Since the native replace feature of our website no longer works for all file types, we are offering you an alternative replace function for photos today.
How does it work?
Short, summary version:
- find the old picture, set it to 'private' and copy the picture number,
- upload the new image, set it to 'private', click 'Replace',
- paste the number of the old picture and start the process.
In detail:
So instead of replacing the old photo file within its data environment, you transfer the data environment to the replacement upload.
We invite you to trial this feature and to let us know what you think.
Some explanations:
b) The feature can cope with the uploaded substitute photo having a title and/or description. It can be set so that these are not replaced if the user wants to keep them.
c) Keywords, favs, visits, assignment to groups or albums are transferred while avoiding duplication. Also transferred is the "date posted", so that the substitute photo is positioned in your photo stream at the same place as the old one. (Note that "transfer" does mean the data is moved and assigned to the new photo. It is not copied. The data will no longer exist on the old photo.)
d) The reason for requiring, "Visible by: Me only", is to avoid a visitor adding a comment or a fav to one of the photos, while the transfer is in progress. This could lead to errors.
e) Copying the photo url or id number is required because there is not a more friendly interface allowing drag and drop. But this tiny inconvenience is acceptable because one uses the function only in rare cases anyway.
g) As well as visibility, other manual edits you may need to do after the transfer, are in the "Authorizations, License" section.
h) Both old and new files must be one of following type: jpg, bmp, png, arw, raw, gif. They do not have to match, so for example, a bmp-file can be replaced by a jpg-file.
i) The EXIF data are an integral part of a photo file. Therefore, they are not transferred from the old photo, but deleted with it. The substitute photo may naturally include its own EXIF data. This is nothing new, however, and was also the same with the native function.
k) As with the native feature, links referring back to the photo from elsewhere will not be updated. These might be comments, articles or notes (PiPs) within ipernity. They could also be posted on external sites.These will need to be updated manually as before.
Fred Fouarge club has replied to aNNa schramm clubis het me te omslachtig--
I had wanted to make a particular replacement for many weeks but had been unable to do so. Now I have successfully made the change that I required.
Maybe it does take a little more effort to get there but at least it can now be done.
Many thanks!
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Rob Stamp clubIch für meinen Teil habe es glaub ich noch nie benutzt und wenn ich jetzt im gegebenen Fall diese Möglichkeit nutzen müsste, ich weiß nicht, ob ich dann immer gleich die Anleitung dafür wieder finde,...
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Reyk clubBergfex club has replied to Reyk clubMan sieht: Es gibt unterschiedliche Motive, warum man ein Bild ersetzen möchte oder muss. Privat kommt ein Replace bei mir allerdings nur in Betracht, wenn ich nachträglich Blendenflecke in Bildern entdecke, oder andere technische Macken, die ich bei der Bildbearbeitung übersehen habe.
Fred Fouarge club has replied to Reyk clubBergfex club has replied to Reyk clubReyk club has replied to Rob Stamp clubI'll try it soon.
Da steht, ich solle die Url des alten Fotos "in das Feld" einfügen.
Ich sehe kein Feld, in das ich die Url einfügen könnte.
Sichtbar nur für mich habe ich bei Foto alt und bei Foto neu eingestellt.
Bei Foto neu habe ich weder Bildtitel, Album oder sonstige Bemerkungen eingetragen.
Ich sehe auch nicht das unter Punkt 6 genannte Kontrollkästchen.
Meine User-ID ist keine Nummer mehr, sondern mein Name "Kalli". Liegt es daran?
Bergfex club has replied to Kalli clubGrund: Hinter der Sprachwahl verbergen sich 7 eigenständige Softwarepakete. Die Übertragung in die anderen Sprachen ist erst dann sinnvoll, wenn die englische Version unter Berücksichtigung aller Feedbacks störungsfrei läuft.
Kalli club has replied to Bergfex clubDas mit dem "englisch" hatte ich nicht bedacht.
Ich werde es morgen nochmal probieren.
Kalli club has addedDanke! ☺
A nickname instead of a user id number is not a problem.
