Articles by Team


  • IGA 2022 - Report of the President on 2021

    - 23 Mar 2022 - 3 comments
    IGA2022 - Report of the President on 2021 Activity report on the year 2021 IGA2022 - Rapport du Président sur l'année 2021 Rapport d'activité pour l'année 2021 IGA2022 - Bericht des Präsidenten über das Jahr 2021 Tätigkeitsbericht über das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr 2021

  • 2022-03-04 Club News

    - 04 Mar 2022 - 42 comments
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.)…

  • 2022-03-04 Candidatures for the Board

    - 04 Mar 2022 - 1 comment
    ima team
    In reply to our various calls for candidatures for the mandates of Vice-President and Treasurer, the following three persons have come forward: Blue rubber octopus (Ben Mesander) - as Vice-President. Ben has been a member since 2013. He wrote a download tool for ipernity in 2016 and offered help to establish an internal programming team early last year. He stands for the freedom of art. In this respect, he fits our spirit. In his professional life he works as an executive leader of s…

  • 2022-03-04 Agenda of the IGA 2022

    - 04 Mar 2022 - 5 comments
    Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2022 (IGA2022) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2022 (IGA2022) Tagesordnung der Ipernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2022 (IGA2022)

  • 2022-03-04 Amendment of the Statutes (Proposal)

    - 04 Mar 2022 - 2 comments
    English ARTICLE VII – THE BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION Section 1 – Composition and responsibilities of the Board: The Board of the Association consists of up to five members. To the extent permitted by law, they may deputise for each other. and reassign The responsibilities and duties described below may be reassigned by resolution of the Board at any time during the its term of office. Section 10 – Executive Assistants: Each member of the Board may nominate at his…

  • 2022-02-16 Club News

    - 16 Feb 2022 - 33 comments
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.)…

  • Be a part of shaping ipernity's future!

    - 28 Jan 2022 - 88 comments
    ima team
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, On March 27, 2022, two mandates within the ima team will become vacant. We invite loyal and active club members to join the ima team to continue shaping the future of ipernity:…

  • Log-in Problem with Firefox 96.0 (solved)

    - 15 Jan 2022 - 34 comments
    Screenshot 2022-01-14 20.48.32
    On January 12, 2022, Mozilla released the updated version 96.0 of the Firefox browser . This causes a log-in error with ipernity . But obviously this is not only an ipernity problem: As an interim solution, you can use Chrome, Opera or other browsers. If you prefer to overcome the log-in problem with Firefox, you can use the following workaround, which was published by Boarischa Krautmo : ♦…

  • 2021-12-31 Happy New Year

    - 31 Dec 2021 - 82 comments
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.)…

  • 2021-12-24 Merry Christmas

    - 24 Dec 2021 - 94 comments
    Merry Christmas 2021
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, Today, we would like to thank you all for being a part of our community. We are grateful for your loyalty, and dedication as you share your passion for photography with us, especially during this unusual year. We wish you and your families a p…

  • 2021-12-03 Club News

    - 03 Dec 2021 - 22 comments
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and fri…

  • 2021-11-05 Club News

    - 05 Nov 2021 - 27 comments
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity,…

  • 2021-10-15 Club News

    - 15 Oct 2021 - 58 comments
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Copyright violations have again becom…

  • Mouse-over effect for small images

    - 14 Oct 2021 - 39 comments
    We have added a new feature for users with Standard (or Plus) Club membership. When viewing photos with the 'small' option (where the images are all cropped to square), there is now a mouse-over effect that shows the 240 pixel image. This allows you to see a larger uncropped preview of the image before deciding to visit the photo page. Just like the popup when you mouse-over a user's name, there is a short delay to avoid the annoyance of having a popup whenever the mouse goes over an image…

  • 2021-10-01 Club News

    - 01 Oct 2021 - 25 comments
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) According to the Terms of Use (7.2) , the storage per…

  • 2021-09-17 Club News

    - 17 Sep 2021 - 46 comments
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) For the beginning of autumn we have updated…

  • 2021-09-03 Club News

    - 03 Sep 2021 - 77 comments
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) More than 70 ipernity members participated in our club's first annual Wo…

  • World Photography Day - August 19th, 2021

    - 02 Aug 2021 - 20 comments
    World Photography Day - August 19th 2021
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) The World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography. This year our club’s World Photography Day group will honor the day by accepting photographs taken on August 19th,…

550 articles in total