sps1955's photos
Godmanchester: Island Hall 2011-07-10
Godmanchester: Island Hall 2011-07-10
c.1750 but the window dressings are a mid-C19 alteration. The garden front, seen here, and the street front are identical. List description: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-53673-island-hall-god... .
Godmanchester: Island Hall 2011-07-10
The Chinese Bridge to an island in the River Ouse, reconstructed in the 1980s: www.godmanchester.co.uk/featured-articles/10-buildings/ch...
Fulbourn Manor 2011-06-04
From W. List description: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-51438-fulbourne-manor... . The statue depicts William III: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-51436-statue-of-willi... .
Fulbourn Manor 2011-06-04
From SE. List description: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-51438-fulbourne-manor... .
Fulbourn Old Manor 2011-06-04
Seen from the Manor grounds (i.e. from S.) List description: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-51440-fulbourne-old-m...
Fulbourn garden 2011-05-19 007
The laburnum is already beginning to fade. Compare www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/4666839345/in/set-7215... , taken on 2010-06-02. This photo also shows how the choysia at the back of the bed (the shrub with the white flowers in the previous year's photo) suffered in the cold winter of 2010-11.
Fulbourn garden 2011-05-19 004
Fulbourn garden 2011-05-02
Fulbourn garden 2011-04-11 003
Fulbourn garden 2011-04-09 012
Fulbourn garden 2011-04-09 007
Fulbourn garden 2011-04-09 005
Fulbourn garden 2011-04-03 001
Munich: Theatinerkirche (St Kajetan) 2011-03-18
Built from 1663 to designs of Agostino Barelli; towers and dome completed by Enrico Zuccalli; façade completed by François de Cuvilliés, 1765-8.
Munich: Theatinerkirche (St Kajetan) 2011-03-18 00…
Fulbourn garden 2010-11-28 002
Munich: Damenstiftskirche (St Anna) 2011-03-18