Bruce Dean (Puchinpappy)'s photos

Walking Together In Red

17 May 2019 17 18 671
Saturday Self-challenge: Selective colour.


12 May 2019 18 8 339
Macro Mondays 2.0 :Snail shells or other shells. This one was found on Juno Beach in Normandy.


10 May 2019 25 18 475
For the Saturday Self Challenge: Music Here is a double exposure of my wife's violin with a copy of J.S. Bach's Partita 2 in D Minor, Giga movement, written in his own hand. For Sight and Sound: This is the music that is shown in the photograph. Anne-Sophie Mutter

Female House Finch

Western Tanager

07 May 2019 1 150
I hope he returns so I can get a better photo of him. We just don’t see many birds with yellow in them in the city.

Common Merganser

Rust Collection

03 May 2019 25 16 261
For the Saturday Self-challenge: Rust.

Male House Finch

02 May 2019 11 5 264
A male house finch hops up to the local lunch counter.

Turkish Delight

Special Canadian Quarter Dollar April 1999

26 Apr 2019 18 17 379
Saturday Self Challenge: Old or unusual coins. I turned this silver colored coin into a coin that looks like it is copper. I used my hand in the reflection to give it its color. See PIP for the collection I found it and the original color. There was one for every month of the year so I chose the April one because this is the month we are producing our work for this week's challenge.

More Propeller Fun

31 Mar 2019 15 4 226
On our return journey, I had a window seat, at the front of the aircraft, so I could take photos from in front of the engines. We are flying over the Canadian Rocky Mountains between Castlegar, British Columbia to Calgary, Alberta.

Pussy Willow at Sunset

19 Apr 2019 30 21 702
For the Saturday Self-challenge: Back Lighting.


14 Apr 2019 27 22 512
Macro Mondays 2.0: Knife blade. The note is from the same set of knives.

Cat on Stereo

10 Apr 2019 25 20 409
Our cat sleeping off his vaccinations this week. No signs of autism. For the Saturday Self-challenge. Your pet or another animal in black and white.

Swiss Stone Pine Bark

06 Apr 2019 16 7 263
From less than six inches away, my macro offering for Macro Monday 2.0. You may see the tree it came off of in the PIP.

Two-tone Swiss Stone Pine

02 Apr 2019 15 19 192
Saturday Self-challenge: tree This tree is showing the stress of a bad summer season or a very cold winter a few years ago. We have learned that it may take a few years for the damage to show. We have been living here for just a year now and our beautiful Swiss Stone Pine is half dead. Nevertheless, it makes a compelling subject for this week's challenge.

Fun With Propellers

27 Mar 2019 23 17 217
I was fascinated with the propeller patterns on our aircraft this week as I looked through the viewfinder. I tried a few different settings and this one really surprised me. Saturday Self-challenge: S or S shape. It is subtle but these optical illusions look S-shaped to me.

1613 items in total