Herb Riddle's photos
Frog Heaven
Its Springtime in Derbyshire, England and that means its time to expand the family. Here in this small pond, the water bubbles with perhaps a hundred frogs or more. They are our 'Common Frogs' (Rana temporaria) our most well-known amphibian.
"The common frog might be widespread in the UK, but populations have declined in recent years. The main threat to frogs is the loss of breeding habitats as small ponds are filled in and urban development cuts off routes to bodies of water."
See last photo (or smaller PiP) for bigger view.
Enjoy full screen
Mam Tor and frog pond from the 'Broken Road'
As we see Mam Tor in the background we also see this wonderful frog pond by the side of our path. The adjacent photo shows these Common Frogs in more detail.
Nice full screen
HFF ~ A walk along Healey Dell
Healey Dell, a small beauty spot in the Lancashire town of Rochdale is our venue here. We are walking along the old railway line that is now quite overgrown around this linear path. Just beyond our view here, this path runs runs over a large high viaduct. PiP
Have a good weekend.
Great grey owl
Strix nebulosa - seen some time ago at a bird sanctuary.
The great grey owl is a true owl, and is the world's largest species of owl by length. It is distributed across the Northern Hemisphere, and it is the only species in the genus Strix found in both Eastern and Western Hemispheres. WiKi
HFF ~ A view from Linz
Although the city of Linz is a modern metropolis, it is ringed by lovely countryside. Here I am just north of the city in a small high area called Pöstlingberg looking south towards the peaks of the distant Austrian Alps and one of its many National Parks. The late yellow autumn leaves beckon the onset of winter and the many locks demonstrate undying love -I think !
Have a good weekend.
A winter lake
As we walk around Durham Massey we witness much beautiful countryside. Here is one of the lakes that was the home to a few ducks and Canada Geese at least.
Enjoy the day.
HWW ~ Yorkshire walls
Reeth in the Yorkshire Dales is blessed by being surrounded by these old walls. Not that it stops any walkers as there are ample stiles and passing places to go from one field to another. As long as we don’t have mischievous dogs with us or are careless leaving fences open or damaging walls the farmers tolerate us. In my case, I just enjoy the fresh air, green fields and snap another HWW shot.
Enjoy the day.
A Postcard from Linz
The city of Linz in Upper Austria provides us with another chance to explore a city for a few hours. Having left the main square we walk through historic streets of baroque buildings and clock towers. The bottom row shows, left to right: the Old cathedral (Dom), The Landhausturm, and the New cathedral
Enjoy the day.
HBM ~ A seat by the Orangery
It’s a cold day here at Dunham Massey but the benches still have picnickers with their hot drinks resting here and its never too cold to play. Normally, I presume you could take a seat inside where I am sure the temperatures are far higher but...closed today! Taken on our county park walkabout
HBM, enjoy the week.
Along the Danube
We are approaching the Austrian city of Linz here as we cruise the beautiful Wachau Valley. Blue skies, orange roofs and an autumnal tree all go together to make rather a nice picture for me.
Enjoy the day.
A trio of Puffins
A trio seen at Duncansby Head, Britain's most North Easterly point.
Here is one of the our countries favourite birds. Puffins are members of the auk family, alongside guillemots and razorbills. Male and female puffins look almost identical. They can live to be over 20 years old and some have been recorded at over 30 years old. Puffins may appear awkward or clumsy on land or when they’re flying. But, like most seabirds, they show off their agility underwater. While steering with their feet, puffins’ wings become flippers, propelling them down at great speed to catch their next meal. During breeding season they arrive back to land with their colourful bills full of sand eels, a key staple of their diet.
Enjoy the day.
Seen in Dunham Massey. Always nice to see such water fowl.
"The Eurasian Coot is all-black and larger than its cousin, the Moorhen. It has a distinctive white beak and 'shield' above the beak which earns it the title 'bald'. Its feet have lobed flaps of skin on the toes which act in the same way as webbed feet when swimming. It patters noisily over the water before taking off and can be very aggressive towards others." www.rspb.org.uk
Best full screen.
HFF ~ A winter flight
A walk to my local Hartshead Pike is always an experience. This winter walk in very slippery conditions tries my balance and patience but with shots like this I cannot complain.
Enjoy the day.
Spring is in the air
A walk through garden parklands on a spring-like day in February has rich rewards. This tree may be a Forsythia or even a Laburnum. The background is carpeted by white snowdrops.
Enjoy the day.
HWW ~ The River Ure near Bolton Hall
Another look at the Yorkshire Dales area around Bolton Hall. A view from the lovely bridge over the river here that at one time might have been the main carriage track to the hall. Now only the odd walker and maybe tractor goes over it.
The River Ure in North Yorkshire, England, is about 74 miles long from its source to the point where it becomes the River Ouse. It is the principal river of Wensleydale, which is the only major dale now named after a village rather than its river.
See PiP’s for alternative views.
Enjoy the day.
Linz – Hauptplatz
A first look at the Austrian city of Linz. The Main Square forms the centre of Linz and is one of the largest enclosed squares in Austria. The 20 metre high white marble column, completed in 1723 is dedicated to the Holy trinity in gratitude for having survived many disasters’ and a protection against fire, war and plague.
We are beset by many baroque buildings and a fine cathedral and so an inner city walk from the Danube beckons as well as a tram ride up to the Pöstlingberg Kirche. Of course this wonderful square demands time for a photo or two both from my DSLR and phone.
See PiP for closer view of the column.
Enjoy the day.
HBM ~ His and her's bench
Another view from Dunham Massey. Lots of paths like this greet us here. We also see a sprinkling of spring flowers on the other side of the river. In the distance we see a small footbridge that we were heading for next.
HBM, enjoy the week.
Late Melk
A last chance for us to see Melk before our return to the boat. A lot of traditional cobblestone here making these village streets a real pleasure to explore in this light. It seems that drying space for clothe washing is a premium in this village centre :)
Enjoy full screen