aNNa schramm's favorite articles
IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2025
Dear Full Club Members of ipernity, The IGA 2025 will take place on Sunday, March 23rd, 2025, 5 pm Paris (16:00 UTC). Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================ We encourage all full club members to attend. ▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure . The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only requi…
Translating Languages at ipernity
Ipernity currently supports 7 languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese). Translations of comments are integrated into Ipernity via the outside translator DeepL which supports 24 languages meanwhile. To translate languages not supported by DeepL, or where the integrated DeepL is not availaible to you as a Guest, you will need to use an outside translator. One easy option for this is to install the plug-in “Mate Translate”. Once this extension is installed…
How to use ipernity
Privacy & Sharing Sharing private content outside ipernity , introduced in 2014 Share by email , introduced in 2014 Shooting informations , introduced in 2013 Who is online , introduced in 2013 Navigating Access to your menu , introduced in 2013 Your news pages , introduced in 2014 Lightbox view , introduced in 2014 Navigation on page , introduced in 2014 Customizing Sort your albums into folders , introduced in 2013 Featured albums , introduced in 2013 St…
Ingresé en Ipernity el 2016 porque fotografiar es una de mis aficiones. Acepté las normativas de Ipernity. No existía ninguna reglamentación sobre la IA ni su relación con la fotografía, porque aún no tenía vida. Nació la IA y era evidente que se avecinaba una revolución general y en el mundo gráfico en especial. De inmediato en Ipernity comenzó el goteo de miembros que presentan composiciones gráficas generadas con la IA. Esto indudablemente irá a más por la propia evolución. Me planteé si debería escuchar los cantos de sirena y me dejaba seducir por la IA y lo rechacé de plano. No me niego a los avances tecnológicos, en general me parecen bien y este en concreto es una gran evolución para bien y para mal, como todos. Estoy en Ipernity por la fotografía, no desertaré de ella, y opino que ambas modalidades son incompatibles y no deberían convivir en un mismo lugar. El fútbol y el baloncesto son deportes, pero cada cual tiene su hábitat y su ser. Obviamente, son independientes en todo. A lo sumo, pueden confluir sus directivas en la pertenencia una misma sociedad propietaria. Hay socios de un club de fútbol, hay otros que son socios de baloncesto de la misma entidad, incluso otros son socios de ambos. Estimo que Ipernity debiera optar por una u otra modalidad o bien disponer de las dos por separado. Es decir; unos con membresía para fotografía, que supongo no necesitaría modificaciones al sistema actual, y otros con membresía para la IA. Lo mismo que se rechaza compartir fotografías ajenas, también se debería rechazar que una fotografía entrara en el grupo de IA y a la inversa. Y el que quisiera estar en ambas podría tener un precio inferior a la suma de las dos. Son mis sugerencias, que ni puedo ni pretendo imponer a nadie. Mas, como Ipernity no me impone amigos, de seguir conviviendo en un mismo espacio, será decisión mía elegirlos según entienda que compartimos la misma afición. Deseo aprender fotografía de otros, así que deberé tener amigos fotógrafos para ver sus fotos. Hasta ahora he compartido con amigos pasados a la IA. A partir de enero dejaré de participar en sus galerías. No tengo nada contra ellos, los respeto y hasta admiro sus trabajos y no descarto volver a tratarlos en una plataforma fotográfica. Pero tengo mis principios y los quiero llevar a la práctica. No jugamos en la misma afición, ni con los mismos medios, ni los resultados son homologables. Deseo que la fotografía sea independiente, mantenga los principios ganados en el decurso de los tiempos con el esfuerzo de avezados e insignes fotógrafos, así como incontables fotógrafos anónimos, y no los perdamos de golpe y porrazo en el totum revolutum, anexionados a la IA que, en fotografía, la considero un arte diferente y, si se pretende equipararlos, diría que desnaturalizado. Me podría callar, mirar hacia otro lado y hacer lo que digo, sin irritar a nadie, pero en mi entorno estoy acostumbrado a decir lo que pienso con franqueza.Y lo he dicho. Aprovecho la oportunidad para desearles a todos los miembros de Ipernity… FELIZ NAVIDAD Y PRÓSPERO AÑO NUEVO. José Manuel Polo Larrondo Bilbao, a 15 de diciembre de 2024.
Site wide SSL is finally here!
