Bruce Dean (Puchinpappy)'s photos

Clear the Rink Yourself

Puck and Net

After School

Patriotic Hockey Stick 2

Patriotic Hockey Stick 1


18 Dec 2018 2 150
There is nothing that is more Canadian than this hockey rink, open to the kids in the community, built and maintained by parents, behind their houses on public parkland in our subdivision.

Community Hockey Rink

18 Dec 2018 144
There is nothing that is more Canadian than this hockey rink, open to the kids in the community, built and maintained by parents, behind their houses on public parkland in our subdivision.

Hockey Stick

18 Dec 2018 137
It was time to go home so the hockey stick was left where it was dropped.

Deck the Branch

18 Dec 2018 14 6 267
This mountain ash is adorned with its characteristic orange berries and a Christmas bobble.

Community Christmas Spirit

15 Dec 2018 9 14 206
For the Saturday Self-challenge: Christmas traditions. My wife, the furthest violin on the right, added her skills to a small volunteer community orchestra at a fundraiser at La Cite Francophone, in Edmonton. They played a Christmas music program that raised 1200 Canadian dollars for families in need. My wife played professionally for years in orchestras at Christmas time playing Handel's Messiah, The Nutcracker Ballet, and even a Christmas concert with a jazz legend in our town at the local jazz club. Here she supports a group of amateurs in bringing good cheer for a good cause. Add to that the Christmas concerts of her piano and violin students and this season is full of musical expression. There were many people surrounding the two levels of this public space.

View From the Cat Side of the Window

08 Dec 2018 16 18 266
Saturday Self-challenge: Cat's eye view. This is the view from the cat's side of the glass window. The Black-capped Chickadees drive him nuts. Here is one at the window feeder. PIP: What the cat sees the rest of the day because his eyes are closed 98% of the day.
30 Nov 2018 21 21 243
For the Saturday Self-challege. Take a photo through a hole or opening. Please include part of what you are shooting through. Please, no windows since we have already done that recently. Thank you, Dan, for the idea. :) Post-process as much as you like.

7 Marbles

17 Nov 2018 21 18 442
For the Saturday Self-challenge: An odd number of objects.


10 Nov 2018 15 17 350
For the Saturday Self-challenge, negative space.

Big Ben Renovation

03 Nov 2018 16 14 539
The real reason Big Ben is being renovated is because it is going to become taller than the Eiffel Tower. For the Saturday Self-challenge: Forced perspective.

Red and Orange

27 Oct 2018 16 16 413
Saturday Self-challenge: A previous challenge. This week I am mixing the challenges of selective colour and foreground bokeh. Buffalo Berries with Mountain Ash berries creating the orange in the foreground.

Skylight, Frost and a Leaf

14 Oct 2018 24 20 274
For the Saturday Self-challenge: Looking up. This is the skylight in our home frosted over from the abnormally cold weather we have been experiencing. Fortunately it warmed up this week to 20C one day, a welcome relief for all but especially our farmers who were able to get back out to harvesting after snow, cold and rain.

Water Droplets

12 Oct 2018 30 19 591
For the Saturday Self-challenge: Waterdrops. You may see the entire decal in the note. "Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain" for Sight and Sound.

1613 items in total