Group: SPC Play Group

General: Questions and Answers

Rob Stamp
By A Rob Stamp club
21 Jul 2018 - 44 comments - 1 107 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

The game was started at Panoramio, later the submitted photos were hosted on a member's server, and I accept the various reasons why we have seen few new players.

I hope this new method of running it within ipernity will change this.

First, what will be familiar to CWP players?
The use of a group to collect the photos for each contest. Thus the same viewing and voting methods.
A few regular moderators, so that the winner does not have to worry about running the next game, only the difficulty of deciding on the next theme.

The differences?
You do not add a photo to the group.
The photo has to be a new upload, not already in your gallery.
You upload it to the Iper SPC account by attaching it to an email to an address ,for example looking like
which results in the photo being added to the account.
The photo cannot have a watermark, nor even a frame that could reveal your identity, thus you are advised to upload a lower resolution photo.

How does it affect current SPC players?
Perhaps an advantage that it become more similar to CWP, no more extra half vote points, or a favourite bonus, and +1 for voting rather than -1 when failing to vote.
The voting selection made via the Voting Machine, has to be posted, not just saved to the database.
You will need an ipernity account, which will have an annual cost.

Secret Photography Challenge gallery

SPC game rules and instructions

Please do not start new threads, instead add comments or questions here.


The topic of this discussion has been edited by Iper SPC 17 months ago.

44 comments - The latest ones
First, Rob, thank you for undertaking this project and devoting what I perceive to be considerable time and effort. Second, being a believer in the KISS principle, I think adopting the CWP voting system, or the old Panoramio scoring system if you will, here will turn out to be advantage; certainly it is from my point of view. Next, a point of clarification which is explicit in the game rules post; under differences, "b) The photo must not already exist in your gallery, you can of course upload to your gallery AFTER the contest.". Finally, you have my express permission to transfer my photos already entered this month to the new group/contest.

Thanks again, Mark
6 years ago.
Heidiho club
seems interesting. I think I will start in August ... (when I'm back home)
6 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
Rob Can you make very clear the email we need to send to I was about to sent a trial today but not quite sure what happens when sent I held back. or

mine is letters and number can you make it clear how we go forward. I think the best you could do and yes I think moderator should vote and vote early. Look forward to your reply before we get started next month as it all new to us all.

6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Thanks Steve

A self test email is a good idea, to better understand, after reading the step by step instructions in the rules.

I have added this to the rules, section 2, extra details at *d).
You might like to upload a photo by email to yourself, not the one intended for the contest, to understand how it works, to see how the Subject, and the content of the message, will appear when added to the Iper SPC account.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club

As I understand we cant use our own email or we will just end up in our own accounts. We have to all have the email account of the SPC play group so the photo get here not our galleries. from what I saw easy enough to do with the right info. as yet I still have not seen any where in the steps rules that email address so its clear to the group.

I hope this goes well for us all for the future.
6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Hi Steve

Thank you for your comment, indicating the need for some clarification.
The address is deliberately not made public.
Please see 2d in the rules, which I have edited.

Also see above, the bold addition to *d)
6 years ago.
Steve Paxton club has replied to Iper SPC club
Thanks We all will still be here waiting to see this get off the ground and totaly in your hands. All the best from the Wet West.
6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
I have removed discussion in which Adriana said,
Riesco a votare , solo qui.

I took it as a question "I can vote only here?"

My answer
Hi Adriana

Answered by email.

All existing SPC players are to vote as usual at the VM site.

If you wish, you can add a post in the contest discussion, but because voting is secret with the rules at the moment, only put

"My vote will appear here after the close of voting"
6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
{moved from contest thread}

I do not know if franco confused people, by uploading a new photo suitable for the red theme, but I see new red ones from Eunice, Heidiho, and Peter.
None of these can now be used for the Secret Photographer Challenge, if that was the reason for the new uploads.

One thing to learn, how to upload by email, and with 2 weeks to end of month, no need to panic.
You know how to send emails.
It is easy to attach a photo to an email.
The email address has not changed since you were written to, when you joined the group.
Just be aware of the importance of putting the title in the subject line, and your ipernity name in the message content.

A current player without club membership, can continue to play, when their account is deleted.
No account needed to upload by email to the Iper SPC account.
No account needed to visit ipernity and look at the photos in the group.
No account needed to use the voting machine.
An ipernity account is needed to post in a discussion, and the solution to voting, will be to send a private email to a moderator, who can post a comment like this.
I can write some extra program to check for ##vote-by##, and use the name after it, and not the name of the moderator who made the post.

So, we have a SPC contest this month, with all regular players (not on holiday) able to take part, if some may need some guidance.


franco benf said
Excuse me Rob,
I did not want to create confusion, I uploaded the photo before your decision on the red theme.
We know that for participation the photo must be unpublished, and remains the property of the author, can be uploaded to gallery at the end of the game.
The voting is not very clear but you can get used to this too.

Adriana A said
Adesso si carica per e- mail? sempre più confusione! temo che invece di aumentare i giocatori diminuiscano
6 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
Like franco I uploaded the red photo before I knew the new theme, it just happened to be in flower
6 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
HaHaHa, pure randomness, the photos published in our galleries can not participate in the iperspc game must be unpublished as it has always been.
It seems a bit complicated, it is true, but simply send the photos to the email indicated by Rob (attention the translator changes email) without being in a hurry the photos will be made public

Happy holidays to all
6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
In response to a valid concern, please note this addition to the rules,

*h) If you see a photo and think the moderator has made a mistake to include it, especially if you are the winner who chose the theme. Please send a message to Iper SPC with your opinion, and do not raise your concern in public.