Kalli club has replied to Rob Stamp clubIch werde es morgen nochmal in englischer Sprache versuchen.
Kalli club has addedKalli club has replied to Diane Putnam clubIch auch!
Kalli club has addedraingirl club has replied to Kalli clubThank you for your efforts!
raingirl club has replied to John Sheldon clubraingirl club has replied to cammino clubBergfex club has replied to Stan Askew clubIn such rare exceptional cases, if one wishes to replace an already uploaded image with a defect-free one without losing comments and FAVs already received, then a certain amount of effort is perfectly acceptable.
Either way, we should be grateful to Rob that he managed to programme a way out of our dilemma (with the native function) in the first place. After all, even expensive external programming professionals have tried unsuccessfully to restore the native function.
raingirl club has replied to Stan Askew clubDo you often have to replace a photo? Hopefully not since you find the new option too complicated.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to cammino clubIsisbridge club has replied to Rob Stamp clubI did, however, renew my membership today for another year. Ipernity is great except for this one little glitch.
Bergfex club has replied to HaarFager clubIn your case, one would have to investigate what is different with you than with me.
(I did it under Windows 10 in the Chrome browser yesterday.)
Bergfex club has addedI don't think that I'll bother with it. There are several photos I have which I would like to replace. But not via this method. It's time-consuming and looks untrustworthy. :(
Bergfex club has replied to amylsacks clubIn short, I just do the following steps:
- find the old picture, set it to 'private' and copy the picture no.
- upload the new image, set it to 'private', click 'Replace'.
- Paste the no. of the old picture and start the process.
That's all. Quick and easy.
aNNa schramm club has replied to Bergfex clubDanke dir für kurze Worte !!!!!!
Kalli club has replied to Bergfex clubIch hatte mir die ausführliche Erklärung ausgedruckt und danach ca. 6 Fotos ersetzt.
Das letzte Mal vorgestern, hat prima geklappt, und dann habe ich aus Versehen beide (alt und neu) gelöscht. ☺
Jetzt drucke ich mir noch die Kurzfassung aus und bei nächster Gelegenheit verfahre ich danach.
Auf "englisch" musste ich übrigens nicht umschalten. Das funktionierte beim letzten Mal auch auf deutsch.
Kalli club has addedDas Foto habe ich geändert in 16:9 und habe das alte Foto damit ersetzt.
Es hat in deutsch funktioniert.
Merci beaucoup d'avoir réussi à rétablir la fonctionnalité de "remplacement"
aNNa schramm club has replied to Team clubraingirl club has replied to Isisbridge clubIsisbridge club has replied to raingirl club(Edit) Remember to update links posted other sites.
How is it different from what we had before?
Rob Stamp club has replied to Isisbridge clubraingirl club has replied to Isisbridge clubIsisbridge club has replied to raingirl clubne sera pas fonctionnel car bien trop compliquer,
je l'ai essayé plusieurs fois sans succès, je pense que si l'on ne suis pas
les instructions à la lettre, ça ne fonctionne pas.. mais faut-il encore
arriver à comprendre toute le marche à suivre et les thermes des consignes à suivre
voilà mon avis,
cordialement au Team
Bergfex club has replied to ROL/Photo clubTeam club has replied to ROL/Photo clubThe original replace function stopped working a long time ago with no ability to fix it in sight. We are lucky (thanks to our long time volunteer webmaster, Rob) to have different way to do it now.
Of course, if you can't get it to work, then it doesn't help you out. So if you would like help figuring it out, please send us a help ticket and we will do our best to step you through everything.
Others have found that once they get through it once they can continue to use it without great difficulty. I hope that can be the case for you.
-Laura/raingirl (ima moderator)
raingirl club has replied to Isisbridge clubI'm simply spatially overwhelmed in general, but I have managed to use the replace function successfully.
Isisbridge club has replied to raingirl clubraingirl club has replied to Isisbridge clubIsisbridge club has replied to raingirl clubTeam club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubTeam club has replied to vero-Laura
Team club has replied to Adele clubMuch appreciation!
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