There is no escaping it: ipernity has changed! Here is a non-exhaustive list of improvements that we have made.
Your content is better organized
Your photos and videos are now regrouped in the "Photos" section.
Your Word and PDF files, your sound archives and your other content are regrouped in the "Docs" section.
The Keyword tags become search by Keyword.
The Tag section becomes Photos with specific people.
The Geotags section becomes Navigate on the map.
Your photos are displayed in large and fit the size of your screen.
New image formats (up to 2048 pixels large) are available for a total immersion!
Never less you can protect your creations by limiting the maximum size displayed (to be done in your photo quality settings).
The content of your homepage is now personalizable
Your homepage has now a new banner which you can edit by going to your layout settings. Let your imagination run free! If you are a group administrator you can also edit the banner of the group's homepage.
The title and the content of this page are also editable. Go to your layout settings to see all the different possibilities that are open to you. We are going to add more functions depending on your remarks very soon.
Facebook, Google+, Twitter...
ipernity matches perfectly with your favorite social network.
Just like before you can decide if your visitors can share or not your public content on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter (we have removed Pinterest as it did not represent a large amount of interest and popularity).
Sharing buttons will be displayed on your public content depending on your settings.
We can also post a message for you on your Facebook timeline or send a Tweet to inform your friends when you add new public photos or videos. For this you need to associate your Facebook or Twitter account to your ipernity account. Go to your social network settings you will find these new possibilities and will be able to apply them!
Finally you can in only a few clicks invite your Facebook friends, your Google or Yahoo! contacts to join you on ipernity. Go to your contact page and to the Invite people section.
Three new views for albums: photos, docs and mapThe photos and docs of an album are now displayed separately for better browsing.
We also offer the display of photos of the album on the map. Very handy for travel albums!
The vocabulary is simplified
Say goodbye to the ugly word Document that regrouped all your content.
Your network becomes Your contacts.
Tag disappears and is replaced by Keywords and People identified
We won't speak anymore about Blogs but about Articles
No need to be PRO to benefit of exclusive advantages: welcome to the ipernity Club!
Of course registering to ipernity remains free with a bunch of limited services.
To take full advantage of ipernity we suggest you become a member of the Club. For only a few $$ a month, you will treat yourself to the best online service there is to tell your story day by day with photos.
By becoming a member of the Club you will contribute in financing an independent and quality service :)
We have a 3 months plan which is very reasonable so don't hesitate!
Users of a PRO account in the previous version of ipernity become automatically members of the ipernity Club. As such they benefit from the same advantages than the previous PRO offer and their subscription period is unchanged.
Learn more about the ipernity Club...
New setting pages
The previous "setting" pages have been totally reviewed for a better understanding and a better control of your privacy. We suggest you go and check it out!
Content filters for more security
A content filter system is gradually being put in place to best preserve children and people who might be sensible to inappropriate content. The content filter only works at this time on the mobile version and the new iPhone application of ipernity which is due to come out very soon. You can set this filter at your convenience in your account's settings.
We will speak to you about this very soon.
New iPhone application and soon for Android
A brand new iPhone application will be out in the few days to come. We are waiting for Apple's go-ahead. You will be able to upload in one go all your photos and videos from your iPhone to your ipernity space. You will also be able to browse albums and photos directly from the application.
We will speak to you about this again as soon as it is available in the App store.
And many more improvements to which we leave you the pleasure to discover!
This off course is just the beginning and we shall share with you in a few days the next improvements that we have scheduled.
We have put all our passion, energy and our knowledge to this new version.
We hope that you will be entirely satisfied.
Don't hesitate to leave us your feedback, it means a lot to us and is very helpful.
The ipernity Team
(but....I'm sure some but's will follow!! :-)
But for now congrats!! Great job!!!
Team club has replied to Rita clubRita club has replied to limone clubRita club has replied to EefjeTeam club has replied to limone clubTeam club has replied to EefjeFor this reason, we decided :
- to enable translation of ARTICLES to Club members only;
- to enable translation of comments and other texts to identified users only (you must have an ipernity account and must be logged in).
Rita club has replied to EefjeDit heb ik eerder ook ontdekt en is (als dit op termijn niet verandert) voor mij ook zeker een reden om weg te gaan bij ipernity.
All it needs are a few fixes such as the Text beneath the ID Photo which runs off the screen.
Team club has replied to Stormlizard clubStormlizard club has replied to Team clubThanks.
Team club has replied to limone clubPlease contact us, and tell us where you'd like to find the "comments" link exactly.
Anke has replied to limone club"To simplify the system, you cannot reply to a reply of comment anymore."
