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Dear members and friends of ipernity,
On March 27, 2022, two mandates within the ima team will become vacant. We invite loyal and active club members to join the ima team to continue shaping the future of ipernity:
Bernhard Westrup (Bergfex), who has devoted himself to the turnaround of our community and our website during the last five years, and has been our Vice-President and Treasurer, will be embarking on his well-deserved retirement. Therefore, the next General Assembly must elect new representatives to these two mandates.
The Vice-President organises the internal and external communication and public relations. This person coordinates all activities to promote our website in appropriate media, helping to ensure that our community has a sufficient influx of new club members.
The Treasurer monitors the incoming payments and the expenditures, and manages the savings. This person can form a team with assistants for this purpose.
If you manage your own livelihood, pay for your own purchases, transfer your rent and bills on time, you will generally be able to do the same for ipernity. Just as easily, you will be able to type incoming membership fees into a cash book and renew the corresponding club memberships with existing tools. Of course, we will train you in these tools and assist you in any other way.
We invite loyal and active club members who have been part of our community for a long time and who care about the future of ipernity to come forward until February 25, 2022. This is the deadline for collecting the agenda items for this years' Ipernity General Assembly. Take this opportunity to shape ipernity's future together with us.
Please contact us now.
Your ima team
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Armando Taborda clubraingirl club has replied to Armando Taborda clubIf you want to mention our search for a treasurer to your contacts here - that would be a big help.
Eric Desjours club has replied to Armando Taborda clubKind regards.
Armando Taborda club has replied to raingirl clubArmando Taborda club has replied to Eric Desjours clubWilliam Sutherland club has replied to Eric Desjours clubraingirl club has replied to Armando Taborda clubAndreas M. has replied to raingirl clubEric Desjours club has replied to raingirl clubEric Desjours club has replied to Andreas M.raingirl club has replied to Andreas M.֎ — Nicolas Mertens club has replied to Andreas M.@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to raingirl clubWe can do it altogether, really !
We should not think of the positions of vice-president and treasurer as ministers with all the power and responsibility! These roles can be assumed in a collegial manner: we are neither a board of directors of a big company nor a council of ministers under the control of an omnipotent president... Everyone can participate, according to their skills and availability.
Aren't there enough of us to take up the challenge, as Stefan/Kiezkickerde says?
A handful of members saved the site in 2017. The success of the adventure, although insurmountable a priori, has shown that the most difficult has been conquered. It is now only a matter of perpetuating what has been hard worked out in 5 years and to conduct a strategy already proven and perennial.
Let us all be volunteer and ipernity will live!
Nous pouvons y arriver tous ensemble.
Il ne faut pas se représenter les fonctions de vice-président et de trésorier comme celles de ministres investis de tous les pouvoirs et responsabilités ! Ces rôles peuvent être assumés de façon collégiale : nous ne sommes ni un conseil d'administration d'une grande entreprise ni un conseil des ministres sous la coupe d'un président omnipotent... Chacun peut participer, à la mesure de ses compétences et disponibilités.
Ne sommes-nous pas assez nombreux pour relever le défi, comme le dit Stefan/Kiezkickerde ??
Une poignée de membres à sauvé le site en 2017. La réussite de l'aventure, pourtant insurmontable a priori, a montré que le plus difficile a été conquis. Il ne s'agit plus que de perpétuer ce qui a été durement élaboré en 5 ans et de conduire une stratégie déjà éprouvée et pérenne.
Répondons tous présents et ipernity vivra !
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Eric Desjours clubThe mandate of Treasurer does have to be filled by one person, but indeed some of the load can be split to nominated executive assistants at the Treasurer's discretion. Due to security measures, one can find that to access the bank account from a different device, a code has to be entered. But that code is sent to the mobile phone associated with the account. So it can be done by arrangement when required, but typically the payment schedule would be planned in advance, and thus not an issue to be the responsibility of the Treasurer alone.
