Team's most read articles
Import your photos from Flickr!
- 39 017 visitsWe have just released a GreaseMonkey plug-in, allowing you to import your photos from Flickr . Not only original photo is imported, but also: title and description private/public sharing option latitude and longitude the first 20 tags albums list (coming soon...) Quick and easy. Here we go !
We are the champions!
- 35 322 visitsipernity is the winner of the 2nd Open Web Awards in Photo Sharing category This victory is the result of the fantastic support of the ipernity community. Dear friends, thank you ♥ so much for voting for us and making the buzz. You gave us the best Christmas gift we could ever receive. And you gave ipernity a worldwide recognition. We are proud to work everyday to make ipernity your ultimate home for digital life. Let's sing all together... A…
Placez vos souhaits ici / Post your wishes here
- 31 583 visitsChers tous, en attendant la sortie des forums, je vous propose de poster ici vos souhaits d'amélioration et de nouvelles fonctions pour ipernity. Cette discussion a pour but de nous aider à mieux cibler vos attentes. Je vais ouvrir prochainement une discussion sur les Groupes, inutile d'en parler ici ;-) Je propose d'utiliser l'anglais mais si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise, exprimez vous dans votre langue. / Christian. * mise à jour 01/07/07 * vous trouverez un résumé des cent premiers posts en p…
Welcome, Flickr friends!
- 29 772 visitsDear Flickr friends, Many of you have recently decided to sign-up to ipernity. We'd like to thank you for choosing us to host and share your photos in their maximum quality. Concerning the need to transfer your photos onto ipernity. We offer scripts that enable you to import your photos from your Flickr account to your ipernity account. Scripts will be improved within the next few days. Please go to this page for further information . This page is also accessible from the uplo…
Facebook, Yahoo!ID, OpenID, Orange, API...
- 28 033 visits[EN] Here are the weekly news... As for now, people having a Yahoo!ID or OpenID, Facebook members and Orange subscribers can use their login information to connect ipernity. ipernity members, go to your Preferences / Connexion page for further details. Not yet registered? That way! We are still focused on the ipernity API and hope to open it to programmers in the next days. We should modify our technical architecture and it was time consuming. That's the reason why we are a little bit…
Photokina 2010
- 22 979 visitsKoelnmesse GmbH, Thomas Klerx [EN] Photokina just passed over, and lots of new products have been unveiled during this huge event. Three major trends can be noticed : video, video and more video, as every single new DSLR seems to get out from factory with a video mode, smaller can be better, with a lot of new micro-reflex cameras appeared on manufacturers desks during the show, third dimension is not only for cinema, as several 3D lenses and even compact cameras specific…
What's up? Quoi de neuf ?
- 21 800 visits[EN] Hello all! No news from us since a long time! Does it mean we were in holidays, drinking cocktails in a beach bar? No no no!!! We were working on ipernity (and we are still working on ;-) We led and continue to lead 4 groups of projects at the same time: 1) small improvements and bug fixes - color search Now you can search pictures containing a specific dominant color. Just type the color hex code you want in the search area. For instance #123456…
Google Translate + ipernity = new power "translate" feature
- 21 502 visitsipernity is proud to enable the first social mashup of the brand new Google Translate API. Members and visitors can now request "on the fly" translations of posts, comments, discussions, descriptions, iperMails... written in foreigner languages*. Translation is made from/into 23 languages*. Of course, automated translation is not perfect but we are convinced it brings ipernity members and visitors a real added value for a global understanding. Thanks to this new feature, ipernity bec…
We do not have good news ... [EN] [FR]
- 21 450 visits[EN] In early 2016, we reported the situation ipernity has been facing ( UPTIME 3535 article ), and we were very touched by the great amount of support that article had sparked off. Despite our limited resources, we have done our best to keep the service in good working condition, particularly by exploring several ways to bring ipernity a second life (many thanks to those who suggested ideas). The best option remained to partner with another party who would be able to make the necessar…
3D wall photos viewing with PicLens
- 20 262 visits[EN] PicLens is a cool plugin transforming your browser into a full-screen, 3D experience for online photos and videos. See a demo here . We'd love to make ipernity fully compliant with PicLens. It would give members and their visitors the possibility to view photos streams, photos albums, even photos posted in groups... on a 3D full screen black wall. Klass! We implemented a basic RSS-based integration of PicLens, allowing for instance to view through PicLens the last 20 posted publi…
