Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

snow goose DSC0566

07 May 2020 5 2 158
A snow goose (oie des neiges/Anser caerulescens) resting on its migration to the breeding grounds in the North.(parc de la Cité, Longueuil, Quebec).

Mr Mango smiley 1 IMG 0019

knife flight IMG 0033

22 Apr 2020 3 1 196
What to bring to a knife flight? (Imaged using a scanner).

IMG 20190820 183820

20 Aug 2019 8 3 375
Evening shadows and lines, outside 1000 de la Gauchetière. There is a dispute whether it is Montreal's tallest building as there is another skyscraper that is taller but only if the height of an antenna is included. Built in 1992 it has 51 floors and houses, among other things, an ice skating rink and a major bus terminal.

hibiscus 2 DSC0435

28 Mar 2020 5 3 195
The snow has only just gone here so there are still no garden flowers. This is an indoor plant. The flower only lasted two days but it was nice while it lasted.

arbus 2 (secrets about secrets)IMG 20200324 103643

24 Mar 2020 4 1 170
Cones on newspaper (secrets about secrets).

x cardinal DSC0224

16 Feb 2020 19 5 378
A male cardinal in the garden. They stay throughout the winter even in the coldest weather. We have a small group of four males and four females that visit pretty regularly but they are skittish and don't stay close to the house for long.

march-0102020 st bruno pileated A DSC0309

01 Mar 2020 10 1 264
A male pileated woodpecker (grand pic) feeding on a rotting tree trunk. Parc St. Bruno, near Montreal.

st bruno DSC0187

15 Feb 2020 10 3 257
A young deer foraging in the snow.

Skiing in town IMG 20200211 161523

07 Feb 2020 15 5 408
Skiing to work down the street. After a snow storm, Montreal

st-bruno-skiers- DSC0043

25 Jan 2020 1 282
Cross-country skiers resting; Park St. Bruno, near Montreal.

ATV with tracks st bruno- DSC0041

25 Jan 2020 2 311
Getting around in the snow. An ATV with snow tracks, Park St Bruno. I think it looks like rather more fun that it's fair for someone to have at work.

Garden cardinal DSC0279

19 Jan 2020 15 5 292
Through the kitchen window. A male cardinal taking off. We have had a small flock of these birds in the garden this winter, which brings some colour to an otherwise very drab season. (Cardinal rouge, Cardinalis cardinalis).

broccoflower fractal IMG 2A 20191025 124739

25 Oct 2019 10 5 268
A broccoflower (Romanesco broccoli) showing natural fractal-like veggie geometry, Fibonacci spirals etc. Tastes OK too if it's not boiled to a mush.

Towards the light

21 Dec 2019 6 2 262
Winter tracks across the frozen lake. Wishing a happy new year and the very best for 2020. Tous mes vœux pour cette nouvelle année.

powercut candle-bougie DSC 9632

01 Nov 2019 10 2 252
Candle. Light in the dark.

MG 20191128 185251

26 Nov 2019 2 147
Foggy landing, Billund airport, Denmark

house finch DSC 9574

17 Nov 2019 18 3 392
A red house finch.

852 items in total