Rob Stamp
raingirl club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubFred Fouarge club has replied to raingirl clubraingirl club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubraingirl club has replied to StoneRoad2013 clubDanke für die Info.
Annemarie club has replied to William Sutherland clubI am sorry
Marja Savonije has replied to William Sutherland clubTeam club has replied to Saluton al ciuj...!…Les invités peuvent y faire traduire les messages : www.deepl.com/translator
With sufficient knowles of accounting , and of course reliabilty !
with friendly greetings Ron Stachowiak
Fred Fouarge club has replied to Ronald Stachowiak clubjij bent nog tamelijk jong en de drie jaar mulo (middelbaar onderwijs) die je genoten hebt zullen zeker wel sporen hebben nagelaten.
With regard to age, let me note that more than 50 percent of all club members are younger than 65. Two thirds are younger than me. The above appeal of the ima team is primarily addressed to them, as it is not only important that the membership stock regularly gets young new blood, but also our club's board of managers. With almost 70 years of age, I am a fossil in it meanwhile. It is really time to make room for a younger successor. And after five years of full commitment, I can also pass on the baton with a clear conscience.
Read more about it, if you like: Time for a breath of fresh air
֎ — Nicolas Mertens club has replied to Bergfex clubPeter Castell club has replied to ֎ — Nicolas Mertens clubEric Desjours club has replied to ֎ — Nicolas Mertens clubThe members of ima will duly answer your questions, be sure.
Team club has replied to ֎ — Nicolas Mertens clubas acting Treasurer and Vice-President, I would like to say that the ima team is pleased about your attendance. (I have not agreed this with our President William Sutherland and my two board colleagues Laura Fletcher and Stefan Roßkopf, but I am sure I can say this on their behalf.) As one can see in your account, you are a long-time club member, which is favourable in terms of knowledge of ipernity's chequered history.
For your first orientation I would like to give you the following answers to your questions:
1) Ipernity is an association under French law of 1 July 1901 on the creation of an association, valid version as of February 15, 2021.
2) According to this law, the board of directors must include at least the President and the Treasurer (four-eyes principle). Eric, who founded the association in 2017 together with a French lawyer, can certainly answer specific questions.
3) With regard to nationality, there isn't any legal rule. However, it makes sense that the Treasurer is resident in one of the countries of the SEPA - (Single Euro Payments Area) so that he/she can make online money transfers without any problems.
4) The legal status of the Treasurer is not that of an employee, but that of an elected member of the Board of our Association. According to Our Statutes, a board member is elected for two years. This is expedient both in terms of familiarisation and formalities (registration at the relevant French Prefecture and at our French bank. In addition, the online accounts at Paypal, AWS and Crédit Agricole must be personalised and set up for 2-factor authentication.
5) With regard to the organisation of our accounting system (cash book, list of club members, quarterly statements, annual statement, budget with automated forecast), I have very thoroughly set up everything required in the past years. There are tried and tested Excel spreadsheets for all work processes. Of course, I will provide the necessary help with the handover and familiarisation. I will also be available for questions afterwards.
6a) Retirement is possible at any time. It is regulated in Article 8 of our Our Statutes statutes: "The retirement of a member of the Executive Board shall be done by sending an e-mail to the other members of the Executive Board. A member of the Executive Board may be dismissed from office by unanimous decision of the rest of the Executive Board."
6b) In the case of the Treasurer, however, this would lead to severe problems, because the monetary operations of the association would then come to a standstill, or an emergency arrangement would have to be set up in some way by the other board members. Therefore, a candidacy should really be meant seriously and also be aimed at the period of two years.
7) We board members can only be sued if we cause damage to the association through gross negligence or intentionally. However, since we pass all legally relevant decisions unanimously in regular online meetings and document them in a forgery-proof manner, the probability of such a thing happening is extremely low. We are also not personally financially liable as long as we do not enter into any uncovered obligations. This would be the case, for example, if we entered into a major contract with an IT service provider without having assured financing.
