Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

St Bruno Chicakdee 3 DSC 1936

18 Aug 2018 6 2 325
We stopped for snacks along the trail and a tiny chickadee came to see what we were eating, no doubt hoping for some left-overs. They are lovely little birds but tough, being one of the few species to stay all year and brave the bruising winter weather.

St Bruno Deer DSC 1885

18 Aug 2018 7 1 235
A deer behind a bush, along the path in the woods, St. Bruno.

St Bruno skullcap2 DSC 1959

18 Aug 2018 1 245
Skullcaps (Scutellaria) growing close to a lake. These are small wildflowers (flower about 1.5cm) that habitually grow near water. The small swelling on the upper surface is supposed to resemble a skullcap, although to me it looks more like the dome on the head of a dolphin.

running on air 2b IMG 20180711 172356

10 Jul 2018 4 2 410
Running on air. An acrobat street performer, part of the Just for Laughs festival, Montreal.

Odin figure ROM 2017 IMG 20180331 131115

31 Mar 2018 2 2 204
A bronze figure of the god Odin, from the Viking exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, originally from Sweden. (Taken with a cell phone pressed against the glass case).

hyssop and bee-a--DSC 1149

28 Jul 2018 3 1 315
A bumblebee visiting the flowers of anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum). They are very fond of these flowers, returning ceaselessly from early morning until late afternoon. Anise hyssop is a native wildflower of eastern North America, but these are garden flowers which we planted last year and which are doing very well.

marlene deitrich

14 May 2018 8 5 327
Marlene Dietrich.

kew DSC 0235

04 Jul 2018 4 1 250
Not where you might think. These monks were in the newly renovated Temperate Greenhouse, Kew Gardens in London.

Ile bonaventure DSC 5221

31 May 2018 5 2 340
A gannet, floating on the water near Ile Bonaventure, Gaspe, Quebec.

Monarda July 2018 DSC 0807

15 Jul 2018 5 3 196
Monarda (or bee balm).

Ile bonaventure CSC 5530

31 May 2018 15 307
A pair of gannets. The neck rubbing is part of their bonding rituals. Île Bonaventure, Percé, Gaspé, Québec

Ile bonaventure common murres DSC 5345

31 May 2018 3 247
Common Murres or guillemots, Île Bonaventure, Percé.

Ile Bonaventure gannet DSC 5422

31 May 2018 8 4 306
"Here's looking at you." Gannet (fou de bassan), Île Bonaventure, Percé.

iris versicolor v2 DSC 5765

09 Jun 2018 5 210
A wild iris growing by a lake, St. Bruno, Quebec

Perce DSC 5248

31 May 2018 2 1 223
A part of Percé rock, a landmark in the Gaspé peninsula, Quebec.

Perce pine grosbeak MONT ST ANNESDSC 5495 x

31 May 2018 7 2 323
A pine grosbeak, a large finch, seen along side the trail to the top of Mout Sainte Anne, Perce Geopark, Gaspe, Quebec.

forillon day three south sector walk DSC 5112

29 May 2018 178
Cliffs, Forillon national park, Gaspe, Quebec, South Sector, May.(Sentier Graves)

Eastern eyed click beetle A DSC 4741

19 May 2018 2 1 181
An eastern eyed click beetle (the huge eyespots are false, the true eyes are small and on the head).The lighting effect was an accident caused by the beetle walking onto an metallic panel, which reflected back the light from the camera flash. Alaus oculatus,

852 items in total