Dear members and friends of ipernity, ============================ For those of you still having problems: If trying to add a new photo to a group, and there is no drop-down list, the first thing to try is the Ctrl+F5 to Refresh. See paragraph below for more about refreshing. If that does not solve the problem, you can try closing and restarting your browser . We do not expect to be able to allow the apps (iPhone or Android) to upload photos. But this is possible with either the…
Über das Tanzen
Nachdem ich am Wochenende eine Tanzveranstaltung besuchen konnte/durfte/musste, scheint es mir der richtige Zeipunkt für einige Überlegungen. Usprung von Musik und Tanz Ich war ja nicht dabei und kann deshalb nur Theorien wiedergeben... Wikipedia erzählt uns, dass es in manchen afrikanischen Sprachen nur ein Wort swowohl für Tanz als auch Musik gibt. Bayern 2 (für alle Ausserbayern [soll's ja geben]: ein Radiosender) erzählt uns, dass die Ursprünge der Musik in einer Synchronisation l…
Club News - 2 June 2023
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Next season. Summer is around the corner and the summer collection of homepage pictures and accompanying slideshow are online. See the slideshow on YouTube , and without logging out, see the ipernity homepage here. A deep thank you to all members who have added new contributions which keeps our website looking fresh. Keep those suggestions coming! And the team gives many thanks to Bernhard and * ઇઉ * for all the hard work t…
2023-02-03 Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Website update: Improved album listing when uploading. Until now, if you wanted to put a photo into one of your albums, it was often difficult to find this. This was because your albums were previously displayed based on the order in which they were created, with the most recent albums on top (see the following illustration, left-hand). In addition, the list was limited to fifty albums. This limit was expandable, but it was cumbersome. The d…
IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2023
Dear Full Club Members of ipernity, The IGA 2023 will take place on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 6pm CET. Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================ We encourage all full club members to attend. ▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure . The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only require an email to im…
2023-01-06 Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, As the world turns, our global membership is experiencing changes in the weather from one season to another. For many it is the cold arriving for winter, but for others the warmth of summer or mild fluctuations at their equatorial locals. Whichever way your seasons flow, we wish you a Happy New Year! 1) User Interface Improvements. 1a) Membership renewal by bank transfer. In an effort to make the method for bank transfer membership re…
⚠️ New Photo Replace Feature
[New as of April 2022, latest minor edit to instructions August 2023] Since the native replace feature of our website no longer works for all file types, we are offering you an alternative replace function for photos today. How does it work? Short, summary version: - find the old picture, set it to 'private' and copy the picture number, - upload the new image, set it to 'private', click 'Replace', - paste the number of the old picture and start the process. In detail: ❶…
2022-10-21 Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Let's get up and dance! Request for music suggestions for the winter slideshow uploaded to YouTube. There was feedback that the music chosen for the autumn slideshow was too melancholic. For the winter, 'Chris de Burgh / When Winter Comes' is envisaged. Do you have a better idea? Make your suggestions in a comment below. Note : Proposals need to be instrumental music of about 3 minutes duration. The music should be accompanying music…
The ipernity Homepage - Part 2
For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) The first article about the ipernity homepage told about its history and defined its purpose. The homepage shall present ipernity attractively and motivate visitors from the web to take a closer look at us. It is a promotional vehicle. It must be so inviting that visitors are ea…
2022-05-06 Club News
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Hamburg meetup. Last week, between Thursday and Sunday, about 30 ipernity members from Germany, Austria and Switzerland (and maybe other cou…
1000 Places To See Before You Die...
... 1001, if someone dies. In nun 57 Lebensjahren bin ich viel herum gekommen in der Welt, und der Hunger ist noch nicht gestillt. Schon als Kind faszinierten mich Reiseberichte aus verschiedenen Zeiten und von verschiedensten Orten. Dabei ist es mir ziemlich egal, welcher auch noch so entlegenster Winkel dieser Welt mir warum auch immer gerade in den Sinn kommt - er ist es Wert besucht zu werden. Und wenn mir heute jemand eine Reise zum Mars anbietet, von der ich wahrscheinlich nie zurück kehren würde - ich würde das Angebot annehmen. Nun ist ein ganz banaler Ort hinzugekommen bzw. hat plötzlich Koordinaten und Adresse bekommen - der Resurrection Cemetery auf Staten Island, New York City. Hier findet mein Cousin Timmy Burke seine letzte Ruhestätte.
2022-03-24 Club News
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) We would like to remind you that the sign up deadline for this year's Ipernity General Assembly will end tomorrow, Friday, March 25, 2022 at midnight (Paris time). The same deadline appl…
Ciao Wilfried -
Ich muss mal ein paar Worte dem Wilfried widmen, der gestern meinen Kommentar gelöscht hatte und mich danach aus seiner "Freundesliste" nahm. Auch andere wurden gelöscht, wie ich es verfolgen kann. Gerade in der momentanen Zeit, kann ich das nicht so mal stehen lassen.
Persönliche Erinnerungen an die Flut
Ich schreibe diese Zeilen in unserer alten Wohnung in Weilerswist. Genau drei Wochen sind vergangen seit der Flutkatastrophe im Tal der Ahr – uns hat es glimpflich getroffen, wir sind gesund und die materiellen Verluste überschaubar. Auch wenn wir jetzt vor schwierigen Entscheidungen stehen – wir sind flexibel und haben die Möglichkeiten, uns neu zu sortieren. Viele andere Betroffene können dies, fürchte ich, nicht von sich sagen. Für mich persönlich ist es Zeit, meine Erinnerungen an die Tage d…
2021-12-24 Merry Christmas
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, Today, we would like to thank you all for being a part of our community. We are grateful for your loyalty, and dedication as you share your passion for photography with us, especially during this unusual year. We wish you and your families a p…
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