ipernity, partner of the Sony World Photography Awards 2009
- 19 200 visitsipernity is proud to be official partner of the Festival at Sony World Photography Awards, taking place in Cannes, France from 14th to 19th April 2009. It's a week-long celebration of the photographic culture, history and image. The City of Cannes will host over 50 photographic exhibitions throughout eclectic city landmarks, public and private venues - all open for the public to attend . For the professional, amateur and photography enthusiast, there will be a choice of seminars, book sign…
New Club Members - most recent
- 19 197 visitsManuel Wesser ← publicly active Allen Smith Horst Kostka ← publicly active Wolfgang Werel ← publicly active Min Li DBZ67 ← publicly active Reto Previtali ← publicly active Herr Schmidt ← publicly active Christiane ← publicly active Roland Röseler ← publicly active Klaus Fenzl ← publicly active Sylvie Wittmann ← publicly active Stefan Lattermann ← publicly active Susan Miller-king ← publicly active Roland Clark ←…
Follow-up for flickr newbies
- 18 706 visitsHello new friends! Woooooooowww! There are so many of you joining us everyday! We feel so proud and glad that you have decided to choose ipernity. We are doing our best to welcome you in good conditions. We are receiving a large amount of messages and we are trying to answer to each of them. But it may take a while so we apologize in advance for this delay. A huge thanks to all our *old* users who are helping the *new* ones by replying to comments. You give much greater sense to…
Happy birthday ipernity!
- 18 585 visits[EN] ipernity celebrates today its first birthday! ipernity opened its doors the 25th of April 2007. We brought you a technical platform. You made it a human community. You support us since the beginning, translating, debugging, advising but also promoting your incredible talents with ipernity... You are fantastic people and we can never thank you enough... We know the road is long. We have thousands of ideas. You have thousands of wishes. We are currently working on invisible i…
[EN] Introducing the new content rating/filtering system
- 17 309 visitsVersion française ici Dear all, The ipernity community is as varied as the content it hosts. Some content may offend users or be unsuitable for children. So that everyone has a positive experience on ipernity, and since our current system is not perfect, we'll release soon a new content rating/filtering system. We planned to release this system last February but we underestimated the complexity of such project. Again, we apologize for this long delay. Now we are close to the end.…
[EN] Discover the new ipernity!
- 17 085 visitsThere is no escaping it: ipernity has changed! Here is a non-exhaustive list of improvements that we have made. Your content is better organized Your photos and videos are now regrouped in the "Photos" section. Your Word and PDF files, your sound archives and your other content are regrouped in the "Docs" section. The Keyword tags become search by Keyword. The Tag section becomes Photos with specific people. The Geotags section becomes Navigate on the map.…
[DE] Lebendig und am Arbeiten
- 16 990 visitsGerman translation of this article - Thanks to Dirk Hallo zusammen Lange ist es her, seit unserer letzten Meldung. Wir gingen fälschlicher Weise davon aus, dass keine Meldungen nötig wären, wenn keine Verbesserungen an ipernity gemacht werden. Das war etwas ungeschickt, verzeihen Sie uns dies bitte. Was ist in den letzten 12 Monaten passiert? Anfang 2010 begannen wir, ein Inhaltsbewertungs-System zu entwickeln, um Minderjährige vor ungeeigneten Inhalten zu schützen. Währ…
The ipernity API is now open. Champagne!
- 16 675 visitsAfter several months of hard work, we are proud to announce... ...the ipernity API ;) Welcome, developers! The API gives you freedom to create new applications that are powered by ipernity functionalities: web services, device applications, gadgets... We've done everything to make the ipernity API simple and fun to use, even if you're not an experienced programmer. Each API method is implements a specific function and is well documented. Better yet, you can try e…
UPTIME 3535 *
- 16 641 visits[EN] Dear friends, 2016 is a special year because - some will surely remember - in less than four months ipernity will celebrate its 10th anniversary ! The first ipernity Beta version was launched on May 15, 2006 and it was one of the rarest place - perhaps the first - which proposed the sharing of any type of content (photo / audio / video / file / ...) with relatives and archiving your data on long term. Originally, ipernity was not designed to share pictures only, but as a sh…
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