In early 2016, we reported the situation ipernity has been facing (UPTIME 3535 article), and we were very touched by the great amount of support that article had sparked off.
Despite our limited resources, we have done our best to keep the service in good working condition, particularly by exploring several ways to bring ipernity a second life (many thanks to those who suggested ideas).
The best option remained to partner with another party who would be able to make the necessary investments. Unfortunately, the recent discussions we have conducted have failed.
This lack of perspective forces us to consider the shutdown of ipernity, probably on January 31, 2017 (or shortly after).
As you can imagine, we are deeply saddened, particularly since we know a great number of you are very attached to ipernity. We feel so helpless to imagine that this space we * all * helped build over 10 years will soon disappear.
As we have promised, we will strive to help you to recover all of your publications.
You can also expect, at the actual date of closure, to get a refund for your Club accounts (within limits).
We remain at your service, through the customer support, exclusively, to listen to your suggestions of tools (and methods) to export your data.
Please, remember :
- We understand the frustration you might feel, but we won’t be able to reply to all the comments that will be left on this article.
- If you have any questions (not covered in this post), please contact us by means of customer support tool only.
- If you know a company that could be interested in the acquisition of ipernity, please put us in touch. (within the support tool).
We will of course keep you informed of the follow-up as soon as there is news.
Thanks for your understanding.
Yours sincerely,
En ce début d’année 2016, nous avons communiqué sur la situation d’ipernity (article UPTIME 3535), et nous avons été très touchés par la vague de soutien que cet article avait suscité.
Malgré nos moyens limités, nous avons fait notre possible pour maintenir le service en bon état de fonctionnement, et surtout creusé plusieurs pistes pour apporter à ipernity un second souffle (merci à ceux qui nous ont déjà fait des propositions à ce sujet).
L’option la plus réaliste restait de nous associer avec un autre acteur capable d’effectuer les investissements nécessaires. Malheureusement, les dernières discussions que nous avons menées n’ont pas abouti.
Cette absence de perspectives nous oblige à envisager la fermeture d’ipernity, probablement le 31 Janvier 2017 (ou un peu après).
Comme vous pouvez vous en douter cette annonce nous attriste profondément, en particulier car nous savons que nombreux d’entre-vous sont très attachés à ipernity. Nous nous sentons aussi démunis vous pouvez l’être d'imaginer que cet espace que nous avons *tous* contribué à construire depuis plus de 10 ans va bientôt disparaître.
Tel que nous en avions pris l’engagement, nous mettrons tout en oeuvre pour vous permettre de récupérer l'intégralité de vos publications.
Nous prévoyons aussi, au moment de la date de fermeture effective, de rembourser les comptes Club dans certaines limites.
Nous restons aussi à votre écoute, par le biais de l’outil de support client exclusivement, pour écouter vos suggestions concernant la mise en place des outils d’exportation de vos données.
À retenir :
- Nous comprenons la déception que vous pourriez ressentir, mais nous ne pourrons pas forcément répondre à l’ensemble des commentaires qui seront laissés sur ce billet.
- Si vous avez des interrogations (non traitées dans ce billet), veuillez nous contacter par la biais de l’outil de support client exclusivement.
- Si vous connaissez une entreprise intéressée par la reprise d’ipernity, n’hésitez pas à nous mettre en contact. (Merci d’utiliser l’outil de support).
Nous vous tiendrons bien entendu informés de la suite dès qu’il y aura du nouveau.
Merci de votre compréhension,
À bientôt.
Pascal de Bretagne
J'adore la convivialité et les nombreuses fonctionnalités d'Ipernity....
Triste :o((((((
"You can also expect, at the actual date of closure, to get a refund for your Club accounts (within limits)."
What does that mean: within limits? Does this mean that we do not get back the full amount of money paid in advance?
Ipernity is a rather cheap platform. (At FOTOCOMMUNITY you pay the triple amount for less service and performance.)
More interesting for me is the answer to the question: What is our alternative?
Jim O'Neil club has replied to Bergfex clubor back to flicker.
Neither appeals to me.
Be◉bachter club has replied to Jim O'Neil clubMy password-manager always complains when I'm locking in to ipernity.
