(Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.)

Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) For the beginning of spring we have updated the pictures on our homepage to the Early Spring Collection 2022. We thank all club members who have contributed to this collection. You are really great with your support!
2) The pictures can also be viewed as a YouTube Slide Show. Please give a Like to this slide show if you enjoy it. This will help to increase ipernity's relevance on YouTube. Thus, you help to attract new members.
3) You are cordially invited to snap appealing new spring pictures for our homepage in the coming weeks. You can post the best ones in the group Ipernity homepage - picture proposals. Please respect the layout guidelines for our homepage.
4) This year's Ipernity General Assembly (IGA 2022) will take place as an online meeting on Sunday, March 27, 2022 at 5pm CEST. (
5) In order to attend and vote in the IGA 2022 your registration is required. Please follow this link to the Registration Procedure for IGA. All participants must register by
6) You will find the scheduled items for the meeting in the Agenda of the IGA 2022
Please note the proposed amendment to the Statutes. It clarifies that the Executive Board is also capable of acting with less than 5 individuals. In addition, the option is provided to give a wider circle of persons special agency to operate with the banking institutions.
7) At its last meeting, the ima team checked the accuracy of the membership contributions with regard to the currency conversion rates. It was concluded that there is no need for adjustments at this time.
8) As candidates for the next Executive Board, the ima team proposes:
♦ Blue rubber octopus (Ben Mesander) as Vice-President,
♦ Corinne Pommerel as Treasurer.
See also: Detailed information about the nominated candidates and about the other applicants.
9) If you have a submission on the agenda item 11 (Miscellaneous), please submit it by ticket by
10) Since the native replace feature of our website no longer works for all file types, we are offering you an New Replace Function for Photos today. We invite you to trial this feature and to let us know what you think.
We are deeply shocked by Russia's attack on Ukraine, which violates international law. If you want to help alleviate the plight of the innocent people affected, you can do so by donating to the International Red Cross.
Your ima team
I am very glad we have aVice and a treasurer!
Thanks a lot!
.........wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,ganz liebe Grüße Güni:))
Many thanks and congratulations to the ima team.
Many thanks also to the candidates for the next Executive Board,
and to the willing assistants.
Give Peace A Chance - Stay Strong For Freedom
You don't have to look at the slideshow either.
▶️ Play the slide show
OK, I found the Ipernity uchoob page and have clicked on the most recent one to run while while doing other things on the PC. I'll keep that page open and regularly click on things there, and may even watch them one day...
"The bait is supposed to attract the fish, not the angler"
(Dale Carnegie)
This screenshot shows how the number of views of our recent slide show with the spring pictures of our homepage more than doubled within three days after we had highlighted it above the club news.
Many thanks to all viewers!
However, filtered by rating , people will find weird stuff like #3 and #4. It's crazy, isn't it?
Let's hope that our clips overtake them soon with the help of your likes.
I wanted to make a little suggestion as to the translation into French of part of the amendment to the statutes that you propose:
English: Section 10 – ../.. If necessary, Executive Assistants may be granted special agency by resolution of the Board.
Current French translation: "Au besoin, les adjoints exécutifs peuvent être autorisés à négocier par une résolution du conseil d'administration."
It's too limiting, I think; at least compared to the English version.
Actually the German-French translation gives a more accurate result by talking about "proxy":
Au besoin, les assistants exécutifs peuvent se voir accorder une procuration par résolution du conseil d'administration.
If this is not the exact term you wanted to use, then I propose a translation of "special power":
Au besoin, les assistants exécutifs peuvent se voir accorder un pouvoir spécial par résolution du conseil d'administration.
Bergfex club has replied to Eric Desjours clubIt is always good to have a native speaker read through the suggestions.
I will work it in.
Eric Desjours club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to Eric Desjours clubJe pense que la deuxième version est plus adéquate. En tout cas, en Allemagne, Handlungsvollmacht est différent de Prokura. Cette dernière est plus large et doit être inscrite dans un registre officiel. Pour la Handlungsvollmacht, ce n'est pas nécessaire. Cette distinction existe-t-elle également en France ?
Eric Desjours club has replied to Bergfex clubdélégation, mandat, pouvoir, procuration all require some form of proof. In fact, it depends on the degree of responsibility granted, of course. In our case (advisors), it should follow this logic, shouldn't it?
Bergfex club has replied to Eric Desjours clubde.techdico.com/uebersetzung/deutsch-franzoesisch/handlungsvollmacht.html
Ob meine Anmeldefrist gestern abgelaufen ist oder ein anderer Grund vorliegt darf mich aus persönlichen Gründen nicht interessieren.
I wish the team all success moving forward!
Just one thing; I don't know these members and I tried to find them on contacts but to no avail. Can someone please let me know how these three worthies name themselves on ipernity as I would like to visit their galleries!!!
Many thanks in advance!
Best wishes to the team,
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