Might simplify the system but not user interaction - as you might see here in this postings below your blog entry...
Are you working on simplifying THE SYSTEM or on satisfying your USERS??
And, for example, I would like to point friends to a certain comment in a thread, like this one. I believe this worked in the old version.
Anke has replied to limone clubIn the same way as "Articles" which currently only shows the top one, or latest as it is, 4 or more would be best with the shown items being selectable by the page owner.
Team club has replied to Stormlizard clubFurther, where does one sign out when wishing to go offline?
I can imagine the hard work behind this!
Pls open a thread for bug reports!
Everybody here should (be able to) check reported bugs before reporting a new bug.
Everybody should be enabled to particularize an already reported bug by using answering function to structure the bug problem.
Answering option missing for answers!!!!
Standard uploader does not function at all
Simplified does, but it lacks the possibilities we had previously when using the Doc manager.
I was at least one that mentioned the Standard uploader not working at all, just one ofthe many problems I have reported to the "Team"
Mickey Fez told me it works for him.
We are both "Club" members, and both have lots of uploaded items on our pages.
I configured my security options to "NO download + embedded code for other visitors".
Still, my photos (below original quality) CAN be downloaded from EXTERNAL users - the world!
and check my and your (- after changing your settings as picture above) photos without being logged in!!
Team club has replied to AnkeThis is a BUG, RIGHT?!
See protest here:
Team club has replied to AnkeI can't report bugs any more after 2 (TWO) bug reports??
Nor can I get the "Favourite photo block" to appear.
I am staying here, we can't just rush off like spoiled children every time a change is created.
John (Club member)
Team club has replied to Stormlizard clubGo to this page to customize your homepage content:
You must drag'n drop blocks above the dotted line to display them, or below to hide them.
The "Favorites" block display your favorite photos AMONG YOUR PHOTOS.
I did as suggested with the banner but I still see (Would you like to change the Title) & (Would you like to change the Banner) my Headshot is also included to the left.
Team club has replied to Stormlizard clubStormlizard club has replied to Team clubWe will communicate a list of corrections made soon.
my browsers (chrome,opera,firefox) is working hard on this new site.
much better than the old ipernity
49 years old --> 49 Jahre alt ("h" missing)
People might think I'M a bad speller! :-(
In stead of help how to do it, I receive the answer that some boxes can be changed/moved and some not, well...I already knew that. Today I have asked how to change the album that is on my frontpage. Again I don't receive an answer how to do it, I'm simply being told that IP has chosen the album for me, because it was the last one that I uploaded. I'm sorry but I find it very percular that I'm not able to decide at my OWN page, what I want to show my visitors.
No, it is there constanly, I have mailed a screenshot to Julian.
Team club has replied to Let Them
kaj ke la ekzistanta materialo restas taŭge atingabla.
Team club has replied to TigerHead club"Comments must be improve, for sure Let us one week to rethink about comments, permalinks and infinite replies... Because we changed of technology the problematics is not simple."
If it is not simple, you're going about the solution in the wrong manner. Many years of engineering experience have proven this to be true... time and time again!
You must first define the problem before you apply random solutions.
Team club has replied to Let Them BreatheWe need to be calm while the team sort things out for us.
What for me is the really sadest thing about all this, though, and what I also don't quite understand either - so many members are deleting pictures now because of the upcoming 200 limit. This is sooo sad! And even if the pics are not deleted they are going to disappear soon.
Now I have some really nice pics of my crafting stuff and a crop circle, for instance... they may not be masterpieces, but they are one thing for sure... *unique*. Somebody might be interested in looking at them... it is some kind of achive, not only for me, but for Iper as well! They are all going to disappear - as a lot more of some of my favourite friends albums created some time ago, Pandas hummingbirds and eagles for instance or Uranos' old traveling albums. Sooo sad! And will that really be in the interest of Iper, all those pics lost? This archives all gone soon?
I already have paid for some time for this service - because I found it great. But I don't want to pay while forced to live with so few benefits concerning the individual design possibilities, just so that others can view my crafting pics... *I* know what they look :-) And I'm going to use my 200 for my day to day photography.
But maybe... you could except all pics already online from the 200-Limit, so leaving these treasures for Iper and for all of us... and starting a new 200 count for free members from april 1st 2013 only? Just an idea.
Thanks for listening.
Ur@nos club has replied to DieWaldlaeuferin clubIt remains as 200 MB per month, Accessability however will only be for the latest 200 items added.