I will no longer accept this.
Also interested in an alternative.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubAll of those bore me to death. Then there's G+/Google Maps, but those of us who experienced Google's history of B.S. are bitter... First Trump, now this! ;-(
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Jaap van 't Veen
Heidiho club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodhawhat a sad, frustrating list ... there is NOTHING could be a HOME.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Heidiho
Stormlizard club has replied to StoneRoad2013 clubI have suggested to the Team that they look for sponsors that would be able to have a 'Spinsored by active bar on the Page header.
Free riders would have to live with having active ads on their pages as is done by YoTube among others.
Ce site est tellement merveilleux et convivial que je suis très déçue
Sans ipernity que va t'on devenir ?
Many of us have only recently joined from Panoramio and were delighted to have found a sympathetic platform. Now what? And can we rescue what we have published here? Where do we go now????
Diane Putnam club has replied to Andy Rodker clubIch schliesse mich meinen Vorrednern an, wohin jetzt ???
Gabi Lombardo club has replied to Gerrit FischerKalli club has replied to Gabi Lombardo clubErst wird Pano ermordet von Google und jetzt macht IP ganz kurzfristig zu, und wir können uns retten zu Google plus (wo ich alle meine Fotos aus Ärger schon rausgeschmissen habe)?
Für mich ist das nicht nur traurig oder ein Schock, sondern echt Scheiße. Und auf meine 25 Euro scheiß ich auch.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Gabi Lombardo clubHowever, even after the mass migration of ex-Panoramio members, we don't know how many members there are as this figure is not published. So maybe ipernity really is very small and perhaps the numbers and any increase to the income stream just doesn't stack up.
I hope a solution can be found quickly.
Cameron has replied to Gerrit FischerAuch ich glaubte, hier eine gute und dauerhafte Alternative zu Flickr gefunden zu haben. Und so war es auch - ich fühle mich hier wohl.
Und nun?
Might I ask, would those members who do not have CLUB status, if they were to decide to become full members, by the 1st January 2017, would this help the situation and keep Ipernity alive . . . ?
Perhaps this is a consideration .... I do hope so ... I am sure most if not everyone would be prepared to pay to keep you alive and running.
My thanks for the work of the team during difficult times ... not an easy decision to have made.
Thérèse club has replied to beverleyKalli club has replied to bonsai59 clubErst wird Pano ermordet von Google und jetzt macht IP ganz kurzfristig zu, und wir können uns retten zu Google plus (wo ich alle meine Fotos aus Ärger schon rausgeschmissen habe)?
Für mich ist das nicht nur traurig oder ein Schock, sondern echt Scheiße. Und auf meine 25 Euro scheiß ich auch.
Crap !! Shock !!!
Ich bin zu tiefst enttäuscht über dieses "schöne" Weihnachtsgeschenk von IPERNITY.
Ich finde es erbärmlich, wie diese platform uns am Nasenring herum geführt hat und sich nun mit fristloser Kündigung durch Ipernity von uns verabschiedet.
Wir erhalten offenbar nicht einmal die Möglichkeit, unsere Bilder in wieder verwendbarer Weise down zu loaden.
Das war wenigstens bei Panoramio noch möglich...
Sollte ich mich darin täuschen, dann bin ich für jede Hilfestellung dankbar...
Die hier angebotene Version läuft nicht...
Ich möchte mich bei allen Panoramios aufrichtig entschuldigen, die ich durch meine Begeisterung für diese platform hier her gelenkt habe. Dieses Ende hat auch mich bis ins Mark erschüttert.
Grüße, Udo
Kalli club has replied to ©UdoSm clubDeshalb beeindruckt mich deine öffentliche Entschuldigung.
Aber du bist nicht Schuld.
Viele Grüße aus Hamburg, Kalli
Quelle déception! :-(
Quelle cotisation club permettrait de maintenir le site en fonction ?
Thérèse club has replied to DOMCHO clubEve has replied to Thérèse clubM@rie ♥ ♥ has replied to DOMCHO clubsunlight club has replied to DOMCHO clubAlain Raffin club has replied to DOMCHO clubThérèse club has replied to Geneviève Teyssiersunlight club has replied to Thérèse clubHard to believe this has to happen with the infusion of Panoramio members.
