sps1955's photos

Guided bus 2011-08-07 003

07 Aug 2011 61
Longstanton park and ride "station" on opening day, looking towards St Ives. Building works some way from completion!

Over Mill 2011-08-07

07 Aug 2011 103
c.1860. List description: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-50855-over-mill-over .

Guided bus 2011-08-07 001

07 Aug 2011 78
Bus heading towards Cambridge, seen from the road bridge SE of Over on opening day

Fulbourn Garden 2011-07-23 005

Fulbourn Garden 2011-07-23 004

Fulbourn Garden 2011-07-23 003

23 Jul 2011 83
Same plant as www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/5945699685/in/set-7215... , after overnight rain

Fulbourn Garden 2011-07-21 002

Fulbourn Garden 2011-07-11 002

Godmanchester: St Mary 2011-07-10

10 Jul 2011 75
Inscription above the west door of the tower, built in 1623. The lettering puzzled me but, according to the Victoria County History , reads BVRGVS GVMECESTRE, i.e. Borough of Godmanchester (the 1943 edition of Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles says that "Godmanchester" should be pronounced "Gumsester".)

Godmanchester: St Mary 2011-07-10

10 Jul 2011 85
Late C13 mass dial on the S. side of the chancel

Godmanchester: Farm Hall 2011-07-10

10 Jul 2011 73
The view towards the River Ouse, showing the canal and its connection to the river. The orange on the river bank is temporary fencing associated with repair work. See also www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/5945639841/in/set-7215... .

Godmanchester: Farm Hall 2011-07-10

10 Jul 2011 86
Built 1746 for Charles Clarke, the recorder of Huntingdon, the neighbouring county town. List description: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-53726-farm-hall-24-go... . The grounds continue on the opposite side of the road, where there is a canal giving access to the River Ouse: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/5945639841/in/set-7215... ; www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/5946198628/in/set-7215... . Farm Hall was used by the British government to house Nazi scientists at the end of the second world war: news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cambridgeshire/3127222.stm . See also visitinghousesandgardens.wordpress.com/2012/11/29/farm-ha... .

Godmanchester: West Street with Farm Hall 2011-07-…

10 Jul 2011 72
The grounds of Farm Hall , on the right, continue on the opposite side of the road, giving the house a view down an avenue with a formal canal leading to the River Ouse.

Godmanchester: Chinese Bridge 2011-07-10

10 Jul 2011 90
Dated 1827 but reconstructed in 1960 [see www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-53517-the-chinese-bri... ], the footbridge links the town to an island in the River Ouse.

Godmanchester 2011-07-10

Godmanchester: Island Hall 2011-07-10

10 Jul 2011 88
Gothick lantern and weather vane over stables; presumably modern copies as the list description says "Cupola now removed".

Godmanchester: Island Hall 2011-07-10

10 Jul 2011 69
c.1750 but the window dressings are a mid-C19 alteration. The garden front, seen here, and the street front are identical. List description: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-53673-island-hall-god... .

Godmanchester: Island Hall 2011-07-10

10 Jul 2011 97
c.1750 but the window dressings are a mid-C19 alteration. The garden front, seen here, and the street front are identical. List description: www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-53673-island-hall-god... .

919 items in total