8) All Board members may appoint assistants to support them. This is useful for periods of temporary absence or sudden incapacity. So far, I have also been able to rely on such support, so that ipernity's existence would not be endangered if, for example, I were to be seriously ill or have a serious accident. We as a board see ourselves as a real team, and I assure you, it has always given me great pleasure to work together with the others on a voluntary, non-commercial basis.
I will be happy to answer any further questions.
Bernhard (Bergfex)
raingirl club has replied to ֎ — Nicolas Mertens clubMalik Raoulda club has replied to ֎ — Nicolas Mertens club֎ — Nicolas Mertens club has replied to Team clubFirst of all, I wish to apologize for not expressing myself clearly enough. I said that "I'm willing to volunteer for the position of treasurer, but..." I did not say that I do volunteer for the position.
Two, thank you very much for the thorough description of what the position entails. In view of it, I must say that I should have thought more carefully before saying anything. At this point, I should also recognize that my aging and increasingly sclerotic brains will not be up to the task. The position clearly requires a young and alert person to perform properly.
I am sorry for the confusion that my post may have caused. However, your answer and job description will certainly help anyone who might consider applying for it.
Bergfex club has replied to ֎ — Nicolas Mertens clubLet's hope for the sake of our association and our website, which we all enjoy so much, that someone else will come along.
One more request: Please
Xata club has replied to Peter Castell clubTeam club has replied to Peter Castell club(Bernhard)
Marja Savonije has replied to Peter Castell clubA mon grand regret je ne peux pas vous aider...problèmes de mémoire suite à un AVC
je le regrette
IMA Team
Faisant suite à votre recherche de deux volontaires pour les poste de vice – president et trésorier de Ipernity pour le prochein terme légal je me vois contraint de ne pas avancer avec ma candidature .
En effet, mon emploi du temps en tant que personne seule, les “enfants” étant partis il y a plus de 20 ans à l’étrange, seul dans la maison de famille, je me vois aujourd’hui et passé mes 80 ans, en charge de son entretien total dans un Pays, pas très bien noté de par son organisation socialle, sa stabilité politique et ses services publiques ….
En vous remerciant de votre compréhension,
J. Gafarot
Peter Castell club has replied to K. Urs Gruetter clubAnnemarie club has replied to K. Urs Gruetter clubThanks to everyone who is even thinking about it!
But I think it's urgent to destress the situation as quick as possible. The several messages, that "Ipernity will be shut down", "this would be the immediate end of Ipernity" do not help. This panic is possibly dispersing users as it happened in the past. There has to be a plan B.
So I suggest, that the wording is limited to the intensive search for volunteers, yes, but without this fear causing thread of closing.
So I suggest the following:
1) For a LIMITED TIME PERIOD a Vice President is not needed to keep Ipernity in business. The AGM could pass such a resolution. For a limited time means, only until a new suitable person is found. But this cannot be a reason to shut down Ipernity on a certain date.
2) If no treasurer can be found now, FOR A LIMITED time period a professional paid accountant could be deligated for this work, until a new volunteer is found.
So there is absolutely no reason for the threat "Ipernity is shut down immediately, if not....until...."!!
Good luck!
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Berny clubInsofern ist dein "für eine begrenzte Zeit" halt auch ein wenig schwierig zu definieren. Wie lange soll denn diese begrenzte Zeit andauern? Und gratis arbeiten solche externen Leute dann auch nicht, das ist dann irgendwann auch eine Frage des Geldes, wie lange man diese von den Mitgliedsbeiträgen überhaupt finanzieren kann. Insbesondere eben dann, wenn sich zum Zeitpunkt der "Übergangslösung" nicht bereits andeutete, dass es tatsächlich nur für eine sehr begrenzte Dauer eine Übergangslösung ist.
