstöße hat es gegeben, der Erste 19:10 Uhr, auf der Richterskala mit 5,4 ...der Zweite, um 21:18 Uhr wurde gemessen auf der Richterskala mit 5,9 und dann noch einmal ein Beben um 23:42 von der Stärke 4,6. Beim ersten mal saß ich im Auto direkt vor dem Hotel, plötzlich dachte ich,…


    Gary Schotel © All rights reserved
    [EN] Time flies as they say! Fall is already here and we have this impression that the year started yesterday. This summer we solved some bugs (especially the Flickr album importer) and we are still working on the adds. We warmly welcome the new users coming from Panoramio. We know that it is never easy to leave a house for another. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via Help & Contact , we are at your disposal! See you soon, The ipernity Team PS: you can always…

181 articles in total