Group: SPC Play Group

(SPC 2020/08) "Weather Phenomena"

Iper SPC
By A Iper SPC club
11 Aug 2020 - 45 comments - 1 039 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Secret Photographer Challenge (SPC), basically it consists of submitting up to three photos anonymously (from 12th to end of the month), for a different theme each month, and then everyone votes (from 1-7th of the month) on which ones they think are the best pictures, without knowing who the author is. Game rules

Ecobird has chosen the theme for this month,

Weather Phenomena

Cloud formations, storms, fog, lightning, snow, fog, or rainbows etc.

Please wait for the "SPC open" posting here, before uploading your photos.
Thank you all for participating.
45 comments - The latest ones
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Hi everybody,

The SPC is now open.

Submit up to three photos before 22:00 London time, 31 August.

Please check the rules, especially section 2 with details on how to upload by email.

You must include your ipernity name in the email message, otherwise we will not know who sent the photo, (the sender's address is not shown).

If your archives are missing a suitable photo, you have until the end of the month, giving you time to take new photos for the contest, because you must not use any photos already in your ipernity gallery.

If you see a photo and think the moderator has made a mistake to include it, especially if you are the winner who chose the theme. Please send a message to Iper SPC with your opinion, and do not raise your concern in public.

Good luck
4 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
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4 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
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4 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
SPC Voting open

Hi everybody,

You may now vote until 22:00 Rome time, 7 September
See "3. Posting a Vote" in the rules.

There are 40 photos in the contest this month
so please, vote for 5 photos.

It is recommended that you use the Lightbox view on the contributions page, (found beside the icons for small or large options), to enjoy a full screen view of all the photos first.

Remember, all group members are able to vote, and take part of the contest in this way, even when you have not submitted any photos.
4 years ago.
 Petar Bojić
Petar Bojić club
#7, 14, 16, 17, 27
4 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
#4, 5, 13, 14, 27
4 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
#3, 4, 10, 24, 31
4 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
#10, 17, 20, 23, 25
4 years ago.
Ecobird club
#7, 10, 17, 20, 24
4 years ago.
Gudrun club
#4, 13, 24, 25, 26
4 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
4 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
#3, 4, 10, 15, 23
4 years ago.
 Mariagrazia Gaggero
Mariagrazia Gaggero club
#5, 6, 7, 10, 18
4 years ago.
 Agathe Beitz
Agathe Beitz
#3, 5, 7, 8, 32
4 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
#1, 10, 17,28,33
4 years ago.
Amelia club
#4, 10, 13, 17, 33
4 years ago.
 Paolo Tanino
Paolo Tanino club
#9, 14, 16, 29, 34
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Thank you to all contestants and voters, here are the podium finishers.

1 - #10 - Paolo Tanino - 8 points - un albero di arance mature sepolto dalla neve

2 - #4 - Steve Paxton - 7 points - Night Light

2 - #17 - Gudrun - 7 points - Aurora with Snowstorm
4 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
The scores for everyone - Be patient for Results with voter’s names