Die Gefahr bei solchen "Übergangslösungen" ist nämlich auch, dass sie schnell zu einem Dauerzustand werden, an dem sich die Leute sehr schnell gewöhnen werden, wenn es da jemand externes gibt. Davon ab gibt es auch gesetzliche Vorgaben, von denen man nicht wirklich frei abweichen kann, was den Zeitraum ohne eine Neubesetzung des Amtes angeht.
Und es sind die Vereinsmitglieder, die über eine Auflösung des Vereins abstimmen würden. Oder darüber, jemand externes für die Kassenprüfung zu beauftragen (denn bisher sieht unsere Satzung meines Wissens nicht vor, dass für Vereinsämter eine Bezahlung erfolgt).
Ich sehe hier auch keine Panikmache oder Panik, sondern nur den Hinweis darauf, dass wir uns an gesetzliche Regeln halten müssen. Und diese gesetzlichen Regeln sehen eben vor, dass es einen Kassenwart in einem Verein geben muss, damit er fortgeführt werden kann.
Und da bin ich entspannt.
Annemarie club has replied to Berny clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Berny clubHet is mij te makkelijk om dan maar voor te stellen een betaalde 'penningmeester' aan te stellen. Ook niet voor een beperkte (wat en hoe lang is beperkt) tijd. Het idee dat een vice-president (tijdelijk) niet nodig zou, doet geen recht aan het VELE werk dat hij doet om Ipernity in leven te houden.
Er klinkt mij teveel door dat de zittende bestuursleden maar een 'tijdje' door moeten gaan tot er wel een oplossing is. Als die nu niet wordt gevonden, zie ik niet dat die later wel wordt gevonden.
Translation DeepL:
I do not agree with the suggestion that there is panic. I think it has been clear for some time that two new board members have to be found. So it is simply a fact that there are only a few weeks left to find a solution.
It is too easy for me to propose the appointment of a paid 'treasurer'. Not even for a limited (what and how long is limited) time. The idea that a vice-president would not be needed (temporarily) does not do justice to the LOTS of work he does to keep Ipernity alive.
It sounds too much to me that the incumbent board members should just continue for a 'while' until a solution is found. If it is not found now, I do not see it being found later.
Berny club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubfirst of all, I did not "suggest" the plan B. Plan B is to avoid a shut down of Ipernity, to avoid the worst case. What do you suggest? Do you prefer a shutdown and many users on the run before, if nobody can be found until this date, 25.02. or 27.03. whatever? I really cannot follow your thoughts in this case.
You wrote:
"It is too easy for me to propose the appointment of a paid 'treasurer'. Not even for a limited (what and how long is limited) time. The idea that a vice-president would not be needed (temporarily) does not do justice to the LOTS of work he does to keep Ipernity alive."
First of all, a paid treasurer would not cost so much, because it's a very limited work. And again. What do you suggest, if no volunteer can be found, what do you suggest for this worst case? We have to be prepared!
And of course the Vice President is important and the work of the current and then former Vice President is a very much worthful and we must be very thankful for it. This has nothing to do with my comment. But what plan B do you have? We need one for sure!
Of course the best solution is to find 2 suitable persons for the job. But what, if not? Any other plan B's are most welcome! Isn't it reckless not to think about a plan B?
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Berny clubPlan B - het op de lange baan schuiven van benoemingen - zal dan alleen maar uitstel van executie zijn. Hoezeer ik dat ook betreur.
DeepL Translation:
I don't have a Plan B. I can only hope that Plan A (finding two new board members on time) succeeds. If it doesn't, we'll just have to face the fact that the idea of a 'club' with cooperating members on the board is a nice ideal, but it just doesn't work. All the '1200' have their own reasons for not becoming active.
Plan B - delaying appointments - will then only be a postponement of execution. No matter how much I regret that.
The same applies to the proposal about assigning the treasurer's duties to an external, professional, paid accountant.