6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
For those who played SPC at the VM site, after the end of contest, you were able to see the names of voters against each photo. And for new players from CWP, perhaps you would like easy access to see who voted for you.

Results with voter’s names

In the “Highlight Voter” box, you can put your name to see where the photos that you voted for finished. For interest you can see how others voted. And by finding your own photos, you can see who voted for yours.

It does require some time to perform the data export, after all the other actions at the end of contest, so it will not be immediately available with the results.
6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Adriana asks:
Visibilità foto
E' normale che non veda le foto ella VMC?

I think you are asking why there is not a voting machine at the panoramiogames web site.

The photos are visible full size, in this group, and in the 'iper SPC' gallery.
So I do not take the time to make a voting machine each day, where the viewing size is limited.

The VM is best used for helping to reduce the number of photos you like, to select the final photos you vote for.

Ciao, Rob
6 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Capito grazie
6 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
oggi 30 novembre ore 21, non vedo ancora le foto nella VM
6 years ago.
franco benf club has replied to Adriana A
Adriana oggi siamo il 29 novembre probabile che domani vengano caricate e le vedrai nel panoramio games
6 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
vero, mi sono accorta adesso
6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
no ore 23, terrò d'occhio il mio orologio per le 22:00
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Would it be a good idea to have only 7 days for voting, reduced from the current 9?

Perhaps the high voting rate in the first two days this time, was because the voting opened on the weekend. But a 7 day voting period would always include a weekend.

The contest could then start on the 12th each month, with the benefit of extra days available for taking new photos.

Please comment on this idea, so that it could be introduced for next contest, with voting 1-7 January.

Regards, Rob
6 years ago.
Erhard Bernstein club has replied to Iper SPC club
I agree.
6 years ago.
Bergfex club
I think that it is a good idea!

Sorry I'm not very active in Iper SPC right now.
My workload in the ima team leaves me no leeway.
6 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Probably makes little difference to me although I notice one or two leave until the last day or so
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Amelia club
Seems OK for me.
6 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
I like this extension to the photo submission dates. As already said, I think that the voting phase is quite long enough at seven days instead of nine too. We have a saying however "if it is not broken -don't fix it"!

Thanks for making my active journey into the SPC an exciting one.
6 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
It seems a good idea to me
6 years ago.
 Eunice Perkins
Eunice Perkins club
I prefer the 9 day voting period,but will fit in with the majority.
6 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
I think it's a good idea,
I also remember that anyone who is a member of this group can vote, even if they did not send a photo.
6 years ago.
Heidiho club
Good idea ! Let's do it.
6 years ago.
per me va bene Rob grazie per il tuo interessamento ciao buona giornata Bruno
6 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Good idea, for me it's okay
6 years ago.
Good idea Rob; I'm in favor.
6 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
I don't understand very good the purpose of the change, but for me it's ok.
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Thank you all. At this point it is clearly a majority in favour.

The primary reason for the change was to give more time to take new photos. It might not have made a difference with more people getting creative with suitcases, but sometimes the weather or commitments may limit the opportunity.

A second point I had not realised earlier, is that the wait for the results will be shorter.
6 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
I think the idea a good one the time to take photos is a very good idea and speed the result up alsp makes it better as well.
6 years ago.
 Leo W
Leo W club
it is ok
6 years ago.
 Mariagrazia Gaggero
Mariagrazia Gaggero club
Va bene, ora il tempo per la votazione è lungo meglio averne di più
per postare
6 years ago.
Gudrun club
Good idea!
6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Adriana A
Adriana A
scusate, non ho ben capito. è scritto " il pattern non deve essere geometrico, quindi ripetere, forme meno regolari sono ok", ma le foto in concorso sono quasi tute geometriche e regolari, ho capito male?
2 weeks ago.
Daniela Brocca has replied to Adriana A
Si intende che non è obbligatorio,ma può esserlo, Adriana.Guarda le mie foto nel link dove c'è scritto favorite.
2 weeks ago.
Adriana A
Adriana A
Dal link mi si apre un po' di tutto, comunque credo di aver capito, grazie
2 weeks ago.
Daniela Brocca has replied to Adriana A
Nel link ci sono le foto di tutti che io ho scelto come favorite, quelle con la stellina.
2 weeks ago.
Paolo Tanino has replied to Daniela Brocca
Ovviamente sono foto che non possono essere utilizzate perchè già editate su Ipernity
5 days ago.
Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca
Eh certo, sono solo di esempio per capire il tema che magari non è semplicissimo.
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
A casual visitor to this group will probably be put off by the sight of a long set of rules, and question why choose to upload photos to a gallery where they have no control, and to a limited number of viewers. The answer might be to make proper, personal introductions to the game - not just a link to the group. So it is up to you to try and recruit new players from amongst your contacts.
5 years ago.
Annemarie club
I got an invite from Herb...send you my photo, but then a red that the pic should not yet posted in my account....
so WRONG ( do not consider my e-mail)
PS my be I will post some inedit once for the contest
Thanks anyway
4 years ago.
Herb Riddle club has replied to Annemarie club
Hi Annemarie, I'm sorry about the mix up. What I really meant , was that sort of picture from you should be entered -not that exact one. -Yes, once on your Ipernity account, that one cannot be entered. Ah well.
Best Wishes, Herb
4 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Hi Annemarie

Thanks for noting the rules, and you have until the end of the month.

4 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
is the second month that I can not vote, when I try, it is written

Error 404
Apache/2.4.2 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c
4 years ago.

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