Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

Forbidding signs-DSC 8658

13 Mar 2021 162
The forbidding signs: No swimming, no fishing, no touching, no kissing, no dancing, no dining, no whining....

ice duck st bruno ice CSC 8382

20 Feb 2021 2 135
Waiting for spring; a duck on a frozen pond.

squirrel waiting for peanutDSC 8003

14 Nov 2020 4 3 113
Grey Squirrel in the snow.

red finches home november 2020 DSC 7987 2

14 Nov 2020 2 2 160
A pair of house finches .

redpoll DSC 8711

15 Mar 2021 6 4 177
A redpoll (sizerin flammé, Carduelis flammea)- visiting the garden. These are tough little characters. They spend summer in the cold of the Arctic and come down here for the winter.

house face DSC 5803a

02 Aug 2019 8 2 156
A face emerges from the barn. What stories could it tell, what does it want to say? From a boat trip along the river Stour in Canterbury. Called 'Bulkhead', this was created by Rick Kirby in 2003. It is outside the Marlowe theatre and was inspired by a line from Marlowe’s Faust about Helen of Troy, “the face that launched a thousand ships.” It is made from scrap metal taken from ships along the Kent coast.

st bruno 6 march frisky squirrels DSC 8614

06 Mar 2021 10 4 150
Snow is still on the ground but the first real sign of Spring; two frisky red squirrels chasing one another.

IMG 20201227 125904

27 Dec 2020 4 1 190
The Old Mill/ le Vieux Moulin, St. Bruno. The first watermill was built in 1725, and rebuilt in the 1760s. It is open to the public on weekends as a tea salon accessible only by hiking, or, in winter, by skiing or snowshoeing.

Smiling trees-2021 Feb 5

06 Feb 2021 11 1 209
Smiling trees. (The Ents are breeding).

cardinal snow DSC 8331

21 Jan 2021 9 5 145
A Northern cardinal in the snow.

montreal sign of the times

19 Jan 2021 5 1 263
“Sign of the times.” Outside an office building in downtown Montreal, a sign on the pavement forbidding smoking- of any kind. Cannabis has been legal in Canada since 2018 but this is the first multi-purpose “No smoking” sign I’ve seen.

squirrel 1 DSC 7881

12 Dec 2020 16 4 155
A red squirrel feeding on pine cones; late autumn.

blue jay snow 2 DSC 8123

02 Jan 2021 8 2 176
A blue jay, taking off from the snow.

junco snow DSC0162

11 Feb 2020 4 1 199
Dark eyed Junco. Although these small birds are resident here all year, their numbers increase in winter as they move away from their breeding grounds which extend far North to the sub-arctic

woodpeaker st bruno nov 2020-CSC 7975

13 Nov 2020 7 2 178
Female hairy woodpecker.

garden blue jay DSC 7840a

01 Nov 2020 8 2 183
Windy day for a blue jay

For halloween niagara frankenstein DSC 7279

28 Sep 2013 7 3 266
For Halloween: Frankenstein and a beef burger, Niagara Falls. Looks like he has indigestion.

red stairs IMG 20201021 213540

21 Oct 2020 7 2 222
The red stairs, back alley.

852 items in total