Hello new friends!

Woooooooowww! There are so many of you joining us everyday!

We feel so proud and glad that you have decided to choose ipernity.

We are doing our best to welcome you in good conditions. We are receiving a large amount of messages and we are trying to answer to each of them. But it may take a while so we apologize in advance for this delay.

A huge thanks to all our *old* users who are helping the *new* ones by replying to comments. You give much greater sense to the word "Community" :)

Here are some answers to questions you might have:

Who are we?
ipernity exists since 2007. We are a small company located near Cannes, France.(where the international film festival is taking place). We are currently 7 people managing everything (yes 7, not 70 or 700). Our team should be growing fast now since thousands of people are joining us.

Are we going to change our layout?
Absolutely not... as our big change has been made a month ago :) However, we are thinking about proposing OPTIONAL ways to better customize your pages.
See here or there for instance...

Where are the Collections?
Not yet implemented. On our todo-list since 2007 :) Now we must put this project at a high priority level.

What about smartphone Apps?
The new iPhone app is being reviewed by Apple. We hope it will be available in the App Store within the next few days. The Android app is still under construction.

Uploading your photos to ipernity
A new "flickr.importer" script is available, to import up to 90 photos at once.
Scripts work with Firefox and Chrome.

If you are looking to upload photos from your PC to ipernity with a Drag N Drop method we suggest you choose our advanced tool.

Play with your settings!
We recommend you take a tour in your settings and see all the options available to you.

Discover the ipernity Club

By joining the Club you will benefit of many advantages and will contribute to help us financially to grow and be by your side for a longtime.

More answers here very soon (while the new FAQ is being written).

The ipernity Team