Perhapsa Team member will verify this as it is not good when rulings are misunderstood.
limone club has replied to Stormlizard clubWhich is, apart from everything else, legally critical, in my opinion, since embedded images out of the 200 limit are still visible, but cannot be accessed for administration by the owner. If now sombody files a written warning for alleged copyright infringement or something like that (this can even happen without any intention e. g. with a harmless photo showing your lunch, we had cases like this in Germany regarding a very well known cookbook site, or a picture showing something you are not allowed to show but didn't know) and demands that you have to take the picture in question offline immediately (means: delete the source image, not only remove the embedding which leaves the picture online), you can't do it, but have to contact iper staff and hope that they will delete it immediately. Since I can never tell if my pictures which were legal today are still legal tomorrow (if you are publishing online long enough you become paranoid in these matters), I want to have full control over my content - and that means as well full control over the administration. I wouldn't even mind if only I can see these pictures in the administration panel and nobody else, so I can at least administer them the way the law expects me to. Anybody who has to decide if he wants to be a free or a paying member should bear this in mind. I would not risk having pictures online (and if they are accessible through the direct image link, they are online) without having direct administration access to them. There may always be reasons why payment is not possible for a certain time.
That's one of the reasons why Facebook is critical for image hosting as well, because if they haven't changed it in the meantime the pictures remain online even after deletion, still accessible through the direct link - luckily that's not the case in ipernity.
Team club has replied to Stormlizard clubIt's written here:
I've uploaded about 6,000 items since August last, to look through them all to see if visitors have left comments would take a lifetime.
Has anybody else noticed this problem?
I am a Club (Pro) member so I am not limited.
Yes, OK, but 200 items could be more than 200 MB which makes less sense anyway to those non Club members wishing to keep their materiel.
I have noticed a new Glitch, while attempting to add Descriptive information to a Photo uploaded today I repeatedly see a Sign.
"Your session has expired, please sign in again"
Something needs fixing I guess.
Team club has replied to Stormlizard clubAs I cannot read French I do not understand.
However, The Glitch I mention has nothing to do with Navigation, but concerns adding information to the description area beneath a Photo.
Thank you.
Ipernity a-t-il trahi ce qui faisait sa philosophie (croyait-on) ?
Regarding the "Editing description of photos" This cannot be done in the strip "latest photos" but can be done in"Photos" without getting the "Time expired notice"
Yes, I understand you, what I don't understand is the wording of the Rule, it does of course not change for me as a Club user, but many of my friends are not Club members and it would be nice if there was a much clearer explaination as to what they really mean.
As for backing up material it is always best to do it prior to upload, a habit I've always had.
limone club has replied to Stormlizard clubSure, I do have the photos on my harddisk for example, but some people have lost their data and were happy to still have them in the cloud.
For me, it's the connection of photos and comments I wanted to save - I've done this manually with the "save" function of the browser for over 1300 photos. It would be nice to have something which is easier to handle.
Not sure what I'm going to do now, for the moment I have switched to hosting my photos on my own webspace.
Yes, I am aware of the chance of a Disk crashing leaving the owner with a long sad face, thats why I duplicate my saved files on a second PC plus make external disk backup, as I have no faith in online photo hosting.
Many people lost lots of data when MP shut us out, because non Premium users could noyt download and save unti the very end, by then many had closed their accounts and moved on.
No problem, its always a good thing to give and get as much info as possible, sharing is after all what this network is about.
I have no idea as to what happens to photos you can't access, but assume IP will delete them, this they do not say, it would be nice for all free users if this was made crystal clear.
Photos you have deleted should not, or at least will not be anywhere on Ipernity after the new rule is turned on. If you have embedded some in your friends guestbooks the link will be lost at that time too. The same thing happened when MP turned off the Servers that were still running after December 30 last, many people had saved replies and comments, all were lost when the links were broken.
I don't think anything "Fishy" is afoot.
I helped a couple of friends because I could download their photos to my PC, burn them onto a DVD and send them by "Snail mail" Glad to say they did not have as many photos as I had there, about 12 thousand, so far here I have 6 thousand.
Of course, by the same rule, if one were to delete any of the 200 visible images, the next image should, again, be visible.
Team club has replied to Let Them BreatheTeam club has replied to Let Them BreatheStormlizard club has replied to Team clubNow, if only we can one-click to our Groups from anywhere... Just as we can go to Mail.
Was it before the change? If not why now? Is it smart to be greedy?
first: i blogged about your relaunch, if someone speaks german you can read it here:
I have a question: i like the "Big"-View of the "Fotos"-Section. And i wonder, why this feature is only available for the Foto-pages. It would be great to have it for the album-view too :)
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