Also, unacceptable are allegations about members of the ima team that are devoid of any truth – as well as insults of any kind against them.
Berny club has replied to * ઇଓ * club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Berny clubIt still offers no basis for constructive discussions about possibilities
and conceivable solutions.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Berny clubI am convinced that you can and would like to present a workable solution to this problem to the other members of the association and also to the incumbent board.
Eric Desjours club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubThe insults show nothing but intolerance, contrary to the associative spirit.
But tempers flare as the deadline approaches and this is normal, as mentioned above by the "team" in its soothing message (the "solution" could emerge in the final days...).
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Eric Desjours clubAnd we don't even have an exceptional situation here.
However, not only for this reason, the permanent absence of sincere respect
and sincere gratitude are, in my opinion, not justifiable and also not excusable.
We understand your concerns! We as the board share them. Nevertheless, we ask you not to get panic. This would not be fruitful. No one needs to apologise either. It is quite normal that many do not have the skills, health or time to stand for election. But even if only a third of our club members were eligible, that would be more than 300. There are many associations that are not a tenth as big, and yet manage to fill their board mandates.
In this respect, we are optimistic about also mastering this challenge. Please give all those who are thinking about coming forward the necessary peace and time. We all know that most of the momentum is not in the many months before a deadline, but in the last few days before it. Also give us the time to dialogue with those who have already contacted us.
After all, it is not a matter of finding an accountant, but of appointing two board mandates - one of which is required by law, and the other of which is not less important. Interim solutions would be tolerable for a limited period of time with a dedicated regular solution afterwards. We would support any viable idea with such a prospect. If they only serve to postpone, they are not beneficial. Because then an additional Extraordinary General Assembly would have to be convened. We would like to avoid this effort for us and for you.
All these guys who tell us, for legitimate reasons, not to be eligible for a job as a board member - can you spare an hour a week or a month? To transfer incoming payments into an excel sheet? To publish a newsletter every two weeks? To maintain ip's facebook or youtube account? To assist our "technicians"? Just to relieve and help the board members, to make the job looking less extensive?
Xata club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubParticularly, I ask for clarification for those areas which are part of the Vice President's task (creation and publication of the regularly published Club News, etc.) on the one hand and part of the Treasurer's task (transfer of incoming payments of membership fees into an Excel spreadsheet) on the other hand.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubIch weiß gar nicht, wer aktuell die anderen sozialen Medien für ipernity betreut (weil ich sie persönlich nicht verfolge bzw. nutze), aber für diese Themen gibt es die Gruppe www.ipernity.com/group/advertising
Oder man schlägt für www.ipernity.com/group/2628132 Fotos vor bzw. bietet an, dort zu moderieren? Oder oder oder.
Das schreiben der Clubnews könnte sicherlich auch jemand übernehmen, der ansonsten nur mit liest, was gerade durch den Vorstand bearbeitet wird, denke ich.
Es gibt sicher in jedem Fall genügend Dinge zu tun, für die man keine speziellen Fähigkeiten, sondern lediglich etwas Interesse und Zeit benötigt. Und vieles von dem, was sich vorgenommen wird, wird bisher nur deswegen nicht getan, weil einem selbst dafür die Zeit fehlt. Aber viele Dinge müssen nicht wirklich ausschließlich vom Vereinsvorstand getan werden (und werden es ja auch jetzt schon nicht).
* ઇଓ * club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubI'll wait for the comment from the team and hope that detailed information will encourage one or the other to participate.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubAnd not only his own, but also those of other ipernity members that he likes. If you then add me or the @ipernity Twitter account, it's perfect and draws a little attention to us every now and then. And surely all of you have an account on some social media site where you could do something similar?
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubK. Urs "is seriously considering to do the treasurers job", and is in contact with Bernhard and Rob.
That he will actually take over the treasurer's job isn't officially confirmed yet.
Continuation: 2022-02-16 Club News
Thank you for your understanding.