Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

nhm-moon DSC 5413

27 Jul 2019 7 211
The “Museum of the Moon”, Natural History Museum, London, 2019. This work, by Luke Jerram, has been exhibited around the world and is a six-metre model based on NASA images.

hyssop bumble bee CSC 4743

07 Aug 2020 6 1 171
A bumblebee taking off.

st bruno water lily DSC 4602

07 Aug 2020 5 3 160
Water lily / nénuphar

garden foxglove july 30 2020 DSC 3890

30 Jul 2020 3 147

garden echinacea bee DSC 4249

31 Jul 2020 7 3 164
A small bumble bee with headlamp eyes launching into flight from an echinacea flower.

st bruno fritillary july 2020 DSC 3509

25 Jul 2020 7 3 166
A spangled fritillary, Saint Bruno Provincial Park.

fritillary-st=bruno-2-DSC 2420

12 Jul 2020 11 2 173
A fritillary feeding on butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) flowers, St Bruno Provincial park.

st-bruno shinleaf july 2020 DSC 2103

04 Jul 2020 3 1 135
Probably shinleaf (Pyrole), a wildflower growing in St Bruno Provincial Park. The leaves are said to contain an aspirin-like chemical and were traditionally wrapped around wounds to assist healing.

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04 Jul 2020 7 231
A hairstreak butterfly feeding on a butterfly milkweed, Butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) is a native to Quebec but is considered quite rare in the province, so finding one was unexpected. The flowers are very attractive to a range of insects. This butterfly was obsessed with it. It occasionally flew away a few feet, rested for a couple of minutes, and then flew back to it, but otherwise remained feeding on the same plant for at least an hour.

st-bruno-deer-DSC 1710

28 Jun 2020 4 1 142
Deer in the woods. She looks a little "heavy" so perhaps is pregnant?

st bruno swallowtail jun 20 2020 CSC 1549

20 Jun 2020 12 4 228
A swallowtail butterfly feeding.

st bruno iris june 20 2020CSC 1548

20 Jun 2020 4 3 191
A wild iris growing beside a small lake.

st bruno spring lilac DSC1141

31 May 2020 4 1 147
Springtime. White lilac.

goslings DSC0876

20 May 2020 2 1 197
A couple of goslings, (oisons). Canada Geese.

flower azalea DSC 0777

turtle dandelion DSC0867A

20 May 2020 4 1 158
Juxtaposition: A turtle swimming past a dandelion.

geese family DSC0805

20 May 2020 3 2 199
Proud parents. A family of Canada geese.

Rose breasted grosbeak DSC0684

16 May 2020 6 1 195
Rose-breasted grosbeak (cardinal a poitrine rouge) visited the garden recently.

852 items in total