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May I introduce ? - HFF

May I introduce ? - HFF
These are Vagabond (at left) and Tanguy (at right), the neighbour's donkeys, whom I often visit with a carrot or an apple. By the way : Tanguy has TWO ears (see below on the picture ;-))

PUIS-JE PRESENTER ? Ce sont Vagabond (à gauche) et Tanguy (à droite), les ânes des voisins, que je viens voir souvent avec une carotte ou une pomme. A propos : Tanguy a DEUX oreilles (voir photo ci-dessous ;-))

DARF ICH VORSTELLEN ? Das sind Vagabond (links) und Tanguy (rechts), die Esel der Nachbarn, die ich oft mit einer Karotte oder einem Apfel besuche. Übrigens: Tanguy hat ZWEI Ohren (siehe unten auf dem Bild ;-))


Mariagrazia Gaggero, trester88, Stephan Fey, E. Adam G. and 26 other people have particularly liked this photo

62 comments - The latest ones
LotharW club
HFF, Christa. Na zum Glück sieht man das zweite Ohr, jetzt bin ich beruhigt :-)
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to LotharW club
Danke Lothar, deshalb habe ich das zweite Foto auch hinzugefügt ;-))
2 years ago.
 David Slater (Spoddendale)
David Slater (Spodde… club
They look like a couple of lively characters Christa! HFF and best wishes.
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to David Slater (Spodde… club
Thanks David, oh yes, they are, but really friendly and cute. Have a nice weekend.
2 years ago.
Loose_Grip/Pete club
HFF Christa. A couple of likely lads!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Loose_Grip/Pete club
Thanks Peter, and they love carrots and apples... Have a good weekend.
2 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Lovely animal picture
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Thanks Jaap, I think they are good photo models;-) Enjoy your weekend.
2 years ago.
 ֎ — Jean Nymer
֎ — Jean Nymer club
Ah. Je pensais que Tanguy ne t'écoutait que d'une oreille!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to ֎ — Jean Nymer club
Merci Nicolas, bonne réplique;-) Et tu as même raison puisque c'est lui qui est le plus sauvageon des deux...
2 years ago.
Annemarie club
may all have peace!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Annemarie club
Thanks Annemarie, wishing you a peaceful weekend.
2 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
HFF-Christa Hahaha Mooi Weekemd
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Fred Fouarge club
Danke Fred, freut mich, dass die beiden dich zum lachen bringen :-) Schönes Wochenende.
2 years ago.
Nouchetdu38 club
Des "voisins" adorables******
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Nouchetdu38 club
Merci Jean-Pierre. Effectivement, ces deux-là, et leurs maîtres aussi....
2 years ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
wonderful, HFF Christa!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Wierd Folkersma club
Thanks Wierd, great that you like it. Have a nice weekend.
2 years ago.
gezginruh club
Ohh ! what wonderful pictures here! It is OK now,they both have two ears!

HFF and have a nice weekend,Christa!

Best wishes
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to gezginruh club
Thanks Füsun, I think I had a good idea to put the second photo as well, so I reassured everyone;-))) Best wishes and a good weekend.
2 years ago.
 J. Gafarot
J. Gafarot club
Et comment as tu fait pour le "présenter" en une si malencontreuse photo ?
C'est pas juste . . .
Enfin tu as mon HFF parce que je te connais, au fond, tu es bien.
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to J. Gafarot club
Merci José. en fait, il secouait sa tête parce qu'il voulait sa carotte et que j'ai pris une photo d'abord. Vagabond est plus patient... Alors, je suis rassurée d'avoir ton HFF ;-)))
2 years ago.
 David G Johnson
David G Johnson club
Ha' ha'... gotcha'.. on the ears Christa'.... love the names too - // Have a lovely weekend - keep well and a ''HFF'' from David J.. UK.
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to David G Johnson club
Thanks David, Tanguy is the one who is impatient, when he sees me arriving with a carrot, he wants it immediately. But that day, I took my photo first ;-) Have a nice weekend.
2 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
How beautiful! I love donkeys and pleased to be introduced to these two ;-))
HFF Christa & good weekend.
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Thanks Rosalyn, me too. And these are really special, everyone has his character, one is patient and rather docile, while the other is cheeky and intrepid, but both are absolutely cute. Wishing you a nice weekend.
2 years ago.
Ecobird club
What a delightful image Christa. The donkeys are beautiful. It looks as if they are eagerly awaiting their treat!!

