Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

candle CSC9647

01 Nov 2019 10 3 348
Guarding the light. We had a power cut so out came the old candles.

St bruno lac bouleaux DSC 9193

20 Oct 2019 16 10 427
A lakeside view, St. Bruno, autumn leaves. This is the third photo of the same scene from different viewpoints

gdn-blue-jay-wet-snd-windy-2A DSC 9524

27 Oct 2019 9 5 373
A blue jay, very wet and wind blown.

St Bruno DSC 9217

20 Oct 2019 5 2 247
Autumn by a lake, viewing the leaves.

St Bruno DSC 9207

20 Oct 2019 3 1 249
Autumn by a lake.

sticky sage st bruno

06 Oct 2019 7 3 236
Sticky sage (Salvia glutinosa). This is not a native plant to Quebec, but seems to have established itself 'wild" in one very small patch of ground here, on the site of an old mansion that burned down in the 1940s. I imagine these are the descendants of plants from the garden of the mansion that have survived untended for over seventy years. It has a very strong, quite pleasant, citrus perfume.

JAY DSC 8818

11 Oct 2019 6 3 344
A blue jay in the evening light.

Tradescantia-spiderwort-DSC 8425

05 Oct 2019 6 4 240
Tradescantia or spiderwort. In the summer the flowers close around noon, but later in the year, or whenever the sun is less intense, they stay open all day. (The Tradescantia family of flowers is named after John Tradescant, the keeper of Gardens, Vines and Silkworms for king Charles I - .

MTL-climate march IMG 20190927 164431

27 Sep 2019 2 238
Anarchist "Zone d'Autonomie Temporaire." After the Climate March protest (Montreal Sept 27th). As the sun began to sink the anarchists got together to cover their faces with bandanas, make some noise, breath fire, and, in general, anarchize.

mtl-climate march IMG 20190929 192332

27 Sep 2019 2 2 325
"This is the Lorax/ He cares for the trees/ Stop F--ing the planet/ And killing the bees." From the Climate March Montreal 27th Sept when Greta Thurnberg visited town. About 500,000 people turned out. I wasn’t there (on account of the “toad” called work) but passed by later to see the aftermath.

mtl-climate march IMG 20190928 131046

27 Sep 2019 7 2 304
From the Climate March Montreal 27th Sept when Greta Thurnberg visited town. About 500,000 people turned out. I wasn’t there (on account of the “toad” called work) but passed by later to see the aftermath.

mtl-climate march IMG 20190928 130820

27 Sep 2019 2 1 286
From the Climate March Montreal 27th Sept when Greta Thurnberg visited town. About 500,000 people turned out. I wasn’t there (on account of the “toad” called work) but passed by later to see the aftermath.

mtl-climate march IMG 20190927 195400

27 Sep 2019 6 1 333
From the Climate March Montreal 27th Sept when Greta Thurnberg visited town. About 500,000 people turned out. I wasn’t there (on account of the “toad” called work) but passed by later to see the aftermath. This catchy placard was on display at the Anarchist's camp. ("All Progress in Agriculture is progress in the art of not only robbing the labourer but robbing the soil- Marx")

St Louis de Blanford Cranberry)DSC 8347

29 Sep 2019 4 1 156
The cranberry harvest with the first of the autumn foliage. The fields are flooded to float off the red berries ready to collect (easier than climbing a tree); photographed at Cranberry Festival, St Louis de Blandford, Quebec.

monarch CSC 7508

31 Aug 2019 7 2 288
A monarch butterfly

nodding beggartick biden cernua DSC 7490

31 Aug 2019 5 2 238
A nodding beggartick (Bidens cernua, Bident penché) growing at a lakeside. A harbinger of autumn.

milkweed tussock moth caterpillar DSC 7497

31 Aug 2019 2 253
This spiky pipe-cleaner of a caterpillar will become a milkweed tussock moth. It's not easy to tell which end is front and which is the back.

blue jay DSC 7536

31 Aug 2019 2 1 265
A blue jay in the evening light

852 items in total