Place_#____Points Name - Title
__1 __#010 _____8 Paolo Tanino - un albero di arance mature sepolto dalla neve
__2 __#004 _____7 Steve Paxton - Night Light
__2 __#017 _____7 Gudrun - Aurora with Snowstorm
__4 __#007 _____5 Roger (Grisly) - Both Ends
__4 __#024 _____5 Herb Riddle - Morning Lights
__6 __#013 _____4 Mariagrazia Gaggero - Forse piove?
__6 __#020 _____4 Petar Bojić - Icicles against blue sky
__6 __#023 _____4 Daniela Brocca - Neve dicembre 2017 -Snow
__9 __#003 _____3 Steve Paxton - Misty Start
__9 __#005 _____3 Steve Paxton - Sunrise Pots of Gold
__9 __#014 _____3 Mariagrazia Gaggero - Sarà sole o tempesta?
__9 __#033 _____3 franco benf - Islanda Gullfoss
_13 __#016 _____2 Gudrun - River of Fog
_13 __#025 _____2 Herb Riddle - Natures Show
_13 __#027 _____2 Mariagrazia Gaggero - Strane presenze su Genova...
_13 __#031 _____2 Ecobird - Alone Under Stormy Skies
_17 __#001 _____1 Paolo Tanino - Un temporale ben colorato
_17 __#006 _____1 Paolo Tanino - super arcobaleno in Lisboa
_17 __#008 _____1 Petar Bojić - River valley after rain
_17 __#009 _____1 tba - tba
_17 __#012 _____1 Peter Castell - A Grey Day
_17 __#015 _____1 Gudrun - Crepuscular rays
_17 __#018 _____1 Roger (Grisly) - Shelf Cloud
_17 __#019 _____1 Amelia Heath - Fog on the Tweed
_17 __#026 _____1 Herb Riddle - Ice Bow
_17 __#028 _____1 Adriana A - Waterfall Marmore
_17 __#029 _____1 Adriana A - Rainbow on the Marmore waterfall
_17 __#032 _____1 franco benf - Islanda Skógafoss
_17 __#034 _____1 Ecobird - Here Comes the Rain Again!
_17 __#037 _____1 Agathe Beitz - Wu-Schlucht
_31 __#002 _____0 Ecobird - White on Black
_31 __#011 _____0 Petar Bojić - A rainbow above my street
_31 __#021 _____0 Daniela Brocca - Grandinata -Hailstorm
_31 __#022 _____0 Daniela Brocca - Nebbia -Fog
_31 __#030 _____0 Roger (Grisly) - Cruise
_31 __#035 _____0 Peter Castell - Waiting for the warmth
_31 __#036 _____0 Adriana A - waterfall marmore
_31 __#038 _____0 Agathe Beitz - St. Petersburg
_31 __#039 _____0 Agathe Beitz - La Palma 1
_31 __#040 _____0 Peter Castell - Mam Tor
4 years ago.
Ecobird club
Congratulations to Paolo on a very well deserved win, - a beautiful image.
My congratulations also to Steve and Gudrun on their very worthy second and third place wins.I would have been delighted to have taken any one of these images!!
Well done and many thanks to all participants on an excellent set of entries, and thank you for voting.
4 years ago.
 Mariagrazia Gaggero
Mariagrazia Gaggero club
Bravi amici del podio e sopratutto a Paolo il vincitore!
Cerca di partorire un bel tema!
Un cordiale saluto a tutto il gruppo e state in salute!
4 years ago.
 Paolo Tanino
Paolo Tanino club
Ecco il tema per il prossimo SPC 9/2020
backlight - rétroéclarage - soggetto in controluce
prego di non usare un tramonto per questo tipo di immagine dove il soggetto deve essere illuminato da dietro.
Una nave, una barca, windsurf,una persona, un fiore ecc. sono soggetti adatti anche se ripresi al tramonto, meglio se il sole non viene inquadrato.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Will someone volunteer to moderate the SPC from now on?
4 years ago.
Paolo Tanino club has replied to Rob Stamp club
toccava a me Rob, il senso del dovere è prevalente !
4 years ago.
Paolo Tanino club has replied to Rob Stamp club
Ciao Rob,scusa ma non ci siamo capiti : io intendevo dire che (essendomi accorto di essere 1° nel SPC 8/2020 ) ho pensato di lanciare un tema per il prossimo mese.
Sono molto onorato per la tua stima e fiducia, ma so di non essere in grado di svolgere il compito di moderatore per scarsa competenza informatica e per insufficiente conoscenza della la lingua inglese.
il senso del dovere l'ho detto perchè i tempi per aprire il nuovo gioco erano stretti .
l'intervento della Brocca mi ha aiutato a rileggere le nostre scritture e capire che parlavamo di due cose diverse .
Ciao, Paolo.
4 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Congratulations for another win Paolo and also to Steve and Gudrun on your 2nd & 3rd places. Thanks too Carol for a great theme. Lots of fine imaginative photos employed here.
We will see what the next competition brings. Ah just seen it is 'Backlight'. Great!

4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Paolo has accepted the moderating duties and now has access to the account.
Please excuse the misunderstanding.

4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Daniela Brocca club has replied to Iper SPC club
Does he know how to do it? I don't remember it anymore, sorry.
4 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Wheels are in motion. Please be patient for a delayed start.
4 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Let me suggest spreading the load of the various moderating tasks.

Renaming the photos in the account at the end of contest - Roger has the data.

Volunteers required for the following. Reply here or by ipermail as you prefer.
1) Delete the contributions of last contest from the group, ready for the new submissions.
2) Create new discussion, it is easy enough to copy / paste / edit the top of this one.

Other 'end of contest' tasks not yet done.
3) Edit this discussion to have the winner's photo at the top, (shorten discussion title, unpin it).
4) Add winning photo to 'Winners' discussion.
5) Add photos to SPC podium group.
6) Create album for closed contest, in results finishing order.
4 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Mi scuso, ma non sono riuscita a votare, proprio tecnicamente
4 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
@Adriana: Of course an occasional missed vote is excusable - no problem.