When I joined your wonderful site after the colapseoof Multipy together with many friends and aquantainces from that place we all began to feel relief, especially as the basic platform of the then still in use BETA version was updated with further functions.
Like Multiply we were able to upload and share basically the same types of data, 'Photo's, videops, blogs in various form and more' even linking favourite music videos from YouTube. Your Terms of service were stricter, but in our minds this was a very good thing as it helped protect or work from theft at the same time as protecting © work of outsiders. That you do not allow 'Porography' can only be praised.
What other site can offer us the same, none that I am aware of.
Many of us wouldI am certain be willing to pay the double of our current Club fee to keep the site alive.
As for the non Club users it should be possible to use them for Advertisements in the side column to help Ipernity gain some finaciel sponsorship.which is the normal practise on most free sites such as YouTube to name but one.
I feel very sad.
John (Stormlizard)
What a bad message
Erika Akire
quel choc !
Léopold club has replied to Christel Ehretsmann clubChristel Ehretsmann club has replied to Léopold clubSo where to next?
raingirl club has replied to AmazingstokerI've seen some people here suggesting:
I've e-mail 23HQ a couple questions. No reply yet - I asked about their solvency and I also asked if they wanted to buy into or buy ipernity. All they can do it not answer or say no. I see that there is already a new group there called "Ipernity Refugees ..." I will check it out more.
I haven't looked at Blipfoto yet.
What do you think about 23HQ?
Let's think of ways to stay connected to our photo people we have created community around. (And I want to find a way to re-create my groups to keep together all the awesome images people have added to them.) Oh, the list is long and it's holiday time. What a challenge!
Marko Novosel club has replied to raingirl clubPut everything up,make friends...and for a year again the same story,where to go now?
Iam sick of this shit.
Somebody knows this site ??
christel.k club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubLéopold club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubraingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubThérèse club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaEve has replied to Thérèse clubYoupic
There is also G+, but I no longer trust Google for anything, so don't use it.
Gabi Lombardo club has replied to Diane Putnam clubLéopold club has replied to Diane Putnam clubI will take a look on Youpic Diane. I want to stay in touch with you my dear.
raingirl club has replied to Diane Putnam clubI am going to try it.
raingirl club has replied to Gabi Lombardo clubYou can already find a group there called "Ipernity Refugees ..."
Diane Putnam club has replied to Léopold
Léopold club has replied to Diane Putnam clubYou can see mine on the adress book new group.
I will ipermail you after serious considerations.
Stormlizard club has replied to raingirl clubOne possible solution for those among us that wish to share articles, recipes, documents and videos could be Qzone.
Qzone is one of the fastest growing social networks currently with 600 M users. Forget Qzone it is Chinese and only caters for users that speak/read Mandarin.
I openned an account at as stormlizard.
Stormlizard club has replied to raingirl clubbad, very bad!
After Pano I signed up at Flickr too, but I got very familiar with it yet ...
Peggy C club has replied to polytropos clubBut, Ipernity is / was home ..
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Peggy C clubMerci et franchement désolé pour nous et pour vous , c'est dommage ce site était convivial et je ne sais ou aller à présent .
Bonne journée à tous
Thérèse club has replied to MARCEL clubMoi aussi, je commençais à bien m'habituer et aimer ce site.... Juste dommage
DOMCHO club has replied to Thérèse clubpar exemple le module downThemAll installé sur firefox ça utilise des sites miroirs c'est assez rapide
Christel Ehretsmann club has replied to DOMCHO clubDOMCHO club has replied to Christel Ehretsmann
une fois installé il suffit d'aller sur l'album d'ipernity puis dans outil télécharger l'album
Aprés revenir sur outil de firefox et cliquer sur outils downthemall menu deroulant cliquer sur downthemall (suivant l'ordi peut etre un menu déroulant avec le choix ouvrir avec /cliquer surDownthemall)
C'est tout les images vont se recharger dans les téléchargements a la taille ou tu les a chargées
à l'origine
@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to DOMCHO clubbon WE !
