Herb Riddle's photos
And the rhythm goes on and on......
Havana is a city of music, as is the whole of Cuba I think. Here the sounds of the Rhumba rings true and clear and nothing puts such musicians off, even the passing of an interesting figure perhaps!
Don't look now, we're being watched!
People who know me, also know I'm a bit of a techie. I have seen a few of these drones around and often thought that I would perhaps like to own one in order to take photos from a high vantage point, which also ties in with another of my hobbies 'Flight Simulation'. Never got round to buying one though as I thought its use my be misconstrued. I've never seen one in a city centre hovering next to their greatest and most important building before and therefore wonder what or who is it filming? Ah well, such is the modern world! ps the building is the National Capitol Building of Havana, Cuba.
3,2,1 Go....
The start of another Havana Grand Prix, maybe not but a glimpse of the traffic situation here in Havana old town Cuba it is. Lots of these vintage sedate cars around here. Quite refreshing to see.
A Yorkshire sky
Milky Way from Lincolnshire
Milky Way as seen from Yorkshire Dales
Specially added here for my friends new MilkyWay group. This taken from near the village of Settle in Autumn 2016
Filey Town at Easter
A long view into this Yorkshire holiday resort. Demonstrating that a day at the seaside is always worth a paddle even in such cool dull weather.
Gannet of Bempton Cliffs
Adult mature Gannent (genus Morus, in the family Sulidae,) seen over the Bempton Cliffs on our Yorkshire Coast.
More info on Bempton Cliffs: www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/bird-and-wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/g/gannet
The Brigg
A Springtime view of Filey Brig here on Yorkshire's east coast. A lonely Oystercatcher completes the scene.
Rapeseed Splendour
A trip to our East coast and Flamborough Head brings this delightful scene here in Springtime. In the distance can be seen the two Flamborough lighthouses, one now defunct.
Havana Opera House
The old city of Havana in Cuba has much to offer the tourist. Here is the splendid Opera House: 'Gran Teatro de La Habana'. It was constructed to serve as a social center for Galician immigrants to Havana. The theatre has been home to the Cuban National Ballet and plays home to the International Ballet Festival of Havana. For me, if its dance and music is as good inside as the physical beauty of outside then it's a place indeed. Notice the typical 1950's auto-mobiles still in general use here.
Ingleborough Cave insights
A few photos prior to this here on Ipernity, I mentioned this cave in connection with the Reginald Farrer Nature trail at Clapham in the Yorkshire Dales. Well here is one of the delights I saw whilst doing the tour, which in this case was just my wife the tour gild and myself. This shows three levels, on the top the ceiling with its stalactites and the the central plain with its corresponding stalagmites. Below this there is here a deeper level with this very still and reflective pond showing the two levels above but giving an almost bottomless effect. All in all, well worth a visit.
Further info: www.ingleboroughcave.co.uk
Scarborough Harbour old steps
Taken in 2012 and originally posted in Panoramio. Theses steps along the old harbour wall would take fishermen down to the boats in years past and also here in the present. For me, the diagonal shape and texture played a great part too. Enjoy.
A Dales Sunset
As the rains of the day departs we get a smouldering sunset, at least for some minutes. As I stand here taking this, my feet are sinking ever deeper into the waterlogged field. Ah well, I hope my efforts were worth while.
A walk along Trow Gill
Just north of the Yorkshire village of Settle, sits the smaller village of 'Clapham'. Amongst other delights it is the starting point of a magic trail called the 'Reginald Farrer' nature trail. The trail leads to another great attraction 'Ingleborough Cave' , a subject for more photography and chat. At its far end lies this gully lined by old dry stone walls and inhabited by sheep and walkers. Just behind me it is very steep indeed leading further to another famous spot, a pot-hole called 'Gaping Gill'. Not much to look at from the top but a cavers delight once the 100m decent has been made by pulley ropes and ladders. - A rather tranquil view here, displayed in mono to give it that ageless look that has abound here for millennium.
More info-Gaping Gill: www.yorkshiredales.org.uk/visit-the-dales/discover-the-dales/caves-and-potholes/gaping-gill
Trail and cave: www.yorkshirenet.co.uk/yorkshire-dales/clapham (See also the photo three up from here.)
A Dales View
Anther view taken from just outside and high up from the Yorkshire village of Langliffe. The snow still lies on the peak of Pen-Y-Gent but I do like the farm walls here.
Pen-y-ghent from Langliffe
Just north of the Yorkshire Dales village of Settle lies another smaller village called Langcliffe. Travelling through this village, up a very steep incline, this position can be reached. The limestone outcrops here are always a feature of this area and provides lightness, even on a dull early Spring day as this. Notice too, the snow on one of Yorkshire's highest hills at 649m which is a third of the famous 'Three Peak' hills around here. The three Peaks which also include Whernside and Ingleborough is famous for its 'challenge' walk/run.
More info: www.threepeakschallenge.uk/yorkshire-three-peaks-challenge
A Yorkshire 'Double Top!'
As the last heavy rainfall passes by, the next is only seconds away. It is always nice to see colours like this which also enhance the overall lighting of the scene. Taken near the tiny village of Long Preston in the Yorkshire Dales.
Nb In Yorkshire, 'Double Top' is a term used in the pub game of darts meaning 'double twenty'. It sits at the very centre top position of the dart-board circle. During the game, one would cry out "double top" meaning they were going to try to get a dart in the 'double twenty' slot.