sps1955's photos
Wrest Park: Pavilion 2011-10-03
The pavilion or banqueting house, designed by Thomas Archer (1709-11), from the S. On the left can be seen the C19 house and, in front of it, the C19 fountain and statues close to the site of the earlier house in relation to which the pavilion was conceived. List description for pavilion: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1113807 .
Clare - St Peter and St Paul from S 2011-10-23
The lower part of the tower is C13 but the upper part is C15; the south porch with the chapel adjoining it to the E are of c.1380; nave, aisles and clerestory rebuilt c.1460: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1194114 .
Clare Priory 2011-10-23
From W. Augustinian Friary founded 1248; former cellarium converted to a house by Sir Thomas Barnardiston in 1604; became a friary again in the 20th century. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1376670 .
2011-10-22 003
2011-10-22 001
Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-15 018
Anglesey Abbey: Urn and temple in the Emperors' Wa…
From E. The urn is ancient Roman porphyry. The temple itself is described in the 1968 National Trust guidebook (by Robin Fedden) as "perhaps more curious than beautiful"; the 2010 guide to the gardens simply says that it was "purchased from an architectural salvage company". It was placed here when this section of the garden was developed after World War II. Listing description: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-49326-urn-and-temple-...
Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-15 013
Looking east from the arboretum towards the temple in the Emperors' Walk, with statues dated 1752 to left and right
Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-15 009
The house from the NW, looking across the Monks' Garden. Most of what can be seen is 20th century, with the library of 1937 on the right
Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-15 007
Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-15 003
The house from the S. For architectural description, see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/5182287089/in/set-7215... .
Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-15 002
The circular "temple" W of the house, seen from the S. Architectural salvage on the grand scale: the columns were formerly at Chesterfield House, London, designed by Isaac Ware, 1748-9 and demolished 1937: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-49334-ten-columns-at-... . The lead lions are by Jan Van Nost; the statue is a 1901 copy of Bernini's David .
Wrest Park: Pavilion interior 2011-10-03
The pavilion or banqueting house, designed by Thomas Archer (1709-11). Interior, seen from the closet on the SE, and looking into the semi-circular bay on the opposite side, with trompe l'oeil painting by Louis Hauduroy, 1712. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1113807 .
Wrest Park: Pavilion and William III statue 2011-1…
The pavilion or banqueting house, designed by Thomas Archer (1709-11), seen from the N., with a statue of William III dressed as a Roman emperor, by Henry or John Cheere (according to the English Heritage guidebook), or "possibly by Nost" (according to the list description), one of the few survivors of the many lead statues placed in the garden in the C18. List description for pavilion: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1113807 ; for statue: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1158878 .
Wrest Park 2011-10-03 069
Wrest Park 2011-10-03 068
Wrest Park 2011-10-03 065