Xata club has replied to DOMCHO clubPhilippe Collard club has replied to DOMCHO clubKalli club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubErst wird Pano ermordet von Google und jetzt macht IP ganz kurzfristig zu, und wir können uns retten zu Google plus (wo ich alle meine Fotos aus Ärger schon rausgeschmissen habe)?
Für mich ist das nicht nur traurig oder ein Schock, sondern echt Scheiße. Und auf meine 25 Euro scheiß ich auch.
Tanja - Loughcrew club has replied to Kalli clubLösung..hab ich keine..leider...wenn ich könnte, ich würde helfen!!!!
diedje has replied to Kalli clubBe◉bachter club has replied to Kalli clubAle żal rozstawać się z historią życia tutaj, i chciałbym, aby pozostać w kontakcie z ludźmi, których poznałem tu i którzy są moimi przyjaciółmi teraz.
Pozdrawiam wszystkich serdecznie i życzę kreatywnych pomysłów . Trzeba poszukać innych miejsc. Jak w życiu.
This is the worst Xmas gift I have ever received !!!
I just can cross my fingers so that we can find a new home if you are unable to continue.
There is a site I know called ArtWanted that I joined several years ago, but since it has been rebought, it is not dynamic enough and much aimed at painting and sales, but you can upload pictures too. The same for Finaartamerica !!! Business first !!!
raingirl club has replied to Marie-claire GalletJust maybe it will do for now.
Jaap, above ask about alternatives. I am also in Flickr, YouPic and 500px and as Diane says, they are OK but seemingly not nearly as friendly as Ipernity. One might think about security of time in the next site for you; at least Flicker has been around for some time and can indeed be very satisfying. But its owner (Yahoo) was said to be for sale recently? Ah well, what next? Herb
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Herb Riddle clubYouPic is asking a lot of money for a kind of Club membership.
beverley has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubraingirl club has replied to Herb Riddle clubThere is already a group called "Ipernity Refugees ..." Maybe we can make it work.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubMaybe I already commented to you, but some people are already trying it out and have formed a group there "Ipernity Refugees ..."
What do you think? I will probably try it.
My first response is obviously one of great disappointment and sadness mixed with confusion. After all, ipernity is the best photo sharing platform there is and the alternatives today are even fewer than they were when many of us came across from flickr a few years ago. However, the biggest feeling I have at the moment is that despite what has been said you guys, for whatever reason, haven't really explored all the options open to you when it comes to saving ipernity.
I know that you perhaps didn’t have the resources to follow up on every suggestion that was made when the site's difficulties became public knowledge, but there were two that you appear to have not explored that I would have thought would have generated enough additional revenue to save the site.
Firstly, it was suggested that you restrict or remove entirely the number of free accounts and more importantly looked to increase significantly the subscription fees for Club members.
Secondly, an email campaign (assuming there were no legal barriers to doing so) to all users, similar to what organisations like Wikipedia have done over recent years was also mooted.
This could have asked non-Club members to take out Club membership and offered everyone a means by which they could contribute financially above and beyond the basic subscription … a simple "click and pay what you can afford" PayPal button or something similar could have been deployed with ease and to possibly great effect.
Neither suggestion was picked up on which does leave me wondering just how much you really wanted to save the site. If I’m wrong then why not try implementing these ideas now?
I mean just how much does it cost to run ipernity each year?
And is that sum really too much to raise if an appeal was launched or some kind of crowd funding initiative was put in place?
It would be great to have honest answers to these last two questions. Perhaps if we had this information then you might find that there were people out there not only able to help but willing to come forward and do so.
Berny club has replied to autofantasia club1) It seems to be very important to get a tool to save our work. I mean complete with Albums, keywords, geotags, comments and so on.
2) I don't want to loose friends/contacts forever. Maybe there should be a platform, where we can exchange private email addresses - of course in a safe way.
Sad thing, but we have to live with it.
Gabi Lombardo club has replied to autofantasia clubPam J club has replied to autofantasia clubThérèse club has replied to Gabi Lombardo clubTreasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to autofantasia clubStormlizard club has replied to autofantasia clubSign-in to write a comment.