HFF and have a lovely weekend
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Ecobird club
Thanks Carol, they do. They saw me arriving with carotts, but that day I took a photo first, this is why Tanguy is shaking his head;-)) Have a sunny weekend.
2 years ago.
 Marco F. Delminho
Marco F. Delminho club
Die sind ja knuddelig!

HFF, Christa!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Marco F. Delminho club
Danke Marco, das sind sie, sie lassen sich zu gerne streicheln und kraulen. Schönes Wochenende.
2 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Two lovely animals, both willing to pose for the camera, in return for a carrot.
HFF and a lovely weekend Christa.
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Roger (Grisly) club
Thanks Roger, that's correct, but only that day, normally they have their treat when I arrive... Have a sunny weekend.
2 years ago.
tiabunna club
A lovely pair, Christa. I hope you had some goodies for them. :-) HFF and best wishes for the weekend.
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to tiabunna club
Thanks George, oh yes, I always come with apples or carotts, they love it. Enjoy your weekend.
2 years ago.
Xata club
Lovely neighbours, Christa, HFF
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Xata club
Thanks Isabel, I am lucky: on the one side there are these donkeys, on the other side there is Arabelle, the mare... Have a nice weekend.
2 years ago.
 Andreas Müller
Andreas Müller club
Ein schönes Paar.
Sympathisch abgebildet.
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Andreas Müller club
Danke Andreas, da am Zaun stehen sie immer, weil sie wissen, dass ich da mit den Leckerlis vorbei komme :-))
2 years ago.
trester88 club
Die sind ja süß mit ihren Frisuren!
HFF und ein friedliches Wochenende, Christa!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to trester88 club
Danke Wilhelm, finde ich auch, und mit ihren langen Ohren... Schönes Wochenende.
2 years ago.
 Silvana -Silvy 51
Silvana -Silvy 51
andrei anch'io a portare qualche leccornia a questi simpatici asini:-)
ciao, Silvy
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Silvana -Silvy 51
Grazie Silvy. E sono così felici e grati quando mi vedono arrivare con una carota o una mela ...
2 years ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Die Beiden sind ja zum Knuddeln süß. HFF, hab ein gutes Wochenende, Christa !
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Percy Schramm club
Danke Percy, das sind sie wirklich, uns sie lieben es, gekrault zu werden.
2 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Christa
A very nice picture, which I like very much!
Wonderful pair of very friendly and inquisitive animals!
Great colours
Best Wishes, (slightly late) HFF, a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Peter_Private_Box club
Thanks Peter, they love to be petted, but I think they like even more to eat the carrot or the apple that I bring... Have a good new week.
2 years ago.
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Oh,das ist schön liebe Christa,dass du sie auch verwöhnst,sie werden schon immer auf dich warten,dafür machen sie sich auch als Modele sehr gut,eine sehr nette Aufnahme der Beiden:))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni:))
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Günter Klaus club
Danke Güni, ja, das sind zwei ganz liebe Gesellen. Wenn sie mich auf der Strasse längs kommen sehen, iahen sie schon vor Freude.... (vor Freude, eine Karotte oder Apfel zu bekommen ;-))
2 years ago.
 Stefani Wehner
Stefani Wehner club
Deine Eselsbilder sind einfach zum Schmunzeln!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Stefani Wehner club
Danke Stefani, und es sind wirklich ganz liebe Gesellen...
2 years ago.
WiePet club
Die sind ja so knuffig!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to WiePet club
Danke Wiebke, finde ich auch, so richtig zum liebkosen.
2 years ago.
 Horizon 36
Horizon 36 club
Awesome capture
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Horizon 36 club
Thank you Mila, the donekys are proud that you like them:-)))
2 years ago.
 Peter Chet
Peter Chet club
Nice image Christa, cute donkeys. Peter
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Peter Chet club
Thanks Peter, these are the donkeys of our neighbour, when they see me they arrive braying as they know there is always a carrot for them...
2 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
trop sympa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Nora Caracci club
Merci Nora, oui, je trouve aussi qu'il sont trop mignons, ces deux-là...
2 years ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
Wie süß!!!!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Stephan Fey club
Danke Stephan, finde ich auch. So sehen sie aus, wenn sie mich ankommen sehen mit ein paar Äpfeln...
2 years ago.
trester88 club
Das sind ja zwei hübsche und freundliche Esel. Die muss man einfach mögen!
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to trester88 club
Danke WIlhelm, geht mir genauso, zumal sie beide laut iahen, wenn sie mich kommen sehen...
2 years ago.

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