As you all may have noticed, thanks to Roger, the photo titles have been updated.

But without volunteers to share the load, the SPC will close.
4 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
What do you mean with share the load, Rob?
4 years ago.
 Mariagrazia Gaggero
Mariagrazia Gaggero club
Sarebbe un peccato buttare tutto, per me questo è il più bel contest perchè
è anonimo e ognuno di noi vota la foto e poi a giochi fatti..... scopri a chi appartiene.
Io sono convinta che Daniela potrebbe provare....lei è il mago della tastiera e
conosce le lingue, pensa Daniela che arriva l'inverno e questo potrebbe essere un bel
Un caro saluto a tutti....resto speranzosa
4 years ago.
Daniela Brocca club has replied to Mariagrazia Gaggero club
Io non ho capito niente, primo.Secondo , è parecchio che non mi occupo più dei giochi e non ricordp proprio come si fa. Avevo chiesto già almeno un anno fa se non di più che qualcuno che lo sa fare me lo scrivesse passo per passo ma non ho mai ricevuto nulla.
E comunque già da Panoramio io ho sempre lavorato un sacco, sarebbe ora che si offrisse qualcun altro. Non ho bisogno di passatempi, neanche riesco a leggere tanto quanto leggevo prima.
4 years ago.
Mariagrazia Gaggero club has replied to Daniela Brocca club
E' veramente un peccato perchè tu Daniela saresti perfetta conosci tutte le lingue e sicuramente chi di dovere ti spiegherebbe.....comunque hai ragione anche tu se non hai il tempo....pensaci.
Io non sono in grado ma nel gruppo qualcuno come te e Benf adeguati ci sarà.......mah speriamo
Ti saluto caramente
4 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Is it fair that a single monthly moderator should do all the work, every month? I developed a far too complicated system, and have chosen to do the tasks each month - on top of the many hours on ipernity programming and support on the ima team. With only franco able to take over if I have a holiday.

I am disappointed with what I see here as a general attitude of, "Oh, somebody else will do it", with excuses about time, language, technical ability. So, realy, is there no one prepared to volunteer for the simple task of creating a new discussion this month, based on the previous. So contact me, be promoted to moderator within the group.

The updating the Winner's discussion, and the podium group, again these are basic tasks using ipernity features available to a group moderator. So volunteer, or let them be neglected.

If nothing happens with the above, there will be no need to decide how to share the more technical tasks, and access to the account for approving submitted photos. No need for a voting machine as shown this time. Vote counting is entirely feasible by hand.
4 years ago.
Amelia club
I can understand how you feel Rob. You have been so helpful in the past and steered me through the complexity (in my view) of the site. Unfortunately I too will use the excuse - lack of technical ability.
4 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Just to reiterate I am willing to help but simply cannot do everything that Rob did I simply do not have the time, Photo title updating and vote counting is fine but other parts are not for me I'm afraid.
4 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Thanks for your availability Roger, as administrator there is the possibility to do something to continue this game, hoping that there may be some other volunteers.
Of course, always under Rob's supervision.
4 years ago.
Mariagrazia Gaggero club has replied to franco benf club
Ma speriamo Franco, io resto dell'idea che le persone più "capaci" in tutto
siate Tu e la Daniela, avete tanta esperienza che vi portate dietro ancora
da Panoramio , buonanima. .....
Un caro saluto a Te e al gruppo
4 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
I take this opportunity to remind you that voting for the CWP closes on the 24th.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
Ma Mariagrazia, non sempre la gente può fare quello che faceva prima. Dopo tanti anni, poi.

Ma questo mese il gioco non c'è?
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Mariagrazia Gaggero club has replied to Daniela Brocca club
Hai ragione Daniela.
Il gioco non c'è più....
4 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Today, as I did some weeks ago, I tried to see if our dear SPC had started yet. As I read the above stories and comments I am saddened that it has come to this. The abandonment of our game here. I cannot blame Rob nor indeed Franco for 'calling it a day' and stepping down from their roles here. Although they say it is all fairly easy to carry out, the main thing it requires is time and dedication -a commodity that seems to be in rare supply, even in these days of general home isolation for so many. Unfortunately I count myself in that group, as wanting to be dedicated but not wanting to tie myself down in being available all the time.
What next? Hopefully somebody will still take on the mantle, in the meantime I still compete in the CWP, again maintained by Rob and company.
In the meantime I would like to thank everybody here for their past time and efforts in making the SPC quite unique for us.
Good luck and wishes.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.

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