Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

st bruno fox dec 2018 DSC 0841

09 Dec 2018 3 1 195
Not for the squeamish. A fox that has just pounced on and killed a grey squirrel. Fortunately the hunt was executed with surgical precision, death was very rapid and I don’t think the squirrel knew what hit it.... Pas pour ceux qui sont délicats. Un renard qui a tué un écureuil gris . Heureusement, la chasse a été exécutée avec une précision chirurgicale, la mort a été très rapide et je ne pense pas que l’écureuil sache ce qui l’a frappé.

Mt St Hilaire-IMG 20181130 124025 r

10 Dec 2018 3 3 151
In the bleak mid winter. A view of a frozen lake, Mont St. Hilaire. It looks like a black and white photo but this is in colour.

st bruno nov 23-2018-DSC 0728

24 Nov 2018 3 1 229
Snow and trees

heart st bruno DSC 0635

24 Nov 2018 4 1 294
To warm your heat on a cold day. A blue heart in a snowy garden, St Bruno, Quebec (Jim Dine ).

Rosemary DSC 4274

03 Nov 2018 8 5 225
Rosemary flowers up close.

Saint-Bruno woods Oct 2018

21 Oct 2018 6 154
A walk in the woods, Autumn

sun collander shadow DSC 2986

14 Sep 2018 6 3 226
The sun cast the shadow of a colander on the kitchen wall. A lot of curves.

700 la gauchetiere IMG 20180917 163710 (2)

17 Sep 2018 2 2 255
The view of the old Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) tower in Montreal (completed 1928) as seen from a plaza at 700 de la Gauchetière (built 1983).

treecreeper st bruno oct 2018 DSC 3957

21 Oct 2018 7 2 238
We came across this little tree creeper hunting for bugs in a rotting tree stump. She was very active and the photo is not quite as sharp as I would have hoped but I enjoyed watching her so much that I am going to up load her anyway.

CSC 4013

19 Oct 2018 3 3 191
Autumn passing into winter. The last roses of the year, an hibiscus and some fruit.

St-Bruno DSC 3592

13 Oct 2018 6 3 185
A cormorant slowly swims through the reflections of the autumn leaves, Lac Seigneurial, St Bruno.

squirrel DSC 3546

07 Oct 2018 9 1 275
One of the squirrels that live in our garden. They have learned that if they come close to the kitchen window and stare in they will almost certainly receive a few nuts as a treat. It has become a ritual. Un écureuil qui habite dans notre jardin. Il sait qu'en posant près de la fenêtre de la cuisine, il recevra, plus que probablement, des noix comme un cadeau. C'est devenu un rituel.

squirrel DSC 3536

07 Oct 2018 6 2 296
One of the squirrels that live in our garden. They have learned that if they come close to the kitchen window and stare in they will almost certainly receive a few nuts as a treat. It has become a ritual. Un écureuil qui habite dans notre jardin. Il sait qu'en posant près de la fenêtre de la cuisine, il recevra, plus que probablement, des noix comme un cadeau. C'est devenu un rituel.

Rosemary DSC 2966

14 Sep 2018 3 2 253
Rosemary flowers, about 4-5 mm in size but very intricate and delicate.

rosemary DSC 2876

03 Sep 2018 2 212
Rosemary flowers up-close. Although they are very small, only a few mm long, they are very intricate. Photographing them was very pleasing because of the strong aroma the plant gives off every time I brushed against it.

swallowtail DSC 2439

27 Aug 2018 5 2 221
The dark prince (or princess). A black swallowtail butterfly about to fly away.

St-bruno-coral root DSC 2264

25 Aug 2018 5 2 286
The tiny flower of the spotted coral root orchid, a woodland flower that survives by taking nutrients from fungi. It has no chlorophyll and no leaves. St. Bruno, Quebec

St Bruno Coral Root DSC 1842

18 Aug 2018 2 1 237
Coral root orchid. Coral roots (Corallorhiza) are orchids that, with one exception, make no chlorophyll and live by taking (stealing) nutrients from fungi in the soil (myco-heterotrophy). Most of the plant is below ground, (the coral root) growing in intimate contact with its fungal provider. All that appears above ground is a single leafless shoot with an array of small, rather delicate flowers. Found on the forest floor, park St. Bruno, Quebec.

852 items in total